11? Lancaster farming Saturday Sept ?•> IQ/6 Public Sales Register •SAT 0(1 r J 'J 30 A M Public Salr of Antiques Wagons (arrwjjr, Sleighs Horse Drawn Machinerv Tools l/>catedal 137 Heffner Hoad, I imerlck, between .Sunset Hoad t Township lane Hoad from Houle 422 Monte. Pa B. order of M A A Kutra Nelson ( Wcidenbaugh. Auctioneer SAT (XT 5 • 1100 AM Public Auction of Heal Estate, Farm Machinery. Tools & Horse Equipment I-ocalcd ■ 3 miles cast of SudJcrsviUc, Md off of Route 300 on Everett Hoad, Marydcl, MD Sale order b> Guy & Frieda Curtis, owners, RDI Box S6AA, Marydel, Md 21649 Rudnick & Sons, Inc , Auctioneers and Sale Managers SAT. OCT. 9 - 9 A M. Public Auction of Farm Machinery, Sheep, Antiques and Household Goods located along Pmch Road, 6 miles north of Manheun, Pa. on Route 72. Watch for sale sign off Route 72. Sale by Mrs Clarence R. Metzler (Dorothy). Sale conducted by J. Omar Landis Auction Service, J. Omar Landis and Jay M. Witman, Auc tioneers. SAT. OCT. 9 -10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Hay and Straw, and Household Goods located 2 CLA-BET COMPLETE MILKING HERD DISPERSAL Along Route 272,3 miles south of "The Buck," 16 miles south of Lancaster. FRIDAY, OCT, 8, 1976 11:30 A.M. 90 Reg, and Grade Hobteins 90 28 reg. and 62 high grade Sensame, dau. of Simpson Farm Tidy Gent 6yr. 17,794 m 708 F 305 da. Lila, dau. of Milk & Honey Lila Hope 2-7 12,992 527 F 305 da. 4yr. 17,138 772 F 305 da. Vema grade 2- 9,207 425 F 305 da. 3- 14,835 716 F 305 da. Gert, dau. of Whirlhill Kingpin 7yr. 14.809 M 614 F 305 da. Byr. 14.046 M 647 F 305 da. Minnie dau. of Simpson Farm Tidy Gent syr. 12,439 M 453 F 305 da. 6yr. 14.647 M 563 F 305 da. Heidi UNH Guardsman dau. syr. 14.438 M 553 F 305 da. 6yr. 14.056 M 535 F 305 da. Jean Maview Dunloggin Direct dau. 7 yr. 15,453 M 588 F 305 da. Byr. 14,377 M 542 F 305 da. Patsy Whirlhill Kingpin dau. 4- 18.999 M 566 F 305 da. 5- 16.897 M 587 F 305 da. 6 Reg. daus. of Kingpin and 5 Tidy Gents selling. Samp l > of other sires not mentioned: Dibbi' Ideal Dictator, Lime Hollow Burkgov, Mapov t Famous Choice, Paclamar Astronaut, Skokie Regent Juke, Gray View Sky Chief, Tara-Hills StylemaJer. One half of this herd purchased 2 yrs. ago from Bradford County. Therefore you will find other sire powered sires in this herd. Also much of our foundation stock was purchased from the late Bill Reed, Oxford, Pa. 45 fresh from August to November. Balance due throughout year. TB & Bangs certified. 30 day charts. Sale held in tent. Auctioneers note: These cattle must be seen to be appreciated. XRI6 Semen Tank; Bray Breeding Chart. Terms by: CLAIR E. & BETTY M. KREIDER Auctioneers & Pedigree J. Everett Kreider 786-1545 Carl Differ 464-2233 Lunch Furnished miles N | of Irkesburg lum off of Hi .4 at old Ikesburg Set ion! go to in tersertion of Cberrs Valles Hd or 1 mile N of Esrhol Perry C<> (Watch for sale signs I. Sale In Max Powell, owner. HDJ. Millerrtown F’a V Art Klmg Aurt,oneer SAT (KT r i II A M Public Auction of Machmen & Supplies of the I-ate John Matash Location Bloomsburg. HDS. off Houte 487 North of Bloomsburg. Pass 1-80 one mile, turn right Approximately 2h miles Seller-Executrix - Barbara Matash Auctioneer - John Autotorc SAT OCT 9 - 12 30 P M Complete Dispersal of 46 Holstcins, Machinery and Produce located Ist Blacktop off Rt 371, 1 mile East of Rtleyvillc Corners Rileyville is about 10 miles from Honesdale, Pa , or 7 miles from Damascus (Norman Dennis farm; Arrows Terms by Truman Kumble, owner; Jim Adnance, Auctioneer, Montrose, Pa. MON. OCT. 11 - 10.00 A.M. Public Auction of Machinery, Goods and Tools. To be held on the premises at Railroad and Peach Streets, Kutztown. Pa. North on Railroad Street. Sale by Wilmer F. Beck, Beck’s feed A, (.rant lik Mrhm and Hasmond Hartrel Auctioneers TEES (Ml 12 12 30 P M Public Sale of Valuable ANNUAL DAIRY COW SHOW AND SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1976 AT THE GREEN DRAGON SR LIVESTOCK MARKET / RD3.EPHRATA.PA Ribbons. Trophies and Prize Money to be awarded in four classes Expecting 150 to 200 Top Purebred and Grade Cows and Heifers Judging 9.30 A.M Sale 12 00 Noon Walter H. Rbser, Proprietor Office 717-733-2444 Res. 717-838-4318 JENNINGSCRESS SELECT SALE LOCATION—B miles Southeast of Millerton, Pa., Bradford County: 12 miles South of Elmira, N. Y., 12 miles Northwest of Troy, Pa., 13 miles North of Manfield, Pa. (Auction signs from Route 549 and Coryland corners.) FR,DAY ’ idfelfft 0c 11 1976 mm 52 HEAD SELECT REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS 52 31 REGISTERED 21 GRADES Foundation and young milking age animals with pedigrees that are phenomenal. Milking age animal sires: 4 by Whirlhill Kingpin, 1 by Lakefield Fond Hope, 1 by Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief, 3 by Simpson Farm Tidy Gent, 7 by Jenningscress May Fond Hope, 3 by Heatherstone Lucky Type Blazer, Wis Symbol Pride, Thonyma Happy Raven and Jenningscress Archie Abb. Majority fresh or close by sale date. Many of above mentioned milking age animals’ dams were Whirlhill Kingpin dtrs. Bred animals in calf to Sire Power Sires. Some bred to Kingpin by sale date; others carrying calf to Elevation. 2 Registered open heifers breeding age sell by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation 1 with Kingpin dam, 18,000 milk. High producing animals sell with ave. test 4.2 for 73 cows in milk for month of August. Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief dtr. 5-10,273 d, 13,467 m, 4.2 T, 570 F me. Due Oct. 1 to Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation. Jenningscress May Fond Hope dtr. 6-3, 280 d, 15,176 m, 488 F inc. Jenningscress May Fond Hope dtr. 5-0, 317 d, 15,897 m, 4.3 T, 686 F inc. Due Oct. to F G P Elevate Ivan Al. Simpson Farm Tidy Gent dtr. 6-0, projected to 15,295 m, 619 F. Due Dec. 8 to Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation. Interstate Tested Catalogues Sale Mgr. Note —Donald & Leah gave us the privilege to Select 52 from 147 Head of our choice for this dispersal. Sons—Richard, employed as Field Test Engineer; Ronald, Forest Technician. Terms: Cash or Good Check. Donald L and Leah M. Jennings, Db O. Rockwell. & Associates, Sale Managers \ Troy, Pa. Phone 7 ? 17-297-3460 F arm Machinery I *>catrri in (linUri ( o . NiUjm) V alley. 7 mile* 1 art of Hote. |’a turn North travel mile to MraiLi» Farm* Sale hv Mratkn* Farms. Inr Mark Gllck Auctioneer Charts Sale Day Home Raised Owners Tt - F-> (**T JJ I PM THIOLS (KT U 7l* M Ind Spprinl (.faded Fwkr J*lg Yearling Sale 1300 Head to Sale at tFe I ani a«!cr he Said at Fauquier Mwkvarda Jnr Inncadcf 1 tvrstork Ftlrhangc IVnna Marshall Virginia W9m feeder JfT CATTLE & CALF ■C— \ SALES SOUTH BRANCH STOCKYARDS, INC. Moorcficld. West Virginia Phone (304)538 6050. 538 6600, or 257-7231 FRIDAY, OCT. 1 - 1000 HEAD GRADED CALVES All Sales Start at 7 30 P M KKF.I* IN MIND Fri, Oct. 15 Graded Calve*, do bull* or horned calves 1,000 bead Frl. Oct 29 - Clean-up Sale, all kind* - 1200 bead Sales sponsored by South Branch Stockyards & W. Va. Dept, of Agriculture 41st ANNUAL FEEDER & STOCKER CALF SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1976 SALE TIME: 7:30P.M. EDI. ALL CALVES WILL BE OF BEEF TYPE. STEERS AND HEIFERS. NO BULLS. OFF COLOR. OR YEARLING CATTLE WILL BE ACCEPTED. CALVES WILL BE WEIGHED IN ON DAY OF SALE AND SOLD IN UNIFORM LOTS. AC CORDING TO BREED, GRADE AND WEIGHTS. WE ARE SURE YOU WILL FIND THE TYPE OF CALVES YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. COME-BUY OR SELL SHENANDOAH VALLEY LIVESTOCK SALES, INC. 1044 EDOM ROAD HARRISONBURG, VA. 22801 PHONE: (703)434-4482 REGULAR SALE EVERY SATURDAY PUBLIC SALE Saturday, October 9,1976 The undersigned, located 2 miles N.E. of Ickesburg, turn off of Rt. 74, at Old lekesburg School, go to intersection of Cherry Valley Rd. or 1 mile N. of Eschol, Perry Co. (watch for sale signs), will sell the following; Farm Machinery Massey Ferguson-165 tractor, gas, multipower P.S., M.F. 50-1958 Model, less than 2000’ hrs., N.H. Super Hayliner 68 Baler, N.H. Haybine 467, Onterio 13-hoe Drill, Souders Manure Loader, J.D. 3 pt. planter with insecticide box 246, J.D. 3 Section lever harrow, J.D. Roll-bar Rake, Brillion Transport Harrow-10’, M.F. Mower-3 pt. belt drive, J.D. Plow-3 pt. 16” trip, N.H. 24’ Elevator, N.I. 800 Honey Wagon-bulk liquid manure spreader-pto drive, N.H. 327 Manure Spreader-130 bu., J.D. Flail Chopper 16A, J.D. Wagon-wide track with flat, 2-wheel cart, wagon made from trailer axels, 6’ 3 pt. Scraper Blade, 150 Steel Fence Posts, Several Rolls Hog Wire, Air Compressor, Hog Feeders, Shovels, forks, misc. tools (Wagon Load). Hay £ Straw 50 T. Hay-lst & 2nd Cutting-Mixed Hay- (No rain on it)- Alfalfa, brome, clover & timothy, 12 T. Barley & Oats Straw. Household Goods Wooden Kitchen table & ext. boards, Oak Kitchen Cabinet, Chairs, Sofa Bed, Antique Bed & Stand; Chest of Drawers, Floor Lamps, Jars, Blankets, Drapes & Curtains, Oil Space Heater, Iron Kettles & 3 foots, Office Desk, 50 gal. elec, hot water heater, Coal fur nace & Coal. Not Responsible for Accidents Lunch Stand by U.C.C., Ickesburg Owner V. Art Kling, Auctioneer Smith & Kling, Clerks 10:00 A.M MAX POWELL, R.D. 1, Millerstown, Pa
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