28 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. July 24. 1976 V J ' 1 ' * * * - - ", T . T'- i t ,-i* k *5 *v;s. J * \ Susie and Andrew Trimble, children of Paul and Charlotte Trimble, Peach Bottom R 2, portray the pleasantries of growing up on a farm. Warm Summer days, soft grass, a pet calf and lots of space to run around in are a part of their young lives. PRICES [EH Before you thought you couldn’t afford one Now you cannot afford to be without one. Name the time and the place. We ’ll demonstrate! Before Now Model 1737 >BOOO.OO ’5800.00' Model 18450 ’11,500.00 ’8500.00 ' ‘10,500.00 ’7600.00 * •8500.00 ’6200.00 • •4500.00 *3200.00 ■ Model 1845 G Model 1830 Model 1816 •Base machine only opbons not included ID STEER LOADER HEADQUARTERS FOR SOUTHERN LANCASTER CO. :zm ♦ ♦!< J * x - SLASHED ON UNI-UMDERS. A. L. HERR & BRO. left up to the women. ( Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Ph. 786-3521 ' - •VH '