—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 7, 1976 68 Sharon Bare likes to 6 give things a whiz 9 By JOANNE SPAHR WITMER - Sharon Bare won first place and a set of wrenches last year tor being the top senior in the Central 4-H Tractor Club. And she’s proud of it. “Heck,” she scoffs, ‘Til just put that set of wrenches in my car and I’ll know how to fix it." And that’s that. There’s no arguing with this self assertive little pixy. She may be short and petite, but she packs a lot of power. N t* Sharon is also an animal and outdoors lover. She combines these two loves by caring for her horse, Flicka. IN STOCK NOW BLACK PLASTIC TO COVER SILAGE PILES 4 MIL. & 6 MIL. ROUND PLASTIC CAPS FOR UPRIGHT SILOS IMPROVE CORN SILAGE silafiain AARON S. GROFF & SON FARM & DAIRY STORE RD3 Ephrata PA 17522 (Hinkletown) phone (717) 354 4631 Store Hours 7AM to 9 P M Closed Tues Wed & Sat at 5 30 P M Sharon does admit, however, that it is rather unique for a girl to be a part of tractor club, since she was one of only three girls out of 28 members. “Mostly we got together and worked on different engines, tore down planters, and fixed plows,” she said, describing the main focus of this unusual club. Sharon became a member of the club because her father had been a member before her. « “It was sort of just the thing to do,” she explains. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin H. Bare, Wit mer, Sharon is a person with many interests. “I’m the type of person who will give something a whiz, and if it works out, it does, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t,” she says with a wave of her hand. But when she goes at something, she does it right. Mostly, she likes to try all areas of agriculture. Besides being a member of the Central Tractor Club for one year, she has been a member of the Red Rose Baby Beef and Lamb Club, the 4-H Boots and Saddles Club, and the Garden Spot Community Club, where she took floriculture. She has known success in these clubs - winning anything from a set of wrenches to placings at Districts. But, her real love is FFA. A June graduate of Conestoga Valley High School and Brownstown Vo- Tech, Sharon became acquainted with FFA through her major at Brownstown - floriculture. Both horticulture and floriculture are connected with FFA at the vocational technical schools. And, one thing Sharon made sure to do while she was in FFA was to take her experience and make it work for her. At present, she has her TIRES BELTED.RADIAL ««, FR 78 xl4 *37j60 PRICED Red Rose Chapter and her Star Greenhand degrees and was the secretary of her FFA chapter. She also received the Banker’s award during her senior year at Brownstown for the out standing student -in floriculture. For her ability with flowers, she also won a bronze medal last year at State Days. To win this, she had to make a corsage in 20 minutes, excell in a question and answer test, and correctly identify 40 plants in the greenhouse. She put her capabilities to the test in two other areas and came out on top. In a com improvement test, she was top grower, and in her work with livestock she received the livestock award for her FFA steer. Even though she attained most of her recognition through FFA, she is also a strong advocate of vocational technical schools. “It’s just a great school,” she explains. “What you learn there, you can use every day, and if you had to pay for everything you learn, you’d have to pay a lot.” Her Vo-Tech experience has benefited her. She is now a full-time grower at Buhl's Greenhouse in Witmer. And, through her Vo-Tech and FFA connections, has also successfully completed her work for her pesticide license, which commercial growers need. THE BEST FOR LESS MICHELIN BLEMS Right now she says greenhouse work is slow, so she has another full-time job as an evening bus girl at a nearby restaurant which • keeps her occupied. At present, greenhouses are mostly bedding the flowering Sharon's favorite work is in the greenhouse. She loves to do the actual planting and taking care of the flowers and vegetables. BATTERIES , I Sfco f* Absorbers II If W m *37.00 *-> •* 9 43 I) plants and working with vegetables. In Winter, much of the time will be taken up working with mums car nations, and other Christmas flowers. Although Sharon will be [Continued on Pate 69)