SPECIAL GRAVITY BOXES List SALE PRICE 165 bushel $349.00 *3OO. 230 bushel $429.00 - *370. 15% OFF ON 6 TO 10 TON WAGON GEARS Sales & Service MILLER'S REPAIR RDI, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. Gibbons Road - Ph. 656-7013 moxz ] M Feeding Equipment ' GEORGE HEATH. DISTRICT MANAGER Mechanicsburg 697 5466 ALEXANDRIA LEBANON ' MAX ISENBERG 669-4027 sc , BALLY LONG ACRE ELECTRIC 845-2261 CAMP HILL LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737-4554 EAST EARL ZIMMERMAN EQUIPMENT 445-6409 ELLIOTTSBURG CARL BAER 582-2648 HAMBURG H. DANIEL WENGER ■ 488-6574 HONEY BROOK IK’S FARM STORE 273-9730 KIRKWOOD LANDIS &ESBENSHADE 786-4158 - uments are part of heritage .id lam to Jacob Schuster. It is the oldest in 'an amazing collection of old legal documents which trace the history of what is now the Kolle family farm. Miriam Kolle, formerly a Keim, lives in the smaller of Models and systems to suit any requirement Silo unloading - Feed .handling * Manure handling Patz has {he Equipment Patz has the Personnel Patz means confidence depend on it. Contact your nearest Patz dealer listed below MARVIN HORST 272-0871 McALLISTERVILLE clMsaner & SON 463-2234 MILLERSBURG LANDIS LABOR SAVERS 692-4647 MILTON LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION 437-2375 NEWVILLE FRED B. McGILLYRAY 776-7312 PIPERSVILLE MOYER FARM SERVII 776-8675 STREET. MD WALTER WEBSTER 452 8521 mOMASVILIF KENNETH LSPAHR 225-1064 ***** the Kolle family farm bore the date 1796 on the original portion. The barn on two homes on the Kolle farm located just outisde St. Peters Village in Chester County. Her son John with his wife Barbara and their three daughters live nearby in the large farmhouse built in 1844, added onto in 1888. Miriam was bom and raised on her family’s farm before she and her husband Carl purchased it from her father, Leonard Keim, in 1947. Family records indicate that five generations of Keims farmed the land before Miriam and Carl, and one of the more recent among her NEED... HAY—STRAW—EAR CORN PEANUT NULLS Buy Now and! Save! More and more fanners are buying from us for better value and all ardund satisfaction. DELIVERED ANY QUANTITY Phone Area Code 717-687-7631 ESBENSHADE TURKEY FARM PARADISE PA. MYER'S METERED GAS SERVICE, INC. PO BOX 71 MANHEIM, PA 17545 CALL, (717) 665-3588 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3,1976 —71 store of legal documents is one deeding half the farm to John and Barbara, something Miriam and her husband had agreed upon prior to his death in 1974. The wills of Jacob and Catherine (or Caterina as it appears on one document) Schuster which help explain how the farm came to the Keim family. It appears from those papers, that the Schusters were childless. In addition to Catherine, to whom he willed the farm, Jacob mentions in his will his “brothers and sisters” and a friend, George Keim, to whom he left an in decipherable amount of money and personal effects. Again,, no Schuster children are mentioned in the will of Catherine who died in 1781, bequeathing the farm “to my well loved friend, Jacob Keim,” George Keim’s five-year-old son. Jacob was to assume ownership of the farm, ac cording to the conditions set forth in Catherine’s will, when he reached 25 years of age, at which time he was to pay the total sum of 300 pounds English money to any brothers and sisters he might have at that time. Legal releases, indicating amounts of money sub sequently paid by Jacob, show that he did have seven brothers and sisters. Although technically speaking, Miriam pointed out, the farm falls short by six years (Catherine’s was proved in 1782) of being a Bicentennial family farm, George Keim reportedly lived and worked on the Schuster farm even before Jacob Schuster’s death in 1777. It is believed that Catherine willed the farm, which was probably still being operated by George at [Continued on Page 74]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers