Horse judging practice results of Lebanon Jane Gregory received a s District 6 4-H Horse blue ribbon for perfect Practice held at the placing of the performance ion Fairgrounds on classes r and a third place 26 were as follows. ribbon for judging con- Lancaster County formation, and a blue ribbon consisted of three for first place individual , r s: Jane Gregory, overall. She received a total ' Gregory, and Jody score .of 367 points out of a In total, Lancaster possible 400. placed 4th in team Seven counties competed. EVERY WEDNESDAY IS m# DAIRY ST DAY AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, PA If you need 1 cow or a truck load, we have from 10 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price jstly fresh and close springing Holstems Cows from local farmers and our regular uppers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite, irdon Fritz, Blame Hoffer, Dale Hostetter, H. D itz, and Jerry Miller. SALE STARTS 12:30 SHARP Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & Ear Corn Sale 12:00 Noon. All Dairy Cows & Heifers must be eligible for Pennsylvania Health Charts. For arrangements for special sales or herd isoersals at our barn or on your farm, contact Abram Dtffenbach, Mgr. 717-354-4341 OR Norman Kolb 717-397-5538 % THORIZED DISTRIBUTOR OF CHORE-TIM *Nr Dependable poultry equipment is manu factured only by people who take your problems, needs, and suggestions seri ously. We do. And it shows in our products. BROODERS —Special Air-Gas Mixing Chamber provides clean, economical combustion sturdy construction 100% safety economical price. WATERERS Easy to assemble, easy to clean, long life porcelain or stainless steel troughs. Available in hanging or floor models. WATER VALVES - Combination of Brass, Celcon and Stainless Steel provides strength, durability and corrosion resist ance. Accurate water control, few working parts, easy to clean. Double Action or Float style. INCINERATORS Dual burner provides smoke and odor control, refractory lined for extra long life, burns from under long lasting ceramic grate to save fuel. Gas or oil fired. Ask about our Nests, Hanging Feeders— Turkey Nest Traps, FeedersrUnd Waterers. ROMPT DEUVERY PARTS VIA V.P.S. - t *<>• **!<■*• ' These buses transported the 275 members of Appraisers to Kreider farms where they learned of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural the varied operation that the Kreider families run. Appraisers (Continued from Page 641 potatoes, 450 acres of early com, 100 acres of wheat, 5 acres of tobacco, 25 acres of hay, and 10,000 laying hens. They also have facilities for 20,000 broilers and 600 head of cattle which is now used “ + for growing heifers and bulls. To furnish their jug milk store they have 110-120 cows on the home farm and a 444 freestall bam and Ross- Holm milking parlor which the group saw as part of the tour. AND SHENANDOAH POULTRY EQUIPMENT Poultry and Livestock Systems Advanced Air-Systems Featuring The Automatic Air Inlet OSSe Controlled Feeder System for Breeder Pullets and Hens Agri RD2 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Farmersviile) Lancaster Farmini The Kreider operation was also chosen because it is one of the largest, most efficient partnerships in the area. The last time the Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers came to Lan caster County was in 1959 when the Kreider operation included only three farms. “They are really going to Feed Storage A Flex Auger Delivery System for Confinement Feeding Adult Turkey Completely Automatic Confinement Feeding System Featurini Production Systems The CHORE-MATIC Equip., Inc. • SALES INSTALLATION • SERVICE Saturday. July 3.1976 —65 see a difference and notice growth in the county,” said Huffman, who is co chairman of the conference and director of the tour. The group, whose national headquarters is in Denver, Colo., met for the conference at Elizabethtown College with a total of 500 men, women, and children at tending. Cage Layer Systems & Components Featuring POCKMAN "Galv-A-Weld” Cages offers complete Phone Bus. 717-354-4271
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