Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 28, 1976, Image 19
Family farm energy bill introduced WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Fred Rich mond (D-N.Y.), a member of the House Agriculture Committee has introduced H.R. 15145, The Family Farm Energy Conversion Act with Congressman Jim Jeffords of Vermont and Congressman Bob Bergland of Minnesota. Similar legislation has been in troduced in the Senate by The 3 Good Reasons To See Your Long ★ QUALITY! ★PERFORMANCE! NORMAN D. CLARK COLUMBIA & SON EQUIPMENT CO. Honey Grove, Pa. Rloomsburg, Pa. 717-734-3682 717-784-7456 MELROSE FARM SUPPLY Rt. 16 West, Greencastle, Pa 717-597-3138 Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin and Senator George McGovern of South Dakota. The legislation establishes a study of anaerobic digesters, which convert animal and vegetable waste materials into methane gas and fertilizer. Following the study, the Department of Agriculture would sponsor phot demonstration projects COME IN AND SEE US SOON! NEVIN N. MYER & SONS, INC. Chester Springs, Pa. 215-827-7481 on over 100 family farms throughout the United States. Congressman Richmond stated; “The family fanner is threatened today by the rapidly rising prices of energy and chemicals. Utilization of the anaerobic digesters, also known as methane converters, will provide the farmer with a substitue for natural gas and me.,. ue I. G. AG SALES Silverdale, Pa. 215-257-5136 RHODES EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Southampton, Pa. 215-677-6000 propane. It will also yield fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. Anaerobic digesters can attack today’s three pronged problem of energy recovery, pollution control, and nutrient recycling. We know this process works, because other countries such as France, India, Korea, Algeria, Hungary and South Africa Dealer Now: ★PRICE! LEISERS, INC. 3608 Nazareth Pike, Bethlehem, Pa. 215-691-3070 SCHOEHECK INfL W cym»-<! itir EQUIPMENT WEN6MSIHC. x S. Race SI, Schnecksville, Pa. Myerstown, Pa. 215-437-4813 or 717-866-2138 767-3806 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 28,1976 are operating digesters right now. The problems are not with laboratory knowledge buty with hardware and management uncertainties. A strong demonstration program will help solve these.” Methane converters operate by a simple biological process. Living micro-organisms which are naturally present “digest” 1 MAIDENCREEK FARM SUPPLY Blandon, Pa. 215-926-3851 the organic waste, giving off methane gas. The residue is fertilizer, with up to 40 percent higher nitrogen content than before digestion. The potential energy production is significant. If the manure of the 9 million head of cattle now in the feed lots were converted to gas, it would satisfy approximtely five percent of the United States’ demand. The con version would yield 360,000,000 cubic feet of methane gas each day. The Family Farm Energy Conversion Act provides for a study of anaerobic digesters by the Soil Con servation Service in con sultation with the National Bureau of Standards and the National Science Foun dation. Farmers owning 640 acres or less would then participate in the field performance tests. Those models rated most effective and safe would be “cer tified.” Farmers would be eligible for grants for the installation of certified models. Rodeo action described WOODSTOWN, N.J. - Again this week “Hector” the bull fighter displayed his talent during the bull riding. Hector and the bull finally came to a stand off, but not until the bull had claimed the first cape, and seemed to say ‘I dare you to come and get your cape’. The bull riding was won by Abe Morris with a 69 marking, collecting $249.41, moving him into third place for the season with a total of $818.79. The bareback riding was won by Jack Meli with a mark of 67. The calf ropers seemed to have a tough time with Bob Geer winning first with a 22.5 second time, collecting $155.32 for first place. Steer wrestling was rough and tumble with Tom HaUkman throwing his steer in 10.5 seconds for $225.89. Junior bull riding was an added attraction that all the younger cowboys have been waiting for. This event lets eight to 15 year olds try to ride the future bulls. Mike Michelek of Stumpy Lane, Pennsgrove won first place and his brother John won second place. These boys go to the pay window right along with the regular cowboys. Joann Trost was first in the girls barrel racing with a fast time of 18.24, collecting $174.44, making her a total of $943.59 for the season, holding down third place. There were 3142 spectators watching a total of 87 cowboys and cowgirls compete for a total of $2386.78. In 1870 the U.S. population was 38,558,371. Today it is over 215 million! 19