Public Sales Register FIU f*7 15 } I'M VStft rheater Virginia Feeder ( alf and V carting Sale So he held at the Farmer* tiserfnrk P.irhange. Inr Inraied J u, mile* weet of " mrhr*ter onl' S lUuxte jO HU (XT Ji 13 X Public Sale of Hegutered Hobrtein Dispersal Wated 4 miles »r»1 of New Holland Pa 3 miles North of Ht 33. take (troffdale road then onto Ist Pa. Chester White & Berkshire Bred Gilts. ' Service Age Boars and Open Gilts Sale 1 Friday. October i. 1976 \ Shows PM Sole? 30 PM f| \\ ’A,* lebinon County fan Ground; lebmen Pem« Route 72 to Rcclety Road [ill fur Ground; on Rifhl * I For Chttler mute CiUk* «nte j for &elkihirt wnlt CHARLES E. GRIEST ARLIE CORNBOWER R 1 Abbortslown Pi 17301 : R 1 New freedom Pi 17349 Ph 717 624 5421 evenings . Ph 717 235 1549 evening; Judte Ronald Ir os tie Red bon Pa Auctioneer Harry Bachman Free supper available al barn 1 hour before sale hme WILMER F. BECK OFFERS AT PUBLIC AUCTION THE FOLLOWING MACHINERY, GOODS AND TOOLS USED BY BECK'S FEED A GRAIN INC. ON THE PREMISES AT Railroad and Peach Streets KUTZTOWN PA. North on Railroad Street Starting at 10:00 A.M., October 11th. TO WIT: One 20 inch Eammermill, J.B. Size 4SW with V-belt drive and three phase 220-440 volts 75 H.P. motor—one 15 inch Hammenmll, size 3UX J.B. direct drive with 50 H.P. motor, 3 phase, 220440-hook up. There are a lot of screens for both mills. One millik cob crusher with motor and drive—One munson cob crusher—One Union Special sewing machine or bag closer, in excellent condition with stand and bag table—One Fischbein bag closer model D with stand and bag belt—Also lots of extra parts—Two horizontal mixers, high speed, complete with drives, they are modem batch mixers—One Vertical one ton mixer, complete with drive—One vertical two ton mixer, complete with drive, also one molasses feed blender associated with this mixer, with motor and molasses meter—One Riza Molasses feed blender with drive— One automatic scale for molasses mix or dry mix feed—One automatic winch to unload bulk material from Railroad box cars, Like new—One drum hoist or winch, used for rope hoist in mill, in good condition—One com cracker and grader—One permanent magnetic spout separator especially for removing tramp metal from material feeding into mixers—also comd be used ahead of hammermills, not recommended for uncrushed ear com—Two scourers, both used for cleaning grain and clipping and cleaning oats—One small motor driven cleaner, good for farm use, Just like the ones you use to operate by hand—Three Richardson automatic scales, two bushel capacity, in very good condition, all equipped with counters—One automatic receiving scale with counter, one bushel size—One 500 pound capacity Mixer, especially useful for making premixes—one Rosskamp oats crimper with 9bv 12 rolls, in good condition—model J with motor and drive—one brand new wheel driven fertilizer spreader, LELY, model W, very popular—One ton mixer, with Motor and Drive—One Sprout Waldren, Number 5N V air pump pneumatic conveyor with two air locks. ONE HYSTER FORK LIFT, capacity 3000 lbs to 2000 lbs out 18 inches on fork. 6 wooden elevators with belts and buckets, several sizes, with community drives (on same line shaft) a few with separate drives—One ten inch vertical screw conveyor, 36 feet long, with drive—One ten inch screw conveyor, 62 feet long, with drives—(One screw conveyor, 12 inch, 25 feet long—One horizontal screw conveyor, 12 inch, 22 feet long with drive—One screw conveyor, 40 feet long, with drive—4 feed or silage carts, for use in mill or bam—One portable, adjustable height, feed conveyor, 16 feet long— One 9 inch screw conveyor 24 feet long, with drive—One molasses pump with drive and motor—One small screw conveyor with drive and motor—One hot water heater, like new, 82 gal. Capacity—One portable bulk hopper car unloader, like new, —One ten foot, large capacity bucket elevator, for handling ear com—One 106 foot steel elevator, high capacity, with drive and motor, Bucket elevator, high capacity, with drive and motor, Buckets 10 by 5Vi, like new—One 25 foot bag belt conveyor, 17 inch belt—Eight 1000 gal tanks, good condition, used for molasses—One 275 gal Fuel tank— One 500 gal steel tank—One diesel fuel pump—One 30 horse power Wisconsin 4 cylinder air cooled engine, used to drive air pump on truck blower—One Bag cleaner tube with fan, drive, and motor. good*SlUm. iem 3500 gai CapaCity ’ ' V “ bfor praer We will sell Metal uplleys, shafting, drives, spouting, cyclone Feed and dust collec tors, exhaust fans. Motors of all sizes, some with gear reduction drives, conveyors, Electrical wires, blower pipes, other piping, elbows, and fittings, drop cords, elec tncal boxes, fittings, starters, switches and fuses, paper bags, burlap bags, some teedstufs and many, many other Items too numerous to mention. Terms and conditions to be announced at the beginning of the sale by the Auctioneers. Terms cash unless otherwise arranged for in advance. Melvin and Raymond Hartzel Ufll UTD C ornv Auctioneers ft I Until r. Dtl/lx Franklin Shover, Clerk 206 Pine St., Kutztown, Pa. 683-7629 Vi iiiirr Hoad farm is near Voganville 55 rows and hr 'er« sarr levied U <f ‘ate "3 bHIA ateraye . *! 4 P per rent .. ‘.»r terms In Namur] V A igsh.*rger < arl t >il|er and J [ \ rrett Kr eider Auctioneers KIU rx*7 15 In*per*al hah n! 85 (trade Hofstems all (arm rmjinrnent 5 miles North of f.rrenrattle Pa OCTOBER 11, 1976 11 w nod 1 1 54 ingert t m~,cr Halph llor «t and 1 4i»r '4 .'1 Auctioneer a FHI (x*T 15 ( Milking Herd and Hred Heifer Dispersal at C, Pa Sale Managed In ft (i Itnrkwell 4 Aaviriates Irm Pa VMI (KT 1 j 7Vi f M frr d r r ( a . r (trade*) No horns *<r bulls In f«e he'd at Vi'rth Hranrh 1 o r k ) a r d s Inr Moorefirld ttn) Virginia kHI (K 1 1 j ft I- M Nj(r (o* Sale at the Hlark K HoUlnn karri. Ij»nrasjrr Pa arrr.v from !h<- ( (.mrl Drive In Theatre <r •« mile Wei! o' (reeding uni! (harlrs ( M\er ownrr Abe Diffenbarh auctioneer Henrs Kettenn Pedlar m Park Mver-. bales Manatee '>l a! r IHI (XT 13 7on P M Public Sale of Valuable «i Acre karm I/>cated • mi North of l/co.n off Ht 23 on "2 Upper I>cacock Iwp. I,ancaster Co , Pa Zoning R 2 Terms b> Amos k Hcilcr Kobert k. Martin. &56-I//0 4. Frank L StclJcr 656-9055, Auctioneers KRI OCT 15 - 200 P M Pubbc Sale of Valuable 66 Acre Farm. Zoned R-2 with room for 1000 pigs or 200 steers, 2*-! story double frame dwelling Location - h mi North of Leola off of Rl 23 on 772, Upper Leacock Twp , Lancaster County, PA Terms by Amos F. Beder Robert E Martin, 656-7770 & Frank L. Steller, 656-9055, Auctioneers David Young, Attorney PENNSYLVANIA FEEDER CALF SALES Angus - Hereford - Shorthorn - Crossbred - Steers and Heifers Weight 300-700 pounds The calves will be graded and sold in uniform groups by breed, sex, grade and weight All calves of good breeding, naturally polled or denorned Place Waynesburg (1) Fairgrounds Danville (4) Auction Barn Charles Mortimer Brookville (4) get j 3 iqq PM 225 Munderf Star Route Emnckville Sportsman Club Brookville PA 15R? Knoxsville (2) Auction Barn Armstrong (1) David Brice Belknap Auction Davton oct 16 100 PM 450 Belknap Livestock Market Dayton PA 16222 Bedford (3) Fairground Centre Hall (3) Auchon Barn Westmoreland (1) Ted Kuckuck Fairground Greensburg Oct 25 1 00 PM 200 RD #1 Saltsburi Waynesburg (1) Fairground Adams (i r ( on cnn pu qn Frank Darcey Jr Greiber Farm Gettysburg oct 30 600 PM 90 RD #2 Box 39 1 Fairfield PA 17320 Mercer 4 H Park Keystone International (1) , nL Charles A Itle Mgr Farm Show Building Nov 8 630 PM 12b Farm Show Building Harrisburg Harrisburg PA 17128 Thomasville (York Co) N 12 M George Dutrey Auction Barn m u 730 PM 250 RD #1 Wellsville PA 17365 1 Calves vaccinated against Blackleg and protected against Shipping Fever with Nasal gen on day of delivery to sale point 2 Calves vaccinated against Blackleg and protected against Shipping Fever with an injection of Com biotic on day delivered to sale pon' 3 Calves protected against Shipping Fever with Nasal gen on day of delivery to sale point 4 Calves protected against Shipping Fever with an injection of Com biotic on day of delivery to sale point * Many of these calves suitable for 4 H and FFA Baby Beef Projects All sales will offer a few singles suitable for youth projects ** Additional information can be secureo at the respective Agricultural Extension Offices Wellsboro Waynesburg Mercer Bloomsburg orSunbury Brookville Bellefonte Kittanning Greensburg, Bedford Adams and York, or write PENNSYLVANIA CATTLEMEN S ASSOCIATION P 0 Box 174 State College PA 16801 t ancaster f arming. Saturday. Sept ?S 19Z6 111 k~HI •K 1 13 Annual tkairy ( am Sham am) Sale at U>c Green Dragon livestock Market HD No 3. Uphraia. Prnna Hibhcm Trophic* and Prije Mom-} will l>c awarded tn four rlaaae* Judgmp at 9 SO A M Nale a! 17 60 Noon Walter I) I.naer Proprietor '>A7 (KT ;r. ju AM Piib'ir Sale ~f I arm Mac hmeri Tool-. and Household Art.Cie- Pk alert appro* « lio.e northwe-4 o' hedljon Vor*(o Pa alonj spring* or*) Kd Watch (or '-ixo' • Mr f. Mr-. Huv.ell Kline. HD No 4 Hed Ijon Pa owner* Holier! I Whn-.t Auctionrer SAT OH Ifi - .Sale a! 9 A M Heal k state at 2 P M Public Sale of Vers Valuable Heal I.'tale. Farm Implements. Household Goods and An tiques located one mile West of Gao, Pa along Houle 741 Sale 0) Harold and Anna Fb> Ira Stoltzfus and Son. Ja> Ixian, Auctioneers SAT OCT 16 - 8 30 A M Sharp Lirgc Pubbc Sale of Many P me Early American Antiques, Furniture, Household, etc located 8 mdes northeast of Hanover, Pa on Route No 194 in the Borough of East Berlin at 108 East King Street. Sale by Mrs. Miriam Wagner, owner, 108 E King St, East Berlin, Pa Clair R Slaybaugh, Auctioneer Time Number For Information Contact** Head Date Oct 6 100 PM 800 Dorothy Gildow ....... R_D #2 Prosperity PA 15329 Melvin Lehman Oct 8 730 PM 500 Danville Cattle Company R D #4 Danville PA 17821 Oct 15 100 PM 350 Fred J Koontz Oct 20 12 30 PM 300 R D #2 Bedford. PA 15522 William P Campbell Oct 22 1 00 PM 300 Penns Cave Centre Hall PA 16823 Oct 27 iQQ PM 800 r ot p th |2 G pr ospenty PA 15329 n t on inn nu cn Robert Calvert uct dU /00 PM 50 A gr office Courthouse Mercer PA 16137 HEALTH STATUS VAT 'XT It 10 »A M '-por»al Horae Sale at She I tan t die lireatork Market keaSed old 1U 11 Uamliie I’« f Hmer Melt In A! IxH SAT iXT ,G 10 AM Pablir .Sale <rf Hee-f ( allle karm Marhtner) and Some Honaehold Plus Heal k elate f? 212 Arre karm !r*"*ted in Mifflin C ' >’;11 <ff !.! r i r r r ; , ' M(\r%io»rn I’a at Mill". !ra\ rl U„,r: t> farm »r i miln Pass ,> Srirlir Hamilton Sale *,i lame* and IVirolin H.' tenho’iw HI) No ]. Vr tevtnwT) I’a Mark f,l.r» Aurttoncr' SAT fKT Ifi - 2 P M Publ.e Auction of Lxrrllent (»er Hrmar. s k nrm in York f o Pa directions from Pa Tmpk . Heading Exit. lake Ht 222 S to Ht 30 H)paw ' dmeaster / Takc3oß>pav> V> 17 mi to Hallam-E York Exit FU 4 mi to propert) I-oms Traiman Auction (-o of Pa Brokers & Auctioneers SAT OCT 16 - 30 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Feeder Cattle located midwa> between Morgantown and Reading - from Route No 10 follow Route No 568 West to first Cross Road Turn left and go approx. 4 mile to farm Watch for sale signs Sale by Mark and Oliver Hettinger; Alvin and Elton Homing, Auctioneers. Clyde Beard Cowanesque Valley Livestock Sales Barn Knoxsviile PA 16928 PA 15681
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers