- -HA iturday,Juiy3.l976—l Ida Risser a 4-H Sewing Qub that has more leaders than members at the present. It seems to take a little prodding to get children to come to the meetings. This month our Com munity Club took a tour of WGAL-TV and found it very interesting although quite technical. A movie explained much of the behind-the scenes activity but we were able to actually see the two studios, dressing rooms and control rooms plus the news room. The meeting before that, we visited an exotic greenhouse at Brickerville and found a profusion of tropical plants and trees. Some of the children saw, for the first time, bananas growing on an upside-down bunch on a large tree. Other unusual trees bore figs, grapefruit, limes and coffee berries. We also saw an enormous elephant’s ear plant and many hanging ferns. We really do try to have variety in our programs so that the 4-H’ers will have a learning experience. I’m apt to be a pessimist and expect the worst out come under any cir cumstances. Thank good ness my husband is an op timist. He can accept a crop failure, his best cow dying or a major breakdown in machinery and go stolidly about his business. As usual, he was right - my garden is recovering from the bail storm of a month ago. I spent two days tying pea stalks to the fences and they sent out new shoots from the base of the plants and are now bearing. I replanted the lettuce and bought new tomato plants and it is surprising to see how everything has begun growing anew - even the weeds. Again Allen says “Where big weeds don’t grow, nothing else will grow either.” COMPLETE FARM PAINTING We Use Quality PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON!! AERIAL UDDER EQUIPMENT * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray-On and Brush-In Method * Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE ESH SPRAY PAINTING (DamelS Esh) (C Ralph Miller) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER BOX 350 A RONKS PA 17572
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