Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1976, Image 18
&—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Sept. 11. 1976 1 Peaches over, By JOANNE SPAHR LANCASTER peach harvest is almost over, if not totally com pleted, in Lancaster Far ming’s coverage area, and the general concensus is that the present apple crop is good in quantity and quality with “spotty” variations in the different varieties over the area. Peaches Most of the peach or chardists completed this year’s harvest last week with the crop nearly two to three weeks ahead of schedule. Overall, the report is that the fruit was of “excellent” quality and anywhere from slightly below to slightly above average in yield. One fruit farm near Quarryville reported a larger than average amount Johnston named to committee WASHINGTON, D.C. - Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz named Mrs. Rita Zimmer Johnston of Bethesda, Md., as a “grassroots consumer” member of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Advisory Committee on Regulatory Programs. The two-year committee was established in early March to evaluate selected regulations affecting agriculture and the food industry. In late March Secretary Butz appointed the committee’s original members, selecting them from a variety of backgrounds. The eight member panel met formally for the first time in June. The appointment of Mrs. Johnston, who has been closely associated with consumer concerns, is the Department’s response to public requests for a strengthened consumer representation on the committee. Mrs. Johnston is a member of the National Panel of Consumer Ar bitrators and a past chair person of the Montgomery County (Maryland) Ad visory Committee on Con sumer Affairs. In 1946 she became a registered professional nurse at the Nazareth College School of Nursing, Rochester, N.Y. She received her B.S. degree from Nazareth College in 1949, and did post-graduate work at the Roswell Park Memorial Hospital, Buffalo, N.Y., and at the University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., in 1950. In 1974 Nazareth College made Mrs. Johnston an honorary doctor of humane letters. Mrs. Johnston has also been active in the following organizations: the Inter- American Commission of Women (of the Organization TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! of late peaches from previous years. The late rains of the season were credited with producing this occurrence. The Statewide, the crop averaged a few less than last year, and on the whole, prices hovered near last year’s mark with a few growers asking slightly higher prices. At present, cold storage peaches are still being harvested, but by the beginning of this week, all varieties of the fruit should be cleaned up. Apples Apples are spotty around southeastern Pennsylvania. Paul McPherson of Maple Lawn Farms, York County, reports that bis Delicious crop is shorter than usual, but that die Stayman Winesaps are in good quantity. of American States); the National Commission of the Observance of International Women’s Year (Department of State); the Women’s Institute of the American University; and the U.S. Committee of Cooperation with the Inter-American Commission of Women. Master Mix starter feeds are designed to provide the correct levels ot medication from the first day your truck unloads High pafata billty and carefully-balanced nutritional content help assure fast, trouble-free recovery from shipping stress. And, because of the wide range of Master Mix beef starter feeds available you don’t have to adjust your way of doing things to our feeding program Whether you feed in drylot or pasture concentrate or complete feeds top dress or grind and mix, shelled corn or corn-and-cob mix s a Master Mix starter program designed for you Let us show you the com plete Master Mix feeding and animal health program soon l SEE LIST OF DEALERS PAGE 80 Master Mix apples coming He also noted that his crop is in “pretty good shape,” however, because, although the crop is smaller than usual, the size is larger than average. % •IF THE PROBLEM IS GENETIC HERE ARE FOURTEEN ANSWERS FOR YOU! BBS Another orchard in York County, however, reports that their particular Red Delicious crop is “fairly good” with no marked reduction in number. In 2A% 2.7% Is Low % Fat a Problem In Your Herd •IT MAY BE NUTRITIONAL OR IT MAY BE GENETIC! 29H1928 NOR-LENE ALSTAR PILOT VG PQ S/75 34240 1546 H 99% + 185 M +.24% 29H2612 WILL-POND SUPER CHARGE G 170 12H 42% +1.015M +.09% 29H2477 COLLINS-CREST SUNSHINE CHIEF VG PQ 9/76 44D 35H 70% + 707 M +.08% 29H2526 ARLINDA BLACKHAWK VG 46D 31H 68% + 675 M +.08% 29H2501 MOWRY-K IMPERIAL KNIGHT VG PQ 9/75 34D 26H 65% + 884 M +.06% 29H1890 FINEVIEW KBOP TONY VG PQ 9/75 2394 D 1090 H 99% +1.036M +.04% 29H1915 OLYMPIC SEGIS ERIC-TWIN+++GP PQ 9/75 1473 D 682 H 98% + 891 M +.04% 29H1904 UTAG IVANHOE ULTIMATE EX GM 2/71 4714 D 1968 H 99% + 449 M +.02% 29H1967 LARIGAN SEGIS SEVENS-TWIN GP PQ 9/75 44D 35H 74% + 574 M +.02% 29H2417 UK FOND MATT ART GP PQ 9/75 43D 35!! 72% + 951 M +.02% 29H2588 PACLAMAR ASTRO TOP COMMAND EX 38D 25H 61% + 483 M +.02% 29H1953 MOWRY-C CITATION ROCKET EX GM 9/75 49D 22H 59% + 536 M +.01% 29H2470 LIME-HOLLOW FAMOUS NED VG 27D 25H 63% + 645 M +.01% I f 29H1957 BURKET-FALLS ABC GM 9/75 [Polled) « 29D 6H 38% + 276 M +.01% <• 'stxj To obtain future herd replacements with higher genetic ability for % fat call your local ABS Representative today! Bangor, PA Denver, PA Gap, PA Holtwood, PA Landisville, PA Milton, PA Port Murray, NJ Reading, PA Richland, PA Stewartstovm, PA Thomasville, PA Vmcentown, Ni West Grove, PA AMERICAN BREEDERS SERVICE general, however, they agree with McPherson that the apple crop is smaller than usual this year. One reason cited for this oc currence was the cold, wet weather in early spring which prevented the blossoms from pollinating properly. Lancaster County or chardists reported the same contradictions. Some have full apple orchards, while ?> 2.6% 2.5% / Eric Heinsohn Damn Yoder Lynn Gardner Paul Herr James Charles Marlin Bingaman Robert Kayhart Robert Greider Paul Martin Marvin ioines Ira Boyer 717-284-4592 717-898-8694 1-800-322-8550 201-689-2605 215-374-7798 717-866-4228 717-993-2281 717-225-3758 609-463-3783 215-869-9187 Gerald Hall Maurice Stump others have as low as half a crop. The Red Delicious was a low producer in some parts of Lancaster County, also. In general, the apple prices for this year will be slight bit higher than last year’s prices. Pears, as well as peaches, are over for the season. They were of good quality and quantity and ranged close to last year’s produce. +4IBF +s47 +SIBF +slol +37BF +s7l +37BF +s7o +4IBF +sB4 +43BF +s94 +3BBF +sB2 +I9BF +s4l +24BF +ss2 +sBs +3BBF +2OBF +s44 +2IBF +s4B +2SBF +ss7 +I2BF +S26 215-588-4704 215-267-3423 717-656-6509 DBS Pears *■9% (14)