Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 25, 1976, Image 12
17 lancastwr farnwnt. Saturday Scpl 73. 19/6 Pa. Jersey breeders shut out HARHtsmiU. P.nn syl vanla Jcr w|i were shvri out o< th. winner » cirri, during th. All American Jmwy Shew held her* on Thursday Hut placing within th. top five of various r biases wrr. entries from Shady Hill-Side Farm. Wewl Cheater, Retain. Jeraeys, Fverctt. SUlexrtle Jersey* Litlleslown. and C Irada Acre*. Peach IkAtom The Pennsylvania herd look third place In the slate herd or provincial conical Seven da tea were represented For the fourth year In a row. H V F, formerly Happy Valley Farm, Danville, Kentucky, dominated the rating* In the All-American Jersey Show H V F captured the grand champion honor* m the female division as well as the premier exhibitor banner H V F'a grip on the competition was broken only by the Pioneer Farm, Old Lyme, Conn which showed 4h - The pony pulling contest was a special evening attraction during the All-American Ponies pull heavy loads HARRISBURG - Ponies from Lycoming County won three prizes at the annual Keystone State Pony Pulling Contest held Tuesday night in the Farm Show arena. Forty-three teams took part in the contest, the second of its kind to be held at the Pennsylvania All- American Dairy Show. A team owned by Bryon Stackhouse, Unityville won NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Pa. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29, 1976 12:30 COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL FOR IRA BEILER, ROBESONIA RD2 28 Cows in all stages of production. 4 Springing Heifers and 12 Open Heifers. Several High Producing cows in this herd. Also 30 head of Close Springers and Fresh Cows consigned by Norman Kolb. 18 top quality 2nd and 3rd calf cows picked from 1 herd. Abe Diftenbach, Manager the grand and rrarer, grand champion bulla O.n.rator Hrauty i Tara. ' a flr#-year-old cow. waa named the arnlor and grand champion female A four year-old. S H Merry Mlaa, ‘ owned and exhibited by the Skl-A Killa Jeraey Farm. Westminster. Md. claimed the reserve senior and grand champion ban ner* The Junior champion female waa a senior yearling heifer. Generator* Violet Pctula," shown by the Greenland Jersey Farm. Hopkinsville, Kentucky Reserve Junior champion female honors went to "W K Faithful Stacey," exhibited by Michael Heath, West- - minster, Md The Pioneer Farm walked away with the bull honors "Fashion's Reply," a bull call, was judged Junior champion and reserve grand champion bull In addition. the lightweight division (up to 1,000 pounds) with an attempt at 3,200 pounds. Cliff narrow’s team, from Towanda, took medium weight honors with a pull of 4,100 pounds. The heavyweight division was won by the team owned by James Judge, Cowansville, with an attempt at 4,500 pounds. Competition in the contest Pioneer Farm ■ Merry (•Udiator," a two year-old. was named the senior champion and grand champion bull The reserve Junior champion was a bull calf.' U of D Haronet .Supreme Falstaff," exhibited by Alice Haenletn, Newark. Delaware Reserve senior champion bull honor* were earned by Sleeping Signal Sultan." a two-year-old Quarantine lifted NEW YORK. N Y - Slate and federal hog cholera quarantines were 'lifted recently from the remaining counties of Massachusetts, the U S Department of Agriculture announced Officials of USDA's is limited to teams owned by received $6O and a trophy; Pennsylvania residents, second place, $5O; third, $4O; Drivers must also be state , * . ’ , residents. fourth, $3O; and fifth place, First place winners $2O, in each class. COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL TUESDAY, OCT. 5,1976 Located 5 miles North of Nottingham, Pa., 9 miles South of Quarryville on Roberts Road along Rt. 272 at Oak Hill, follow arrows North Vi mile. 80 HEAD HOLSTEIN GRADE DAIRY CATTLE 80 47 Milk Cows 33 Heifers 12 Cows due Oct., Nov., Dec. 23 Cows were fresh July and Aug. Balance throughout year 7 Heifers bred last 3 months All home raised except 6 head 20 years ABC breeding Sale held under cover. TB and Bangs Certified, charts Day of Sale. Terms by MRS. ALICE E. BRINTON Executrix of the Estate of Loran W. Brinton Phone 717-529-2561 Aucts. - J. Everett Kreider, 786-1545 Carl Diller 464-2233 Attorney - Elvin Byler shown by IS* Winday KrWI Farm. RortrUle, Md H V K J eraey* «»i named the premier exhibitor. and the Wavrriy Farm. Clear brook. V« . «m ftr#n IS* banner >i premier brewder The premier »ire wa* Milestone Crmnalar ' TS* bull U now deceased. but hi* Uat owner *m the American Hrrcdrr .Sendee The Judge lor the show was I>r Hilton Boynton. Rich mond, Mm* Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said this action completes the lifting of the hog cholera quarantine placed on Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and three counties in New Hampshire on July 20 12:00 Noon Lunch Furnished Farm Women help Heart Association I«AN(,A.STKR ll la known to many lhaS apple* ar* ■ moat verwfttle fruit They are baked. Mua*d. u>*d in pie* and )*Uy. and haw bean noted u keeping both IS* dentist and doctor away Now. for three d*y*. apple* will help to t»v* Ur«w The American H«art A*»oclaiion, Lancaster Pennsylvania Chapter will hold tU annual Apple Tax Day* at Park Qly Center, on September XI. October 1 and 2 The aale will be from 10 am to 9 X) p m each day This year the table* will be staffed by volunteer* from the F«rm Women'* Association of Lancaiter County Community Fair* in Ephrata. New Holland, Manhetm, Eliubethtown, and Lampeter are also conducting Apple Tag Days and will be staffed by COMPLETE DISPERSAL SATURDAY, OCT. 2, 1976 AT 11:30 A.M. Right in Tyler Hill, PA. Wayne Co. Tyler Hill is on Rt 371. 16 mi. from Honesdale. PA or 5 mi. from Calicoon, NY. Arrows. 53 Hi-GRADE HOLSTEINS 50 Mature cows. 2 Heifers. 1 Service bull. This young dairy is mostly either right fresh or due before December. Showing lots of milk, size & dairy character. Examined for pregnancy & interstate charts. MACHINERY JD 3010 Diesel Tractor w-front loader, 3 pt., etc.; Farmall M Tractor w-loader; Starline Barrel Spreader; AC conditioner (about new); JD No. 115 Chuck Wagon & running gear; Stanchions, etc., etc. PRODUCE About 8000 bales very good hay to be sold in 3 or 4 lots. 23 acres standing com to sell in 3 lots. Suitable to pick or silage. TERMS Cash or Approved Check. MARVIN & BETTY PRICE Owners Jim Adriance, Auctioneer Montrose, PA 717-278-1574 NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna. FALL HEIFER Iti SPECIAL W SATURDAY, OCT. 16, 1976 |Tv| 10:00 A.M. f ' 600 HEIFERS 200 Registered Holstems All ages. Some started calves to fresh heifers. Many with records and good pedigrees. 400 HEAD GRADES. All Ages, Several lots of big springers. Also many big open heifers ready to breed SPECIAL MENTION Ray Getz from Myerstown is sending a group of outstanding Registered Heifers with fine pedigrees. To Consign Animals Contact: New Holland Sales Stables Office 717-354-4341 or Abe Diffenbach 717-393-4464 or Norman Kolb 717-397-5538. All animals should have a 30 day TB and Bloodtest for out of State Shipment. Abe Diffenbach, Manager member* at IS* lanraster C-oonty Federated Women'* flub* Free blood prweeur* tenting will be provided at moat of the Apple Tag Day altea Apple* for (he project are being donated by the Kiwant* Hub* of lan caster County Proceed* from IhU event will help to find the lan caster Chapter’* Riak Factor .Screening Program Thl» project help* to detect a person that may be at rUk of having a heart attack or atrokc Heart dlaeaae remain* the number ooc killer In the nation and lancaater County Thia year’a aloft an. ■ WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE” typi/iea the dedication and cause of the American Heart Aasociation, Lancaster. Pennsylvania Chapter, ana all of their volunteers