—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3, 1976' 74 Documents part (Continued from Page 711 the time of her death, to Jacob because be was named after her husband. John Kolle is presently carrying out the family tradition of farming. Originally composed of 173 acres, and 209 acres at the time, Jacob Keim willed it to his son Samuel in 1823, the Kolle farm stands now at 111 acres, and John rents close to 90 additional acres to meet his fanning needs. He keeps approximately 70 to 100 head of steers and grows mostly com and hay. Miriam, who keeps her hand in by tending the family’s large vegetable garden and an abundance of flowers that adorn the property, recalls that in her childhood the original portion of the large bam bore the date 1796. Association with the Harmonyville Church of the Manheim grads hold' state FFA offices MANHEIM - Two 1976 graduates of Manheim Central High School were recently elected to State Future Fanners of America offices. Ruby Ginder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ginder, Elizabethtown, R 3, was elected state secretary and Earl Geib, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Geib, Manheim, R 4, was elected eastern regional vice president. Although they are high school graduates, Ginder and Geib will continue as FFA members until the age of 21, and will hold their state offices until June, 1977. Of the eleven officers elected at the summer Convention, six are from the eastern region of Pennsylvania and three are from Lancaster County. Some of the duties in volved in the offices include attending two conventions - one at the Farm Show in Harrisburg in January and the other the FFA Activities Week at Penn State next June. This week the two will be attending an Officer’s Training Seminar for Vocational Organizations, to be held in Harrisburg. They will also represent Penn sylvania at the National Convention in Kansas City in November. There is also the possibility that they will attend other state con ventions as representatives of Pennsylvania. In addition, they will be responsible for attending approximately twenty chapter banquets and FFA functions during the coming year. To apply for a state office an FFA member must have the Keystone Degree, earned under a leadership super vised farm program. Gmder and Geib received their Keystone Degrees in January at the Farm Show. Elections are then based on leadership activities, ability *’>6-191®'' Brethren which aujoms the farm has also been a tradition in the Keim and Kolle families, and in ad dition to his farming, John serves as the church’s pastor. John’s great, great grandfather, Samuel Keim, gave the property for the building of the church which was accomplished in 1880, and John’s uncle was its pastor for 45 years before John. Miriam explained that her move into the smaller house shortly after her husband passed away was in keeping with another family tradition. It seems to have been the custom, she ex plainedj. for the elder Keims to move into the little house in their later years, turning the large house over to the younger generation who had started married life in the little house. of impromtu speaking, knowledge of parliamentary law, overall FFA activities, and interests and willingness to work. Manheim has had two other state officers in the past ten years - Dale Her shey served as state treasurer in 1964-65 and Joe Lefever served as regional vice president in 1972-73. 1 THE LATEST IN SYNTHETIC OIL ADVERTISED IN APRIL ISSUE OF POPULAR SCIENCE. . BETTER LUBRICATION? MORE MPG? EASIER ZERO WEATHER STARTS? HIGHER HP? 25,000 MILE OIL CHANGE? LESS WEAR? A Business opportunity you will want to inquire about See Hiestand Distributors ROOTS SALE BOOTH - EVERY TUESDAY OR CALL 717-426-3286 WRITE HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Box 96 Marietta, PA 17547 AUTHORIZED DEALERS David Alexander Richard W. McGale Box 1764 1232 North 10th St. Erie, PA 16501 Reading, PA 19604 Clair Brumgard Curvin Nace Jr. Box 1088 A Rt. 1 3655 Orkney Rd. Mt. Holly, PA Lancaster, PA 17601 Larry P. Dull Eli B. Peachey Box 704 Rt. 3 (Peachey Dist. Co.) . Manheim, PA 17545 Box 319 A Rt 1 Bellville, PA 17004 Charles H. Krieder Willard R. Smith 897 Kreps Rd Rt 1 Lancaster, PA 17603 Winfield, PA 17889 Steven A. Schnitzer 3309 Edgewood Rd Kensington, MD 20795 . DEALERSHIPS AVAILABLE Jf i c .. f \ C v, '~ * v ‘t The Bicentennial farm this week belongs to the Kolle family. Pictured from left to right they are Miriam Kolle; her granddaughter Christine, age Aseven; and Miriam's son John and his wife Bar- ' Her Aunt Sylvania, Miriam recollected, spent her later years in the same house where Miriam now lives. Sylvania Penn Keim never married, Miriam said, and lived most of her life on the farm until she died in 1973 at the age of 102. A deep respect for history seems to be characteristic of the Keims and Kolles, and Sylvania was obviously no exception. Recalling how her aunt came by the name Sylvania Penn, Miriam explained that Sylvania, having been christened without a middle name, in time added the “Penn” herself, “because Sylvania Penn was the name of William Penn’s daughter.” * n than huffin’ and goes home remodeling ... it takes cold hard cash! And if you’re finding that the more cash you need, the less you have, then it’s tune you learned about our low-cost home improvement loans. Well work out a plan suited to your income. Let’s talk about it soon! THE SMALL LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU TWO CONVENIENT SOUTHERN LANCASTER LOCATIONS quarryville PHONE (717) 786-7337 pennhil An Equal Opportunity Lender • Member F.D.I.C. • Each Account Insured to 540,000. bara. They are holding their two daughters, Emily, four months old, and Laui is four years old. 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