Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1976, Image 14
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Sept. 11. 1976 14 0 " Now is the time [Continued from Page 10ij extent of worm infestation. Many young dairy animals have been on the farm for many years. Feeder calves imported from states south of Pennsylvania may also be heavily infected. Don’t waste feed on wormy animals. A few dollars spent for wor ming materials will come back many fold through more feed efficiency. TO HAVE PROPER EQUIPMENT The handling of livestock requires certain equipment for best results. We are PUBLIC AUCTION 2 SLEIGHS, 5 GAS ENGINES, ANTIQUES, PRIMITIVES, GLASS, COPPER, BRASS SAT., SEPT. 18,1976 For Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Fronheiser located in the center of town, 1 mile off Rt. 202-31,6 mi. south of Flemington, NJ. 8 mi. north of New Hope, Pa. 5 gasoline engines 1 H.P., 1 3 A H.P. Waterloo, 2 H.P.> 3 H.P., & 7 H.P. Witte (all free) 2 Cortland one horse sleighs (1 perfect shape), 1 horse cultivator, 4 wagdn wheels, 15 assorted rockers plank & cane, set of 4 rush ladder back chairs, set of 4 arrow back chairs, 6 child’s rockers, 2 piano stools, 2 ornate oak sideboards, other oak furniture, Singer cobblers sewing machine & cobblers bench (perfect cond.), meat block, wag on seat, 3 horse ties, iron kettle, 1 Ig. & 2 sm. pot belly stoves, 8 assort, hog troughs, 6 building jacks, etc-. Brass spittoon, 2 brass dippers, brass hom, copper hanging lamp, G.W.T.W. lamp, 12 oil lamps, 25 pc. sunburst carnival dinner set service for 4, other signed carnival pc., Ig. cut cranberry footed bowl, glass candy containers, 12 ink wells, 3-5 gal. glass bottles, etc-, many crocks & jugs, 2 slip pie plates (both chipped), bake irons, iron fry pans, glass cheese preserver, Barber sterilizer w-3 shelves, 2 Barber chairs, many split St weave baskets, apple peeler, coffee grinder, 35 beer tumblers, hanging scales, beam scales, 3 gold & 3 silver pocket watches (1 is key wmd), sm. oil on canvas signed & dated 1762, Belgian double barrel revolver V'- hidden triggers, and so much more. This is only a very partial listing. Not responsible for accidents. Terms: Cash or a Good Check. Lunch aware of many dairymen and cattle feeders who do not have loading chutes of catch gates in which to treat their animals. For dairymen, catch gates may not be very important because most animals can be restrained in stalls or stanchions; however, to the cattle feeder a chute andhead gate is very important; the implanting of growth pellets or the treating of sick animals certainly warrants good equipment. Don’t expect local veterinarians to be “cowboys” when treating feedlot cattle. 9:30 A.M. Ringoes, NJ. Ram or Shine ARTHUR HANNA Auctioneer Bloomsbury, N.J. (201) 993-7862 '-v -vfe, ■"J*. Adams County excels in the production of beef cattle M . ♦«*" 1 ■H**- Lancaster Farming Photo by Dieter Kneg ■