Potato market weak (Continued from Page 1] neX t week he expects the price to have dropped to 55 cents. He’s optimistic, however, that rising export sales and cooler weather will reinforce prices in weeks to come. potato prices are about a dollar lower than a year ago, Wolf commented, due to the fact that most growers have good yields and there’s been somewhat of a rush in . «ir\ PRICES GOOD thru Sept. 1976 Save on Sheeting for Silo and Many Other Uses All Purpose Poly Sheeting The ideal temporary cov enng for hay, machinery silage or mulch Tough but economical 30*0535 So* 14'xlOO' 20x1 OCT 14x100 14x100 20x100' 24x100 32x100' 14x100' 20'xlOO' SfeN» 300535 300537 300541 300543 300545 300547 300571 300541 300343 Gravity Boxes Wagon Gears i 65 Bu. 339." 225 Bu - 479." ® *° n * ton w ton 299." 359." Freight Included W STORE HOURS; MON.-THURS.-8:30-5:30 sat.-8 8 »5 9 :00 2217 Lincoln Hwy. E. Uncaster, PA 17602 Phone 717-393-3149 «fM» h *'*’ WWI'IUU • tf ■ r S/<<V JT marketing them. Potatoes for processing are bringing about $3.45 per hun dredweight. Wolf has been digging his crop since July 20. Favorable weather brought the crop out about a week or two early, he indicated. Another explanation he has for the present glut on the market is that the early varieties of potatoes were apparently overplanted. 22." 16x100' 4 mil tetri 22 99 2199 3099 3499 4399 5199 7299 4499 5799 ThKktM* 4 mi 4 ml 4ml 4 ml 4 ml 4 ml 4 ml 4 ml 4 ml Like with most other crops this year, growing conditions were favorable for potatoes. Some growers in northern regions of the state had some portions of fields drowned, but other than that there are no significant problems being reported. There were some early reports of blight, but that didn’t last too long due to the recent hot and dry weather. FOR MAKE AND MODBL Allis Chalmers WC, WD WD. WD 45,017 (early D 17 (No 32001 to No 42000) Case VC, VAC, 2008 5008, 300-10-50 Deere A, G 60,70,620-30,720-30 B, No 96000 up, 50,520, 530 IHC H, M, MD, Supers. 300,340 D 350,400,450,460, 560 A,B,C, Supers, 100-40,200-40. 340 Ferguson 20,30, (1 pc with pipe) -Ford 9N, BN, 2N, (with pipe) NAA 600-900, Gas. 1953-57 Oliver Super 66-77-88,660-880 1600,1650 66, 77 88 (enlarge hole in hood) Ail 3 Types Traveller Motor Oil SALE PRICED 5 and 15 GAL CONTAINERS Reg. Sale TypeCM AUWE'THEH q qq 10W40.5-G* 11.b9 9.99 tOW«L 15-Gal 34.99 28.99 HtAVY-WTY 10W 20W 30W 9 g gg M 28.99 26.59 NON-DETER6EN IDW 2DW 3CW 40W ggg j itS 25.99 22.9! Tractor Mufflers 4.29 Regular 5.29 2-3472 in today and take ad jge of these fabulous re 10ns on quality tractor muf- STOCK NO. 2-3404 2-3405 2-3441 2-3441 2-3430 2-3431 2-3440 2-3440 2-3441 2-3460 2-3473 2-3472 2-3493 2-3493 2-3493 TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. Rates announced WASHINGTON - County nearly reflect area-to-area loan and purchase rates for changes which have oc -1976-crop com as issued curred in corn prices recently by the U.S. received by farmers and Department of Agriculture shifts in production weights, reflect the national average The 1976-crop county loan loan rate of $1.25 per bushel, rates are for com grading an increase of 15 cents per No. 2, except for moisture, bushel from 1975. Copies of the 1976-crop Adjustments were made to county loan rates to more Auto Oil Filters 1.71 ■ Regular ■ 2.29 in depth filtration reduces engine wear Save' 1-3910,13,4062-11. Lancaster Farmingr Saturday. August#?-1976—21 com county loan rates, as applicable, are being sent to Bufk^^ti-Freeze jfejjSißM 1 Bnng tn your Contain er and slock up* the state" offices of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) and will also be available from the Grains, Oilseeds, and Cotton Division, ASCS, U.S. Department of Agriculture. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! S HOP Mm. **** All-Purpose Hi-Lift Jack 26." Refular 29.99 • 4-Ten Capeary • MeleeU* liffhng Mechanism • 2tSq. In Baseplate • 41" Remferced Runner An ideal, heavy duty high-lift - jack for use on the form in ser vice stations or garages l Sturdy construction A great buy l 1-1429 Traveller' Permanent PACKAGED Permanent Anti-Freeze 3. 49 8-3601 Ready To Use Traveller® Windshield Wash 88* Our Refular 1.19 Pre-mixed, ready to use anti freeze and cleaner Witt not freeze to -25° Will not smear A must (or safe driving 8-0830. Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem 1 99 JLb Regular 2.99 Golvonized steel bock Fluor escent orange triangle for visibility 2-6313
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