1-0 GOW CHOW 36 Daily Concentrate with Milk Power MORE MILK + HIGHER TEST - when mixed with grain according to approved formulas. HI-0 COW CHOW 36 produces a superior, nutritionally balanced milking ration. In early tests, increases in milk production have ranged from 1 to 5 pounds per cow per day when compared to soybean premix, competitive supplements, and Purina Cow 38. All herds showed increases in initial tests. Increases in fat test as well as milk production have been reported by some dairymen. # GET ONE FREE BAG OF A PURINA CALF PRODUCT ’WITH EACH TON OF NEW PURINA HI-0 COW CHOW CONCENTRATE 3 For a limited time only we are offering a free bag of either Nurse-Gro (25 lbs.), Nursing Chow (25 lbs.), Calf Startena (50 lbs.) or Calf Growena (50 lbs.) with each ton of Hi-0 Cow Chow 36 you purchase. This new dairy concentrate contains a unique blending of extra energy ingredients plus vitamins and minerals to give your milking ration the extra "Milk Power” that means extra milk and extra income. Call or come in today for your coupon. % WINNING TEAM IN 76 •YOUR COWS + *YOUR CORN + •PURINA HI-0 Cow Chow 36 High Bros. PHONE. 354-0301 GORDONVILLE McCracken’s Feed Mill, Inc. 2 NEW CHARLOTTE ST., MANHEIM PHONE: 717-665-2186 B. Landis Wenger’s Feed Mill Inc. ONE: 665-3248 PHONE; 367-1195 Hi, MANHEIM RD3 RHEEMS -NEWS Offer Starts Sept. 1,1976. Expires Oct. 31,1976, John B. Kurtz PHONE 354-4616 665-6023 RO3, EPHRATA MAIL TO: NAME ADDRESS TOWN ZIP CODE DIIDINA B°x 2665, c-o Lancaster Farming rURHiII utitz. PA 17543 I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PURINA HI-0 COW CHOW 36 PROGRAM West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. PHONE; 464-3431 WEST WILLOW Umberger’s, Inc. Merger's Mill PHONE- 717-866-2324 PHONE- 717-867-5161 RICHLAND, PA 17087 FONTANA, PA 17042 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept. 11.1976 STATE PHONE John J. Hess, 11, Inc. PHONE; 442-4632 PARADISE W. E. Manifold & Sons PHONE 717-382 4805 FAWN GROVE. PA 17321 81 % PURINA dairy CHOWS