Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 28, 1976, Image 20
—t-anbaster Farming, Saturday. August 28, 1976 20 Carlisle CARLISLE - The Carlisle Fair is now history. To some, however, the 1976 Carlisle Fair will be an event to remember - Namely the young people who climax the 4-H and FFA project year in the winner’s circle. A list of winners follws: 4-H Steer Champion Victor Bamck, Carlisle - Trophy sponsored by Farm Credit Associations. Beef Showman A Inexperienced Division: Cheryl Fought, Carlisle - Trophy sponsored by Farm Credit Associations; B. - Junior Division: Todd Mellott, Schuylkill 4-H riders qualify for Pocono PINE GROVE - The 1976 Schuylkill County 4-H Horse Show was held here on Saturday, August 14, 1976, at the Mustangs Horse Show Ring. Participating clubs were: Greenbriar, Hegins Trailriders, and Mustangs. The judges for the day were Cathy Havanchak and Robert Mowery. Ring master was William “Red” Hartz and the announcer was Dave Zanders. The first, second and third place winners in each class in this show except county team and horse production will be eligible to participate in the Regional 4-H Horse and Pony Show at the Pocono Farms, Mt. Pocono on September 11 beginning at 8:30 a.m. Those qualifying are; Lisa Adams, Ann Nagle, Barbara Stoyer, Ellen Nagle, Robert Zim merman, William Zim merman, Tammy Arner, Carolyn Valitsky, Janis Perry, Jan Stoltz, Cindy Biever, Chris Gauntlett, Jayne Adams, Dianne Heacock, Troy Schadel, Cynthia Balmer, Wilann Blain, Kathy Balmer, Peggy Updegrove, and George Blain. Also qualifying were: Christine Temple, David Savidge, Terri Updegrove, Betsy Zimmerman, Jodi Koury, Lisa Adams, Tammy Arner, Leos Chester, Michael Temple, Wendy Lodato, Daryl Dissinger, Lori Lodato, Julie Natale, Paula Pile, Mary Beth Holahan, Erin Marie Holahan, Todd Schadel, Christina Balmer, Teresa Heacock, and Joseph Brennan. TO TRY AMD FAIL MERITS PRAISE,* TD FAIL TO TRY IS WORTH MOTHING. Fair posts results Carlisle - Trophy sponsored by Farm Credit Associations; C. - Senior Division: Judy Long, Carlisle - Trophy sponsored by Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce. Dairy Results 4-H Ayrshire - Pattie Ocker, Shippensburg - Champion; 4-H Brown Swiss - James Deitch, Carlisle - Champion; 4-H Guernsey - Calvin Crumling, Newville - Champion; 4-H Jersey - Bret Ritter, Boiling Springs - Champion; 4-H Milking Shorthorn - Jeff Ritter, Boiling Springs - Champion; 4-H Holstein - Sharon Corn man, Carlisle - Champion; FFA Holstein - Fred Deitch, Carlisle - Champion. Junior Division Showmanship 13 and under - Sam Glesner, Newville, spon sored by Smithdale Farm; 14 and over - Karen Smith, Shippensburg, sponsored by Farm Credit Associations. Senior Division Cup Winners Ron Stover, Carlisle and Cindy Whistler, R. 5 Carlisle. ATTENTION FARMERS We know you would like to see some Lancester County crops growing with Na-churs Liquid Fertilizer. You can do so by coming on board our bus tour on TUESDAY, AUGUST 31 from 9:45 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. For free tickets and details call: MR. LANDIS 717-394-9654 Lunch will be provided. SPECIAL SALE at NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, PA FRIDAY EVE., SEPT. 3,1976 At7;OOP.M, 100 HEAD OF TOP AND GRADE ExMSBglSt Bfg HOLSTEIN COWS Including 1 herd of 50 Top Purebred and Grade Cows, Fresh and due to freshen this Fall. 50 head Purebred and Grade Up-State cows. All animals guaranteed. Cows sent on order. Don’t miss this sale. H. D. MATZ, Owner Henry Kettering, Pedigrees Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer. Cups sponsored by Atlantic Breeders Coop. Stover was also Honorary Group Winner and received a permanent trophy from the Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce and a rotating trophy sponsored by Cum berland Valley Coop., Shippensburg. Livestock Judging Junior - Sandy Hopple, Mechanicsburg; Senior - Judy Long, Carlisle. Dairy Judging Junior - Sam Glesner, Newville; Senior - Peggy Staub, Newville. Awards for Livestock and Dairy Judging Contest sponsored by the Farm Credit Associations. 4-H Sheep Blocking Contest Junior - Chris Jumper, Mt. Holly Springs; Senior - Julie Borst, R. 1 Newville. Awards for Sheep Blocking Contest were sponsored by the Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce. The sheep fitting and showmanship contests were won by Julie Borst of Newville. IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT BUYING A STORAGE BIN - DON’T WAIT - TIME IS SHORT GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT * Read Grain Bins * Grain Legs • Continuous Flow Diyers • Circle Grain Bins • Grain Augers • Grain Cleaners r^ip GT Recirculating Batch nm(m&sv NOTICE TO YOU THE READER: WE ARE AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR OF LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT TO SELL ANYWHERE INCLUDING NEIGHBORING PA STATES. FEATURING: 3 POINT HITCH INJECTION TOOL BAR SHENK'S FARM 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE (717) 626-1151 ANSWERING SERVICE (717) 733-1224 • GT Batch Recirculating Diyers =tr=s ~ ?v t J* , Feed Bin From 1000 lbs. to WM I AUTOMATED BATCH DRYER SEE THESE ON DISPLAY From 1000 Bushels - 100,000 Bushels to meet your storage needs "BETTERBILT” Vacuum Spreaders Model 800 gal.; 2100 gal.; 1100 gal.; 3100 gal. • 1500 gal.; Plow Down Attachments Available Husky LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT Trailer Mounted Pumps 8-10-12 Ft. 3 point Hitch Mounted Pumps Tank Spreaders 1250 gal. Tandem 1875 gal. Tandem 2500 gal Tandem 3100 gal Tandem Plow Down At tachments Available ig installation Service SERVICE