—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 7, 1976 78 Farm threats allegedly political CHICAGO, 111. The threat of a corporate farm takeover of American agriculture is an election year “bogeyman," according to the head of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Allan Grant, president of the 2,500,000 member-family American Farm Bureau Federation, says “despite what you may hear in this election year about the death of the ‘family’ farm, patterns of farm ownership have remained virtually unchanged for the past 50 years or more. “About three per cent of all farms were ‘corporation’ farms 50 years ago, and that figure remains almost identical now,” Grant told those attending the National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives, holding their 41st .annual meeting here. He said that corporation farms of various kinds now make up about seven per cent of U.S. farmland. The farm leader said that politicians and others “carefully perpetuate" fears that agri-business conglomerates and well-heeled corporations are muscling farm and ranch families off the land. He called such fears “a form of myth carefully contrived and perpetuated by politicians and others as part of an election year bag of tricks.” Political fascination with the alleged problem of “preserving” the family farm, he said, stems from an m Save empty frozen food boxes They’re just right for sand wiches and_ will keep them fresh WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE -DRIES WHITE -DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY -NO WET FLOORS -IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS -WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY. Also Barn Cleaning Service Available With Compressed Air To have your barn cleaneu with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lot of the old lime. This will keep your barn looking cleaner & whiter longer. We white washed 600 barns last year, so if your barn needs white washing for better service have it done early. High-Pressure Washing In Dairy Barns. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster. Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 tense desire on the part of some political candidates to become identified in the public mind with the solid virtues of American farm life, and to be seen as champions and protectors of individual voters. “Defending the family farm from the supposed inroads of corporate bigness and consumers from the Implied higher prices supposedly imposed by farming cartels has almost irresistible appeal to the true politician,” Grant said. He added, “Often another purpose of the exercise is to convince people that government ‘protection’ is good for agriculture. “In reality, corporations usually do very poorly in agriculture. Most truly corporate farms have low productive efficiency compared to family operations and their rate of return on monies invested is unattractive to shareholders,” Grant said. There are however, many incorporated family farming operations Grant noted, in listing a number of legal and organizational reasons why farm and ranch families take this action. “It eases the transfer of farm property from one generation to the next, and helps assure that the farm stays in the family. It makes sense to sell or transfer the whole farm on a share-by-share basis rather than go through a cow by-cow and acre-by-acre sell-off,” Grant said. “In some states and under some conditions, there may be a modest tax advantage" to having the family farm in corporated, but not always. In some cases it may actually cost the family money, but is worthwhile m a legal sense in helping assure that the farm remains intact. “Nearly two-thirds of all farming corporations are family owned and controlled; over 80 per cent of all land owned by corporations is, held by family corporations with 10 shareholders or less,” Grant told the group. Also diluting the figures, Grant said, are such corporate SPECIAL PRICE ON MH 30 Cygon for Leaf hoppers on Alfalfa. Aphids for Tobacco. JONAS S. EBERSOL ELI S.EBERSOL 1 1 h Miles North of Bird in Hand Strasburg on Stumptown Road ' '/* Mile South of Strasburg Cut bedding costs 75 per cent, reduce labor for barn cleaning and cow washing; reduce teat and udder injury to the minimum house your milking herd in free stall housing Each cow provided a stall for loafing. She won't be stepped on, the rear curb forces manure out into alley for mechanical cleaning or washing. A few minutes twice a day cleans the stalls and curbs, bedding lasts almost forever if your stalls fit the cows. Popular sizes are 6’6”, 7’ and 7'6”. Size ’em by breed Our free stall partition may be mounted on wooden bead boards or we make a steel divider. Set the legs in 8 to 10” concrete curbs to hold and retain bedding. Stall floor can be soil, sand or gravel. Bedding straw, sawdust, peanut hulls, ground corn cobs, etc. Should be installed with paved alley surface 8 feet wide for mechanical cleaning or washing. - 8 Models all steel welded farm and feedlot gates - 2 Models all steel welded head catch gate For prices, contact: Fred Frey, Mgr. (717) 786-2146 FREY BROS. RD2 Quarryvilie, PA 17566 (arm structures as agricultural experimental stations, prison farms, “boystowns” and similar operations where farming is done more for social reasons than for the actual production and sale of crops. Grant said that Farm Bureau has been studying the effects of “tax-loss” farpung (entry of non-agricultural firms or professional people into farming to obtain tax write-offs against non-farm income), and that loopholes in the law creating tax advantages to encourage this should be closed. FISHER SPRAY PAINTERS (Henry K Fisher) SANDBLASTING and SPRAY PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Aerial Ladder Equipment Office & Shop - 667 Hartman Station Rd Residence - 2322 Old Philadelphia Pike For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 Lancaster, Penna