—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3, lyyfa Farm Women Societies Society 1 The Society of Farm Women 1 held a covered dish picnic supper at the Middle Creek Church Pavilion on Saturday evening, June 26. Thirty-three persons at tended. An invitation was extended for the group to attend the county picnic to be held at the Brethren Village Pavilion on August 4. The program included a spelling class. The winners were Mrs. George Zahn and Mrs. Martin A. Moore. Winners in the general in formation class were Mrs. Willis Bucher and Daniel A. Brubaker. Winners in the Pa. Dutch class were Amos Shenk and Mildred Shreiner. Society 6 The June meeting of Farm Women Society 6 was held in the First Church of God, Elizabethtown, with 16 members present. It was voted to sponsor a July birthday party to Harrisburg State Hospital. The group also entertained IS other members of Society 24. . Mrs. Donald Bashnaugle and two daughters from Mountville entertained the group with music poetry. Hostesses were Sara Myer, Mabel Bollinger, Marie Hoffer, and Murial Saylar. Society 7 Farm Women Society 7, met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Eshleman, Paradise, on June 14. Mrs. Raymond Eshleman was in charge of devotions. Roll call was, “Something I Do That Is Unsafe.” Reports were as follows - $lOO was donated to the county project, which is, “Mobile Unit of St. Joseph Hospital” and $3O was donated to “International Farm Youth Service.” English Awards were given to two Pequea Valley High School graduates; Ist to Jennifer Coates; 2nd to Sharon Sidles. A program 6ARBE« OIL CO. jTEXfICo| Fuel Chief HEATING GIL t OU HEATING EQUIPMENT AIR CONDITIONING MOUNT JOY, PA. * Ph. 653-1821 ' on, 'First Aid,”-was given bj Miss Miriain Keneagy. The Jidy meeting will be held Monday evening at 7:30 p.m., July 12th, at the home of Mrs. John Shirk of Paradise. - Roll call is, ‘‘The Last Book I Read.” The speaker will be Mrs. Henry Yohn. Her subject is, “The Fragrance of Beauty.” Hostesses are Mrs. Marian Rice, Miss Miriam Keneagy, Mrs. Frank Lichty, Mrs. Roy Lawyer. Society 11 Farm Women Society 11 met on June 24 in the Social rooms of the Middle Oc toraro Presbyterian Church, with Society No. 29 as guests. A, covered dish luncheon was served. After lunch a short business meeting was held in which a contribution was given for the IFFY fund. For program, Rev. Tanguy, pastor of the church hosted a tour of the Historic church and gave it’s history. The July meeting will be a Fanning . . . It’s Nurtured the Good Earth of Our America As the Bicentennial nears, let's remember the part farming has played and still does in the development of the United States. It has provided us with the essentials to achieve what we have today. By providing food for our millions . . . natural fibers for our clothing . . . jobs for many of our people., Let's practice conservation to preserve this land that has given us life. picnic at Park in Quartyville with, a picnic lunch at 13-pan. ' Society 14 Society of Farrn Women 14 recently held ’a mother daughter banquet at the Robert Fulton Inn. " During the short business meeting, Mrs. Miriam Leaman reported -on the spring rally held at Get tysburg. Mrs. Paul Hostetter reported on the bus trip to Winterthur Gardens and Museum and reminded the ladies of the annual picnic to be held on July 11 at 1 pan. at the Lancaster Co. Paries. A sextet composed „pf mothers and daughters of the members sang several selections. The program continued with an animated program having a spiritual emphasis. Geraniums were given out to the oldest mother present, the youngest mother present, the 1 ' mother who traveled the farthest, the newest bride present, the FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. - mother having, two .graduates this year, the mother Tvith the 'Youngest . daughter, and the mother who picked the most strawberries. The next meeting will be the picnic on 'July 11. Society 26 On Sunday, June 27, Society 26 met at the home of Robert Brubaker for a pig roast. Twenty-four families were present. Harry Hershey led the group in prayer after which a meal was served. The men played volleyball as i the women conducted their business meeting. Judy Musser and Ruby Esbensbade played games with the children. At 3:30 p.m. the group stopped for a break of homemade tea and ice cream. The next meeting will be held at the home of Janet Buchen. Faye Stoner, the 4-H exchange student will bring the program for the evening. Women' Cale ■' Thursday, July Society 21 6:30 p.m. Picnic. Society 23 Visit Hi School. Society 9 6:00 pjn. -Ci dish. COWAMP meeting 7;3j the Met Ed audito- Route 61, Reading. Drying Food Workshop Leesport Ag Center, Saturday, July 10 Society 251:30 p.m. - r Fun Day at Strasl Society-2 Meeting 'Society 6 2 p.m. Farm Home Center. •v r v '■ r- V £
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