—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 31, 1976 82 Berks County DHIA (Continued from Page 81J Kenneth L. Stutzman Rhoada H F. M. Browns Sons Inc 67 H Stephen J. Janos Fobes H Dianne H Andrew D. Stoltzfus Elva H Karen H Jill H Jody H Kate H Hazy H William C. Adams Judy H Ann H Richard R. Troutman DoU H Harold G. Heck Pam H Mervin Brubaker Pansy 51 H Loma 39 H Harry P. Shaak 276 H Ray E. Bicksler Candy H Paul E. Labe GBB H John C. Bartsch Janet H Nevin E. Mast Louise H E. Daniel Leatherman Claire H Blue Mtn. Academy 137 H 94 257 H 3-1 271 H 2-6 294 H 1-9 George S. Troutman Jr. Blackie H 6-5 Dolly H 4-7 Teen Chal. Farm 104 H 4 Production forecasted WASHINGTON-Apple production is forecast at 6,100 million pounds, 14 percent below last year’s record crop and six percent less than was utilized in 1974. Peach production is now 305 16,884 17,825 305 19,865 18,153 305 301 6-3 3 16,486 20,520 19,281 23,497 18,752 21,884 3-8 3-11 3-8 3-9 2-10 15,432 18,688 305 305 7-10 4-11 15,381 305 22,404 305 21,364 16,766 305 305 13,991 2-10 305 18,427 292 17,807 305 15,271 305 18,830 305 22,489 305 21,134 16,494 16,006 17,509 305 305 305 305 18,368 16,672 305 305 16,846 292 forecast at 3,100 million pounds, off two percent from last month. Summer potato production is seen at 22.4 million hundredweight, seven percent above the 1975 crop. Porkecue contest . deadline extended , TIMONIUM - Sponsors of the Sixth Annual Porkecue Cook-Off Contest, scheduled for Friday, September 3, at the Maryland State Fair, here, have announced that the deadline for submission of recipes has been extended to Wednesday, August 4, by popular demand. Presented by the Maryland Pork Producers Association, with the cooperation of the Maryland Department of Agriculture, 716 699 745 702 659 744 4-H Achievement days scheduled for August „ 650 798 785 671 UNIVERSITY PARK - Approximately 1,500 young adults the Commonwealth’s 100,000 4-H members will convene on the Penn State main campus August 9-11 for the annual 4- H Achievement Days. 650 680 664 The event will feature scones of demonstrations by both teams and individuals who recently have won blue ribbons in county and regional competition. Champion judging teams in the areas of dairy, en tomology, vegetables, flower judging and identification, riflery, livestock, horse, poultry, archery, and meat identification will be selected. New this year will be a clothing judging con test. 658 692 780 809 726 671 674 725 691 718 Two other events, an automotive contest and tractor operator’s contest, will test participants on their driving skills and knowledge of vehicle safety. County horse bowl teams will compete, with the [ POTZ } L 1 Ceding Equipment A George Heath, District Manager Mechanicsburg 697-5466 ALEXANDRIA BALLY CAMP HILL EAST EARL ELLIOTTSBURG the Porkecue Cook-Off features competition among 10 finalists, whose favorite recipes for a pork dish cooked outdoors, over a grill, have been selected as the best among the many sub mitted. The finalists compete for five cash awards, ranging from $25 to $lOO. Also a Charmglow gas grill will be presented as a separate “Champion Chefing winners eligible to enter the Northeast Regional 4-H Horse Bowl at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition in Harrisburg. Initiated seven years ago, “Consumerama” presen tations will be geared to the teenage consumer. “Con sumerama” consists of a series of three activities designed to help increase consumer competency. Activities include a con sumer bowl game, planathon, and judging. Also featured will be the state 4-H public speaking contest where regional winners will vie for a trip to National 4-H Congress in Chicago. Again this year, the State 4-H Dress Revue will be held in conjunction with 4-H Achievement Days. Thirty five 4-H members, receiving regional honors in dress revues, will compete August 11 in four categories school outfits, spectator or MAX ISENBERG 669-4027 LONGACRE ELECTRIC 845-2261 LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737-4554 ZIMMERMAN EQUIPMENT 445-6409 CARL BAER 582-2648 Award.” Previous Porkecue winning dishes have utilized fresh ham, pork loin, spareribs and cured ham. All entries should include a detailed recipe, listing all ingredients, contestant’s name, address, and telephone number. Finalists will be notified by telephone on August 7. The Cook-Off begins at 6:30 p.m., at the Fairgrounds. Contestants active sports, street attire, and formal and informal party dress. One winner from each category and four winners at large will be selected by professional judges and the participants. One of the eight top winners WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is offering a con sumer reference list of over 200 popular meat and poultry products. The list briefly describes standards reqpired of items federally inspected and specifies the amount of meat or poultry each product must contain. To cite a few - meat pies and chili con came with beans must have at least 25 per cent meat; a high meat dinner for babies must have 30 per cent meat (65 per cent StratfMlint Models and systems to suit any requirement Silo unloading - Feed nendllng - Manure handling Patz has the Equipment Patz has the Personnel Patz means confidence - depend on it. Contact your nearest Patz dealer listed below. HAMBURG H. DANIEL WENGER 488-6574 HONEY BROOK ZOOK’S FARM STORE mcumiic 273-9730 NEWVILLE KIRKWOOD LANDIS A ESBENSHADE PIPERSVILLE 786-4158 MOYER FARM SERVICE 766-8675 LEBANON MARVIN HORST 272-0871 McALISTERVILLE CLAIR SANER A SON _ 463-2234 USDA reference list offered MILTON STREET. MD THOMASVILLE will prepare their dishes over a Charmglow gas grill. The Porkecue has been one of the most popular events at the Maryland State Fair, attracting large audiences. The purpose of the contest is to promote the acceptance of modern pork products, which the public has found to be tasty, nutritious, and excellent for regular as well as reducing diets, according to the sponsors. will represent Pennsylvania at National 4-H Congress. Judging contests and educational will be held throughout August 11 with awards being presented at an assembly program August 12 in the New University Auditorium. for a meat and broth and broth baby-food item); corned beef hash must have at least 35 per cent meat and no more than 15 per cent fat; condensed- chicken soup must contain at least four per cent chicken meat; and Sloppy Joe sauces with meat are required to contain at least 35 per cent meat. A copy of the complete Consumer Reference List may be obtained from: Information Division,, APHIS, U. S. Department (ffl Agriculture, 26 Federal Plaza (Room 1653), New York, N.Y. 10007. LANDIS LABOR SAVERS 692-4647 LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION 437-2375 FRED B. McGILLYRAY 776-7312 WALTER WEBSTER 452-8521 KENNETH L.SPAHR 225-1064