*» * •«" t •** *-Q _ Make personalized notecards with scraps • Betty Jo Heisey speaK. a favorite ot many Mrs. Heisey estimates that ,men Societies as over "the years she has ; ed entertainment spoken to more than 20 Farm, meetings. Not only ~ Women groups in the county craft demonstrations that’s including repeats to an interesting af- the same groups. scent h< Lrlvef- ‘‘Reputing a group makes love and belief in rthard ” she says. “I always Christ also inspire t 0 my presen ce who bear her tatlon ?. vaned for each SEE THE ALL NEW iiH m DU-ALL AIR SPRAYER FEATURING; siproof 150 gallon fiberglass tank with mechanical agitation, its prove Super Mily-Mist ideal for mature apple trees or semi fwarf plantings. jular Myers Du-All Pump handles dilute or low volume ap licaiions with liquid or wettable powder chemicals, jh velocity 36” axial flow fan for good foliage penetration with air md chemicals. PTO HP requirements ... For rated performance 50 HP ractors recommended. Jusive Drive-Mist Nozzles for extra carrying power, ik fitted with propeller type agitator synthetic rustproof strainer md see thru sight gauge. ;h pins reversible for Category I or II receptacles. LESTER A. SINGER PHONE 687-6712 Lancaster County’s Only Dealer Specializing in Sprayer Sales & Service ;s,pa _IAM AGRI CORPORATION INVENTORY REDUCTION Tam-Agri buys in quantity to give you better prices. Now, when manufacturer's pricing is on the rise again; is Tam-Agri going to hold on to its inventory - then sell it at the new increased price for higher profit? Tam Agri wants to pass double savings along to you. First, bulk buying gives us a chance to offer items for less. Second - Tam Agri can sell from stock - no need to pay manufacturer’s new higher price - no need to charge you more. Tam-Agri is known in agri-business for quality and fair dealings - It pays to know Tam- Agri. BUTLER-BINS-ALL SIZES BUTLER-FARM FANS-GRAIN DRY MIX MILL BUCKET ELEVATORS MIX MILL FEED FACTORIES MIX MILL ROLLER MILLS MIX MILL ROASTERS PLEASE GALL OR WRITE FOR COMPLETE USE OF REMS AND PRICES: 'i - *" - V B NO! group.” Judging from the recurring interest and warm reception she always receives, Mrs. Heiaey ap pears to be accomplishing her goal. However, she doesa’t just entertain farm women with her skills. She puts her talents to work for others by teaching crafts at Audubon Villa, Inc., a privately owned nursing home in lititz. She’s been the activities directress, there, for five years, mostly on a volunteer basis. However, for two years she was a full-time employee of the home. “It makes just the biggest difference in some of the people,” she says exuberantly. “Crafts can add meaning to their lives, especially when they can sell their work.” Crafts can also be im portant in other people’s lives - young and old alike. “I Idee to teach young women my crafts and other things, like cooking, because I feel they don’t always have enough in their lives that interest them,” she explains. “But, basically, I want to motivate people to use the gifts God gave them,” she 'says quietly. “Too often we waste talents we have or those we don’t realize we have.” Mrs. Heisey hasn’t let her God-given talent go to waste. She’s naturally creative, and most of the things she comes up with are original ideas. Crafts By JOANNE SPAHR To make notecards with flocked material, start by laying the material on a, flat surface. Then, using chalk type pastels, rub the desired colors over the flocked design of the material, making your own- color coordinated design from one already manufactured as part of the material. Mrs. Heisey says that flocking picks up the pastels very readily and holds them excellently. SALE ~i.S ■ rn ' i r v'^va Hm PHONE 717-432-3376 RD 1 MOUNTAIN ROAD • DILLSBURG, PA. • 17019 When -asked how she comes up with her ideas, she says she just looks at something a scrap of material, paper, etc. which she doesn’t want to waste, and keeps thinking “What can'l do with it?” until the answer comes. It’s her own personal philosophy that God answers even these tiniest of questions for her. As was hinted at, the basis of her craft work is recycling and using up scraps and leftovers of wrapping paper, material, and cards, etc. Hie crafts which she demon strated for LANCASTER FARMING were centered around utilizing these materials. PERSONALIZED NOTECARDS FROM SCRAPS OF FLOCKED MATERIAL Flocked material, or that with a raised design used many times for gowns makes an excellent tool for personalized, attractive notecards with an expensive look. *. r - -»lancaster. FarjnmgjSatut;day.jHly<3^97!^ti Mrs. Betty Jo Heisey holds one of her notecards made from already colored flocked material. She made the petals out of the flocked material and connected the rest of the flower with felt tipped pens to finish it and give it an “expensive” look. After the design is colored manicure scissors i: to the brightness and tone to necessary for this type oi suit your tastes, take a work because with sheai manicure scissors and material other scissor: roughly cut out the design. A [Continued on Page 58] J >t> r” ■. t/f / BUTLER AGRI-BUILDER r"
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