—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 7, 1976 16 Farmers advised [Continued from Page 1| breeder and exhibitor banners at the Lancaster County Black and White Show. The top five finishers received prizes from Penn field Corporation. Attended by a sizable crowd in spite of excellent hay-making weather, the field day centered around just plain country pleasantries and the hospitality offered by the Maurice Welk family. The Welks’ herd of Holsteins, known for performance in both the milk bucket and show ring, were scrutinized, along with the facilities. Welk houses and milks his cows in a 4-row stanchion barn. Aside from the informal parts of the program, there were also talks by Associate County Agent N. Alan Bair, Dairy Council represen tative, Ray Weber; and Lancaster County’s 1976 dairy princess, Deb Kreider. Bair tossed aside his planned topics of discussion and chose instead to eulogize Rep. Jerry Litton, Democrat from Missouri, whom, Bair said, had done an awful lot on behalf of agriculture. The farmer - politician and his family were killed in an airplane crash earlier this week. Weber, a frequent visitor to dairy field days, centered his talk on the importance of nutrition. “Educate yourself so you can be a spokesman Twelve-year-old Ivan Yost won this calf donated by Jim High, right. GLICK'S Distributor for ROOFING & SPOUTING BAKED ENAMEL TIN ROOFS Colors: Turquoise, Red, White (only) FULL SERVICE DEALER SALES & INSTALLATION SAMUEL B. CLICK R.D.I, Kinzer. PA Ph.(717)442-4921 Please call before 7 A.M. or after 6 P.M. No Sunday Calls for the dairy industry,” he urged. He noted that farmers know a lot about the feeding and breeding of their animals, but aren’t that well versed when it comes to nutritional knowledge about the product they sell. In fact, nutrition is something which very few people knew much about until just recent years. In addition to his own remarks on nutrition, Weber also showed a film on the subject which was produced by the Food and Drug Ad ministration. Titled “Read the Label - Set a Better Table,” the film drove home the point which farmers knew long ago: The diets of their cows are much more carefully planned than many meals in households across the country. Government and private programs are trying to change that, however, and Weber stresses that it’s important for dairymen to have first-hand knowledge of their product. Another point made by Weber is that there is “a Calcium shortage in the United States people do not drink enough milk.” Of evident concern to him is the fact that U.S. high schoolers are allowed to graduate without at least one course in nutrition. “If you eat poorly now, it may not show, but it will later,” he warned. The County’s dairy princess, spoke briefly on her intentions and plans during her reign. She said she is aiming to carry her message to all people young and old alike, and is currently preparing for the For Further Information On Our STEEL BUILDINGS And GRAIN STORAGE ... Feel Free To Mail Attached Coupon Or Call Todayl No Obligation HB PRODUCTS are feed balances for the lactic acid making bacteria When added to the silage, it starts the ferment immediately, and in three days the total ferment is usually over. This means it made the total \Vz% lactic acid in three days instead of the normal three weeks. The shorter and lower heat levels save your energy, vitamin A and digestable protein RECENT RESULTS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY SILAGE TEST showed that the IM-PRUV-ALL treated silage had 90 times more bacteria on the second day than the untreated Other studies have shown that the IM-PRUV-ALL silages many times have averaged It's just like feeding 6-8 pds. more grain, or you can feed 6-8 pds 6-8% higher in T.D.N less grain to achieve similar production **OOV* CIS State dairy princess pageant. combined value of all others. Aside from numerous door Twelve-year old Ivan Yost, prizes, there was one more Jr. was the lucky young man prize awarded which who received a calf donated VERNON E. MYER STEEL BUILDINGS AND GRAIN STORAGE RD4, LEBANON, PA 17042 .. PHONE: (717) 867-4139 TAKE ONE MINUTE TO READ THIS WHY USE PRESERVATIVES WHEN YOU CAN GIVE NATURE A HELPING HAND WITH Wtoi'Am ? FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Melvin R. Weaver possibly COMMERCIAL and AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS WE OFFER COMPLETE ERECTION ON ANY SIZE OR STYLE BUILDING piiaMMiaiamMiMMaainaMißiaßiaiaiaiMi MM CojipoH Today! □ send steel buildings literature □ SEND GRAIN STORAGE LITERATURE lAME, DDRESS ;ity ELEPHONE RDI, Box 529 Manheim, PA 17545 717-569-6576 by Lancaster ar et dairyman, Jim High. A requirement is that young Yost will show the animal in upcoming 4-H or FFA shows. exceeded the STATE ZIP f lr4lf A sp *4r s