Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1976, Image 108
108— Lancaster Farming, Satuday. Sept. 11. 1976 Public Sales Register SAT. SEPT 11 -10:00 a.m. Sharp. Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques. & Misc. Items. Located in the Boro of Cross Roads, York Co., Pa. near the Methodist Church. Estate of Charles E. Saylor. Robert L. Sechrist, Auc tioneer SAT. SEPT. 11 - 12:30 Noon Pennsylvania State Jersey Sale to be held at the Guernsey Pavilion on Rt. No. 30 east of Lancaster, Pa. Sale sponsored by Penn sylvania Jersey Cattle Club. Request for catalogs write Dreisbachs Longmeadows Farm, RD No. 1, Hamburg, Pa. 19526. SAT. SEPT. 11 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of Frederic E. Gnest Estate of Fine An tique Furniture, Guns, Glassware, etc. to be held at Redding Auction Service, located ‘3 miles north of Gettysburg on Route 34 (Gettysburg to Biglerville Rd.). Sale by Frederic E. Griest, Jr., Jeffery W. Griest and Alexander w. Griest, Executors; C. David Red ding, Auctioneer. SEMI-ANNUAL OPEN CLASS FAT STEER SHOW & SALE ■pHT Thursday, Sept. 16,1976 ENTER NOW JUDGING - 10 A.M. SAU - 3 P.M. New Holland Sates Stables Inc. New Holland, PA Four Classes JUDGED All Cattle Hereford & SOLD Feeders Holstein In lots of 6 Eligible Mixed Breeds 20 Trophies Awarded To Sellers & Buyers. Entries may be registered with Abe Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-4341 or Bob Kline 354-5023. PUBLIC SALE INVENTORY REDUCTION WED., SEPTEMBER 15, 1976 Sale Time; 6 o’clock Sharp. Located 8 miles East of Hershey along Route 322 in Town on Fontana. New Atkins BxB Red Barn. New Atkins 12x8 Green Cabana Storage House. Brillion 5 ft. 3 pt. Rotary Mower (new), Used 5 ft. 3 pt. Rotary Mower, Fox 3000 Harvester with In-Head Knife Sharpener & 2 Row Com Head & Hay Attachment. Badger 1 Row Harvester, Fox 1 Row Harvester, Kools Hopper Blower, Gehl PTO Long Trough Blower, Gehl Hopper Blower. Snowco 31 ft. 6” Grain Auger. New Holland Unloading Wagon. Lamco Unloading Wagon. 2 Dion Unloading Wagons. Woods Bros. Com Picker, MF 3 Bottom Plow. J.D. Transport Disc & Several other Discs. Shultz Flail Attachment for IH Baler. 2 - Sauder Manure Loaders & Barrel Sprayer. Lawn Equipment 1 New Idea Electric Riding Tractor with Mower (new) 1 - Bolens 770 Tractor and 1 Wheel Horse Riding Tractor. 1 - MF7 Riding Mower (new engine) IMF SHP Roto Tiller. MF Snow Blowers for MF7-MFB. Self propelled lawn mowers. Garden Tools. Shovels, Rakes, Hand Trowels, Wheelbarrow, Fence Posts, Drive Way Sealer, Wrench Sets, New Wood & Metal Feed Carts, Weed & Feed Fertilizer, and many other misc. items. Plan to be there - mark your calendar now! Sale Order: Lawn & Garden Equipment, Farm Equipment, Small Items. I Anderson 2 Wheel Dump Cart to be given away All persons registered by Sale Time are eligible for drawing. SAT. SEPT. 11 - 9:00 a.m. Public Sale of Private Collection of Antiques, Furniture, Glass, China. Lumber, Etc. Located along Route No. 94 at North end of the Borough of York Springs in Adams County, Pa. Alice M. Lory, owner. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. SAT. SEPT. 11 ■ 10 A.M. Sharp Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Ponies, Personal Property in the Village of Jerseytown, Pa. on Route 44. 10 miles North of Bloomsburg, Pa. Sale by Mr. Joseph Zeisloft; Eugene A. and Gele L. Derr, Auc tioneers. MON. SEPT. 13 - Public Auction of Farm Machinery at Rudnick’s Barns, Galena, Md. Sale by Harry Rudnick and Sons, Inc., Galena, Md. TUES. SEPT. 14 - 6 P.M. Public Auction of Furniture, Glassware, Appliances, etc. at the Farmersville Auction located at Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt; Richard Murray, Auctioneer. Conditions by UMBERGER'S MILL TUBS. SEPT. 14 - 1 P.M. Farm Machinery Dispersal at Prattsburg, N.Y. at the farm located on the Pratt sburg-Pultney Road, County Road No. 74, 4 miles east of Prattsburg, New York. Sale by D. Herbert Fox, Pratt sburg, N.Y. Victor Pimmg and Son, Auctioneers, Wayland, New York. TUBS. EVE. SEPT 14 - 8:00 p.m. Selling Lloyd Tyler Herd of 22 Registered and 30 Hi-Grade Holstein Milch cows. Located on Rt 872, 10 mi. South of Coudersport, Pa. (Potter Co.) Sale by Robert M. Shaylor Sales. Troy, Pa. 717-297-3278 and Gerald Pimmg, Ulysses. Pa. 814-848-7421. Vic & James Pirrung, Auct. Bob Slingerland, Clerk TUBS. SEPT. 1:00 P.M. Page, Rappahannock & Warren Yearling Sale. All Classes - All Breeds. Association President; Thomas L. Eastham Phone 675-3550 or Front Royal Livestock-Sales, Inc. Phone: 635-5511 or 635-6774. FEEDER PIG SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2,1976 2 1 /z miles South of Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles North of Myerstown, Pa. along US 501. 425 TO 450 40 TO 60 LB. CHOICE FEEDER PIGS HAMPSHIRE, DUROC AND YORK CROSS All pigs are vaccinated for Erysipelas. Castrated young. Wormed, Sprayed fro Mange and Lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will sell on this sale. Also pigs will not have to be moved the day of Sale. These are some of the finer quality feeder pies in the East. Sale at 1:30 P.M. NORMAN M. MARTIN RDI, Myerstown, PA PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. ANTIQUES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1976 6:00 p.m. 3 A mile South of New Danville along Rt. 324, Lane. Co., on the Mervin McMichael farm. AMANA (FROST FREE] REFRIGERATOR, like new, small upright Westmghouse Freezer, Popup Toaster, Sunbeam Mixer, 12x12 rug. Hooked Rugs DRY SINK, JELLY CUPBOARD; |2] DROP-LEAF TABLES; SET OF 4 PLANK CHAIRS; Plank V? Spindle Chair, 3 Cane Chairs w matching Rocker, Empire Chest of Drawers, Farm Table, Old Fashion Bed w Wash Stands Bureau (beautiful). Marble Stand. Extension Table. Nice old Chest Bamboo Flower Stand, Studio Couch L R Furniture, Brass Bucket old tinware, Beautiful old Oil Table Lamps, (2) Heart Cheese Molds, Agate Mold 1884 Gunn’s Health Book, Book of Martyrs Pilgrim s Progress Tillie the Menno Maid, 6 Pewter Spoons set of 8 Bone Knifes & Forks w Meat fork 1847 Roger Knives, Red Pottery, Pictures FINE GLASS WARE' WINE BOTTLE AND GLASSES. PRESSED & CUT GLASS; Lion pattern platter Several berry dishes. 11 matching salts, dozen sherberts pair glass baskets. Spoon Holder, Cake Stand, Jelly dish (footed), fine Egyptian pattern pitcher, glass fruit dishes Ironstone pitcher hand painted vase German Veg dishes, Bavarian Service for 12 set of dishes, Noratake Cr & Sugar, Mustache Cup, Vinegar Crewets. Vases HOMESPUN LINEN, NICE SAMPLER. 6 Linen Tablecloths Comforts Souvenirs Nic Macs Hen on Nest 1964 DODGE 4DR GOOD RUNNING CONDITION Items Too Numerous to mention many items over 100 years old Inspection Wed eve iThurs afternoon prior to sale Aucts. Carl Oilier 464-2233 J. Everett Kreider 786-1545 TUBS. SEPT. 14 - 1 P.M. Special graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. WED. SEPT. 15 - 10:30 A.M. Levi Berkey Complete Dispersal of Milking Herd and Springing Heifers located 4 mi. north of Somerset, Pa. along Rt. 281 near village of Geiger. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Levi Berkey, Owners, RD No. 5, Somerset, Pa. Matt and Reed Luce, Sales Mgrs. WED. NIGHT SEPT. 15 • 8 P.M. Dairy Consignment Sale, Our monthly con signment sale will be held at Valley Stockyards, Inc., located just off Route 220, Athens, Penna. WED. SEPT. 15 - 6 p.m. Sharp Public Sale, Inventory Reduction of Farm Equipment, Lawn and Garden Equipment and Small Items located 8 miles East of Hershey along Route 322 in the town of Fontana. Conditions by Umberger’s Mill. Owner, MAUDE C. HERR Lunch 6,000 HEAD - FIVE - WINCHESTER FEEDER CATTLE SALES Farmers Livestock Exchange, Inc. Winchester, Virginia State Sponsored - Graded - Uniform Lots - All Beef Breeds • FEEDER CALF and YEARLING SALE - Friday, September 17,1976 - 1 P.M. FEEDER CALF SALE & SHOW - Friday, October 1,1976 IShow -10 A M | (Sale ■ 1 P M.| FEEDER CALF and YEARLING SALE - Friday, October 15,1976 -1 P.M. FEEDER CALF and YEARLING SALE - Friday, October 29,1976 - 7 PM. FEEDER CALF and YEARLING SALE - Friday, November 12,1976 1 PM NORTHERN VIRGINIA LIVESTOCK, INC. Box 440 - Winchester, Va. 22601 Phones Office - 703/662-2946 P T. Mclntire, SALES MANAGER ' Home • 703/837-1254 (Residence- White Post, Va. 22663) CONSIGNMENT SALE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15, 1976 AT 9:30 A.M. Location: Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Lancaster Co., PA. Watch for Sale Sign. Tractors, Farm Machinery; Horse Drawn Implements: New Toots, Hardware, Building Materials; Hay and straw. We sell on Commission. HAY SAL£ EVERY WEDNESDAY 12:00 Noon by HARVEY Z. MARTIN houseSdgoods DAVID H. GOOD 717-656-9024 F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller, J. Fry Aucts. NEXT SALE WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS PUBLIC SALE Of REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 Located east of Elizabethtown along Ridge Road, 3rd house west of Greentree Church Road, Mt. Joy Twp. Real Estate consists of a lot 180’ x 200’. Thereon erected a perma-stone ranch style house. House consists of a spacious living room (w) fireplace, knotty pine kitchen, dining area, 2 large bedrooms, ceramic tiled bath, Hardwood floors. Attic designed for extra bedrooms. Basement under % of house. One car garage attached (w) elec. door. Oil fired hot water heat. Lawn with old shade trees, mature shrubbery, part of lot is wooded area. Beautiful country location (w) magnificent view. Persons wishing to inspect property may do so Sat., Sept. 11 & 18 from 12 to 4 P.M. Or by calling 367-7352 for an appointment. Terms 10 percent down, immediate possession available. Real Estate will be offered at 1 o’clock. Personal Property: Electric Gulbransen transistor spinet organ, 2 pc. living room suite, library table, 3 pc. bedroom suite, box spring w-mattress, bedroom suite (w) twin beds, blanket chests, cedar chest, chest drawers, domestic sewing machine (w) desk cabinet, round ext. table, cane seated chairs, cane seated rockers, dining room chairs, hall rack (w) mirror, wash stand, wood box, drop leaf tables, occasional chairs, clothes trees, high chair, child’s rocker, small tables, G.E. freezer, box wagon seat, Maytag wringer washer, 9 x 15 rug, 9 x 10 rug, 5 pc. breakfast set, small tables, small elec, appliances, Prussia sugar w creamer, Germany dishes, Bavarian dishes, alphabet plate, Heisey glass, blue violm bottle, depression, pressed, cut glass, 12 place setting of fine china - Johnson Bros., ftests dishes, silverware, silver seal cooking ware, odd dishes, pots, pans, crocks, flat irons, Seth Thomas chime clocks, dated coverlet, quilts, lap robe, blankets, linens, braided rugs, coal oil lamps, afghans, runner carpet, quilting frame, bench, radio, Electrolux sweeper, toys, 12’ red sandstone watering trough, hand pump, 12 gauge single barrel shotgun. Marlin 22 nfle, garden tools, hand tools, Bell Collec tion: over 100 beUs, all sizes, ranging from school bells to cow bells. Bells will be sold at 12 o’clock. Many other articles. Lunch available. Not responsible for ac cidents Aucts; Raymond Miller Rufus Geib Attorney: Jack Horner AT 10:00 Sale by JOHN H. GfINTZ