Livestock market and auction news The advantage? Higher conception rates and easier calving for the original heifers; superior mothering ability and rapid gains through increased milk production for subsequent generations. Commercial herds of the larger dairy breeds have also discovered the advantage of using JERSEY bulls to breed their first-calf heifers to decrease calving dif ficulty. If you are looking for a young bull an efficient dairy animal a future show prospect or a superior family cow write for the new Pennsylvania Jersey Breeders Directory to locate JERSEY breeders in your area. Plan to attend the Pennsylvania Jersey Cattle Sale on September 11 at the Guernsey Pavilion east of Lan caster, Pa. Watch for our September 4 ad. For directories or sale catalogs contact DREISBACHS’ LONGMEADOWS FARM RDI, Hamburg, PA 19526 u 3 Q p-550 ■o 440 330 220 1 no Wteks 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 Age . Periods JOHN J. HESS 11, INC. They call them the “new exotics” ... calves from first-calf heifers of the popular beef breeds, sired by young JERSEY bulls. “Serving The Needs of the Agricultural Community’ 9 CALL 7^3301 Joliet Cattle Augusts Weekly Cattle CATTLE: Friday through Wednesday’s receipts 9,368, 5 days last week 9,714, last year 7,365. Slaughter steers and heifers 75 to 1.00 lower than last Friday. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-5 1200-1375 lbs. 33.00-36.00, couple loads late Monday 4-5 1300-1540 lbs. 31.50-32.00. Choice 2-4 1025-1200 lbs. 35.00-36.25, up to 36.50 early Monday. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 1200-1450 lbs. Holstelns 32.25-34.50. Good 2- 3 1100-1400 lbs. Holsteins 31.50-32.25 Wednesday. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice, few Prime, 24 900-1050 lbs. 34.50- 35.75 Monday, mostly 34.50- 35.25, load 35.50. Some Choice 4 and 5 950-1100 lbs. 33.50-34.00 Wednesday. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-1000 lbs. 33.00-34.50. Good 2-3 700-900 lbs. 31.00-33.00. Balitmore USDA Baltimore August 2,1976 CATTLE 400. Moderate slaughter steers & heifers; other classes being held for AM auction. STEERS: Choice No. 2-4 950-1200 lbs. 36.00-37.50; Good St Choice No. 2-4 1000- 1275 lbs. 35.00-36.00, Good 31.50- Standard St Good 900-1200 lbs. 27.00-31.50. HEIFERS: Few Good & Choice No. 2-4 745-1040 lbs. 32.25-34.00. HOGS 750. Barrows St Gilts weak to 50 cents lower. US No. 1-3190-230 lbs. 45.50- 46.00, No. 2-3 230-250 lbs. 44.50- No. 24 250-270 lbs. 43.5044.50. Sows: 50 cents lower. US No. 1-3 300- 600 lbs. 35.50-36.50. PURINA 810-4 LAYING CHOWS Purina’s new 810-4 Laying Chows are now designed to optimize the hen's ability to lay PRODUCE at or near its genetic name 810 LAYENA 100 L 810 LAYENA 107 S inilu ?h b . h.n i? Bio LAYENA 114 h h Bio LAYENA 121 expenencmg. B|Q LAYENA 128 The Purina Laying Chow Bio Ratir as indicated Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 7,1976 Carlisle, Pa. August 3,1976 CATTLE 234. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers highly uneven. Slaughter cows steady to $1 higher. One High Choice slaughter steer at 38.75, Choice 34.85-36.25, Good 32.75-34.75, Standard 28.75-32.75, one Utility 25.25. Few Good slaughter heifers 30.25-31,85, Standard 24.75- 28.35, few Utility 21.75-23.50. Utility St High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 27.10- 29.10, Commercial 23.00- 27.75, Cutters 25.00-26.75, Canners 22.00-24.75, Shells down to 20.00. Couple Standard slaughter bullocks 21.85-30.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1150-1630 lbs. slaughter bulls 33.25-34.50; few yield grade No. 2 1125-1260 lbs. 28.10-31.25. Good St Choice 250-680 lbs. feeder steers 36.00-38.00, Medium 300480 lbs. 23.00-30.00; Medium St Good 275-600 lbs. feeder heifers 20.50-30.50. CALVES 192. Vealers grading Standard to Good $1 PURINA BiO-4 LAYING CHOWS FEED INTAKE GUIDE FEED INTAKE RANGE FED 810 RATING LBS./IQO HENS/DAY Carlisle to $1.50 lower, Utility mostly steady. Couple Choice vealers 50.00 and 51.00, Good 46.00- Standard 41.50- 45.50, Utility 90-120 lbs. 34.50- 39.00, 70-85 lbs. 30.00-34.50. Farm calves, few beef cross bulls & heifers 80-120 lbs. 34.00- slaughter calves, Good & Choice 150-290 lbs. 32.00- HOGS 228. Barrows & GUts $3.50 to $4.50 lower. US No. 1-2 200-225 lbs. barrows & gilts 44.00-44.35, No. 1-3 210- 220 lbs. 43.50-43.85, No. 2-3 200-240 lbs. 42.85-43.60, No. 2- 4 210-250 lbs. 42.1042.85, No. 1-3 170-190 lbs. 40.2543.00. Couple US No. 1-3 330 lbs. sows 38.00 and 42.00, No. 2-3 325-610 lbs. 30.00-34.50. Boars 30.00- one at 35.00. FEEDER PIGS 347. US No. 1-3 10-20 lbs. feeder pigs 10.00- per head, No. 1-3 25-33 lbs. 20.00-31.00, No. 1-3 40-50 lbs. 32.50-45.50 per head. SHEEP 10. Few Good 65-75 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 30.00- Few Slaughter ewes 13.25-13.50. Over 25.0 23.4 to 25.0 21.7 to 23.3 20.0 to 21.6 Under 20.0 7