e W-iaiica%ter farming,' Saturday,* Julyß; 1976 Notecards {Continued from Pate 57) would be too clumsy. As has been mentioned in other craft articles you are only as good as your tool. Once the design has roughly been cut out, go back and trim very closely to the edge of the flocking. When you have done this, you should have a brightly colored design which is ready to be glued to paper to make the notecard. The paper which you use as the basis of your notecards can be any type of paper at all as long as the envelopes match. To glue the design onto the paper, use a contact cement. This type of glue can be purchased at any craft store, and is necessary when working with thin material. Other types of glue, especially the popular white glue, will come through the material. All together, this craft takes only a few minutes to handmade notecards are contact cement, pastels, flocked, designed material, and a manicure scissors. The flower laying on the table was cut from a large piece of flocked material, colored with pastels, and will be placed on a piece of paper to make a card like the one pictured. WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE -DRIES WHITE -DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY -NO WET FLOORS -IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS -WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY. Also Barn Cleaning Service Available With Compressed Air To have your barn cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lot of the old lime. This will keep your barn looking cleaner & whiter longer. We white washed 600 bams last year, so if your barn needs white washing for better service have it done early. High-Pressure Washing In*Daily Barns. . MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster. Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 do. It’s a simple, almost “unmessable” way to make lovely hand crafted cards. VARIATION WITH FLOCKED MATERIAL For a variation of this method, you cap use already colored, flocked material, and by adding individual colors with a felt-tipped pen, you can make the design your own. Mrs. Heisey suggests taking a basic design and making a scene out of it by connecting lines and adding others. This, she says, is what can make your “cutout notecard” unique. Another suggestion Mrs. Heisey makes is to decorate the edges of your envelopes. It is important to have this part of the card per sonalized, also. NOTECARDSFROM UNFLOCKED MATERIAL Beautiful notecards can also~be made from almost any type of material, not, necessarily only that which** is ilii. kcd Simply cut out am design which is at tractive and glue it to "the paper. The glue will keep it from fraying. The key to success is file felt tipped pens. As was said before, add the personalized designs by finishing the notecard with various colors of felt tipped pens. Felt tipped pens also come in handy for a design which ANNOUNCING WAIVER OF FINANCE ON NEW HI CORN PLANTERS TO ★ TRADE IN USED PLANTER AS DOWN PAYMENT SAVE MONEY TODAY • Trailing models rn 4,6,8 rows, wide and narrow. • Quick-change seed drums can be changed over in rrifinutes. • Big centralized 11-bit. hopper goes half a day withjdut refilling. R. S. HOLLINGER & SON MOUNTVILLE f 717 285 4538 C. B. HOOBER & SON INTERCOURSE MESSICK FARM EQUIP. ELIZABETHTOWN LAMB'S FARM MACHINERY Thomdate. Pa. 215-269-2676 CLARENCE WILSON & SONS Kimerton PA COPE & WEAVER CO. NEW PROVIDENCE ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. 22 26 Henry Ave New Berlmville PA 1 Mile North of Boyertown Phone 215 367 2169 is too small to cut out. When other suggestions for making “After all,” she, this happens, ,cut out as your notecards more in- “when you’ve don* much of the design as dividualized. She. suggests much changing possible from" the material trying variations on the way rearranging of the and finish the rest of the the paper is folded and the 1 paper or material i pattern with your pen. way the designs are placed you really can sigi Because of this, no design is on the paper. name to it.” too small to uSe,‘ and you can That’s the fun of \ make lovely namecards She also adds that You start out with from wrapping paper developing your own per- and through creativii designs. sonalized signature for on out with something y, OTHER SUGGESTIONS the back of the card will add call your own and gn Mrs. Heisey has some to its uniqueness. pride. MARCH Early 1977 Sale on 111 Corn Planters BUY Now at 1976 Price Level ★NO FINANCE CHARGES UNTIL MARCH IST, 1977 ★ NO PAYMENTS WITH CASH DOWN PAYMENT OR TRADE-IN AS DOWN PAYMENT Simple ... accurate ... reliable ... International* 400 Cyclo' Planter Limited Time Sale Available From The Dealers Listed Below. SCHOENECK INfERNATIONAL 717 786 8231 717 367 1319 PH (215)933 3581 717 786 7351 1, 1977 ★ TAKE 1976 INVESTMENT CREDIT • Electronic monitors take the guesswork out of planting. • Many attachments available: fertili zer and chemical applicators; Cou- Till units; combined tillage hitch ... and more. SWOPE & BASHORE, INC. MYERSTOWN RDI (FryStown) 717 933-4138 C & W EQUIPMENT, INC. BIGGS INCORPORATED 34 Buckley Ave HERITAGE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1054 S SUteSt 717 733 2283 PERRONE EQUIPMENT CORP. 101 Rosehill Ave West Grove. PA PH. (215)869-2474 ■ IH I . SEA SAVIN Oakwood Lane at Rt 873 Near Neffs (Schnecksville Pa ) 215 767 3806 or 437 4813 260 York Rd Carlisle PA 17013 PH 717 243-4419 Rising Sun MO PH 301-658 5531 AFTER Ephrata. PA
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