Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 11, 1976, Image 104
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept. 11, 1976 104 Bicentennial farm (Continued from Page 103] credited today for having established the orchard to the extent it is now. Approximately 75 acres are planted in fruit trees, with more being planned for, as tree availability and marketing conditions allow. According to the Andersens there have been a lot of changes in the orchard business over the last decade or two, The Andersens’ home was built in 1866 and reflects all the grandeur and quality workmanship which was prevalent in those days. One of the more unusual features of the thick-walled brick home is 1976-Special Cattle Sales-1976 THE NEW ABINGDON LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Just South of 1-81 at Exit 8 Abingdon, Va. 24210 ( 703^628-3551 The following SPECIAL SALES for 197 ft—have been scheduled for your Feeder Steers & Calves, which will be a ONE DAY OPERATION on TUESDAYS—SALES STARTING AT 7:30 P.M. State Feeder STEER SALE Tues., Sept. 14 Open Feeder STEER SALE Tues., Sept. 21 Open CALF SALE Tues., Sept. 28 State Feeder STEER SALE Tues., Oct. 5 Angus & Angus Cross Open CALF SALE Tues., Oct. 12 State Hereford CALF SALE Tues., Oct. 19 Open Feeder STEER SALE Tues., Oct. 26 Stock COWS & Bred HEIFERS Wed., Nov. 3 Open CALF SALE Tues., Nov. 9 All Cattle in the Special Sales will be Officially Graded by Virginia Division of Markets. All Special Sales At 7:30 P.M. Weighed-In and Sold Same Day ' /Vt ■* not to mention the last century. One thing that hasn’t changed much is the fact that there is still an awful lot of hand labor involved in bringing the fruit to market. But there have been significant changes in packaging, tree Spraying is another major development which was management, and handling. Anderson can easily remember, unknown to fruit growers of previous generations. The An for example, the days when apples were packed in barrels, deisons are convinced that this development has aided them That was later changed to baskets, and after that came an( j others greatly in controlling diseases, insect pests, and cardboard boxes. mice. While apples have been graded according to size for years, that every bedroom has large walk-in closets something which was seldom planned for in older houses. PUBLIC AUCTION CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME SAT. SEPT. 25th at 10:00 AM 25 FARM TRACTORS 75 PIECES OF FARM EQUIPMENT - SOME INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT - Excellent Selection DEALERS & FARMERS: You are urged to bring any consignments you might have to our sale and you are also welcome as a buyer. Sale held rain or shine! Make arrangements now to come to our sale - you will be glad you did. Refreshments on sale site. YORK CO. FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CO. INC. EXIT 10 OR 11 OFF 1-83 4 MILES NORTH OF YORK, PENNA. ON RT 181 BOX 222, EMIGSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA, 17318 Ph.(717)764-6412 764-5115 * ( \ -V % f •r* * the practice has become more refined. Today’s apples are graded at intervals of each one-eighth inch of diameter. The advent of dwarf and semi-dwarf trees brought about a turning point in the fruit industry in that picking became easier, and this in turn led to the opening of orchards to the public. The time was ripe for the “pick-it-yourself” ap proach. And it’s been well accepted. Aside from these industry-wide developments, the An derson’s Bel-View Farm has been directly involved in ex perimental work conducted by Penn State University. Some of the results changed spraying programs for a long time, claimed Anderson, a recipient of the “Honorary County Agent Award” in 1968. The well-known fruit grower has also been active in clerking public sales and has been a member of the Penn sylvania State Legislature for the past 16 years. PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND HERD OF GRADE HOLSTEIN COWS AND MILKING EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1976 Located in Elizabeth Township, Lancaster County, Pa. 2 miles North of Lititz, Pa. Along Bomberger Road just off Rt. 501. FARM APP. 50 ACRES Farm to be offered at 1:00 p.m. Consists of app. 50 acres of fertile farmland thereon erected 8 room farmhouse with bath, laundry and various storage areas. Automatic hot water heat system. Also bank bam, 12x5$ silo, com barb, 2 car garage. Buildings in good state of repair. Excellent frontage on Rt. 501 and Bomberger Road. Don’t miss this opportunity. For your convenience you may inspect this farm Sat., Sept. 11th and Sept. 18th, 12:00 noon till 4:00 p.m. each of forementioned dates. Dairy Herd will be offered immediately after Real Estate and consists of 25 Grade Holstein Cows in various stages of production, some fresh by day of sale. Also the following items; Acorn gutter cleaner 248 ft. cable, 30” vent fan, Jamesway 300 gallon stainless milk tank, buckets, and strainers, 2 Surge milker units and pump, also app. 200 bu. ear com. Sale By B. LANDIS HUBER and ANNA W. HUBER U'viu Jl^odatci LITITZ RD2 I PA 17543 Elmer Muny 626-5244 or 626-2636 Richard Murry 626-8175 Ken Miller 665-2073 Professional Auctioneers Appraisers, and Advisors Since 1953 Conditioi by Paul is of Real Estate Sale : . Diehm f » When the Andersens' "Bel-View Farm" was purchased in late 1849, it was cleared of all restrictions and reser vations, "... excepting and reserving only the fifth part of all gold and silver ore, for use by the Commonwealth...” About the only "gold” that’s been found here, however, are golden delicious apples. *" * * 1:00 P.M.