Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1976, Image 20
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Sept. 11, 1976 20 I gem jubal early WX jßli' LOCAL CLASSIFIED h%L ADVERTISING RATES ywy A\^s jii 12c per word l 1.68 minimum charge % - \ / YOU Use This Handy Chart To I wilung%d E ) Figure Your Cost U. work for.. / Words (11 Issue |3l Issues J X 14 or Less 168 403 (I j y 15 180 432 LlJfMKjik IA LK 16 192 461 ryjl 17 204 490 xzx 18 2 16 5 18 Many Soils 19 228 547 > Tn« Acid 20 2 40 5 76 Too Acid Soil acidity is a leading enemy of top crop production in Pennsylvania. Three out of every four crop failures are due to a lack of lime according to a study of crop growth problems in Penn-' sylvama. m About 34 Lives Lost Each Day in Fires Fires kill an estimated 12,425 persons per year in the United States and Canada for an average of about 34 lives lost each and every day, reports the National Fire Protection Association. ADDITIONAL CONSIGNMENTS TO OUR COW SALE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15,1976 12:30 Noon at NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Pa. 30 Head Herd of Holstein Dairy Cows consigned by Norristown State Hospital. 21 Head Mostly Guernseys consigned by Fred Eck man. 1 load Franklin County and Canadian Holstein Cows consigned by Marvin Eshleman. 1 load Purebreds and Grade Holstein Cows consigned by H.D. Matz. Holstein Cows consigned by J. S. Smucker and Raymond Smucker. Wisconsin Cows consigned by Hostetter Bros. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Norman Kolb 717-397-5538 Abe Diffenbach 717-354-4341 WHITE WASHING w it|l DAIRY WHITE -DRIES WHITE -DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY -NO WET FLOORS -IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS -WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY. Also Barn Cleaning Service Available With Compressed Air To have your barn cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lot of the old lime. This will keep your barn looking cleaner & whiter longer MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 cteiillii KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20 percent discount Deadline Thursday of each week s publication Lancaster Farming PO Box 266 Lititz PA 17543 ' Phone Lancaster 717-394 3047 or Lititz 717 626 1164 - S X S VhS %N sW' PHONE 717-394 3047 or 717 626-1164 Farm Equipment Wanted - pair 16.9x38 tires or dual setup. Primary tillage disc B’-10’. Urevich, Wyalusing, Pa. 717-265-8903 For Sale - New Idea Model 310 single row com picker, good condition; Big Dut chman Egg Room cooler. 717-569-1580. Farms Lands Gaining While about half a million 'acres of farm land go into urban uses each year, 1.3 million acres are added to the nation’s cropland base each year, says the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cropland losses can nevertheless be significant in local areas, especially where urban uses compete for the better agricultural lands, the report cautions. Model AB-128 “Temper Dries” to 310 bu. •er hr. • ECONOMICAL TO BUY • ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE • ECONOMICAL TO MAINTAIN The popular AB series of Farm Fans grain dryers gives you a choice of four great models, with drying capacities that range from 210 to 750 bushels per hour. The AB-88, the AB-128, the AB-35A and the AB-500A ... all are fully dryers are fully automatic, rugged, versatile and mobile. All four dryers are engineered for operating efficiency. Their low initial cost saves you money at the time of purchase; their efficient operation keeps on saving you money. E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. Farm Equipment For Sale - 500 and 600 Case Tractors with belt pulley and PTO shaft. Aaron Miller, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. For Sale - John Deere Forage Harvester No. 38 with two row com head. 717- 637-4887 Nearly new Fox forage harvester, model 900. Pickup and 2-row corn heads. $3,000.00. Ph. 717-547-1481. For Sale - Manure Loader fits Farmall H $75.00; Farmec Silage Distributor $50.00. 717-872-5675 USED EQUIPMENT Silo Unloaders Forage Boxes Weaverline Carts Self-Propelled Feeders SHOW-EASE STALL CO. 523 Willow Road, Lane., Pa. Ph. 717-299-2536 John Deere 1010 Crawler Dozer, all hydraulic; 444 M. H. Tractor, 3 pt. hookup, 55 H.P.; 650 Int. Tractor, 65 H.P. Phone 717-656-7013 FARM 2 3 WE SELL, SERVICE AMD INSTALL R.D.I, Willow Street Farm Equipment' For Sale -1965 Int. 160012 ft. dump. 1964 Ford F6OO. A.C. mounted com picker, M. 315 combine, 408 Oliver grinder blower, 2 sets A.C. plows, Case forage harvester, 16 ft. truck bed. Phone 717-444-3968 J.D. 1971, 3020 D with Cab. All sizes of I.H. new & used Tractors. New Idea mounted Com Pickers, No. 305 & 319 with husking beds or sheller beds. J.D., Oliver, New Idea single row pickers. Merrill Kratzer 717-524-9697 For Sale - 1-row Wood Bros, pull picker $7OO. J.D. No. 44 2x14” hyd plow $75. J.D. No. 324 9’ spring tooth harrow $lOO. IH 8’ pull disc 20-18” discs $2OO. Massey Harris No. 1 baler $2OO. All equipment in good condition. 717-993-6773 Late Model Me. 1 P.R. Picker will be sold at David Good’s Sale on Wednesday, Sept. 15. JOHN BEAN POTATO HARVESTER NO. 156, MUST SELL $5OO. PH: Holtwood 284-4628 All four models feature fully automatic operation for staged drying, giving you reliable control of all func tions loading, drying, cooling and unloading. “Temper Dry” is the exclusive name that Farm Fans gives its unique method of drying grain. The correct degree of cycled heat is matched with a proper volume of controlled air flow through the grain, tempering it to the desired moisture content. Result: brighter colored, high qualify grain that brings you maximum test weight for top prices at the elevator. 1 Grain hopper 2 Leveling auger 3 Grain flow switch 4 Dual belt drive 5 Factory installed adjustable vaporizer for trouble-free gas flow [liquid propane units] 6 Star Fire 2-stage burner with electric ignition and purge cycle [no pilot flame] 7 Direct driven, cast aluminum high pressure fan 8 Gas inlet filter 9 Transport kit 10 ASC Control Center 11 Moisture check thermostat extends length of drying column 12 Quick release cleanout 13 Adjustable discharge shield 14 Flanged discharge auger 15 Electro coated galvanized perforated sheets 16 12" grain column 717-464-3321 Farm Equipment Used John Deere 1209 Mower Conditioner. EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO. INC. 30 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 717-272-4641 Owatonna model 100 Mixer Mill Wood Bros, picker AC WD Tractor N.I. 702 Gas Uni-Tractor J.D. 110 riding tractor w mower & blade ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephrat* 717-859-2441 Feed and Silage Carts made to order. Levi D. Riehl, ED 2 Honey Brook, PA 19344. For Sale - 550 Oliver Tractor, 60 hours running time, phone 717-626-0719. Gehl chopper, pickup and corn head, all in working order. 2 sets of knives. $450. 717-529-2396. For Sale - International 656 diesel hydro. Narrow front end, A-l condition. Ph. 717- 933-8713. New Idea one-row corn picker, $2400. Ph: 717-933- §695. New Idea mounted sheller, fits any New Idea picker; 2 yrs. old. Ph: 717-284-4618. Used New Idea 12 roll mounted com picker. Ph: 717-284-4618. FULL LINE PARTS DEPT.