54 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 3,1976 Home On The Range {Continued on Page 54) Yum Yam Chicken Barbecue 1 broiler-fryer chicken, quartered V« cup com oil V* cup frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed V* cup honey V* cup orange-flavored liqueur 1 teaspoon seasoned salt 1 can (1 pound, 6 ounce) sweet potatoes or yams, drained Mix together corn oil, orange juice concentrate, m honey, liqueur, and seasoned Tasty Barbecued salt. Reserve V* cup mixutre. Spareribs Cover chicken with 4to 6 pounds spareribs remaining mixture and 1 cup catsup marinate at least 1 hour. 2-3 cup tomato juice Cook chicken on outdoor grill j tablespoon vinegar over gray coals, turning 3 tablespoons brown sugar chicken and basting with 1 teaspoon salt remaining marinade every 2 tablespoons Wor -10 minutes for ap- ceitershire sauce proximately 45 minutes, j clove garlic, minced Meanwhile, divide sweet To prepare the barbecuh potatoes evenly aniong 4 sauce, combine catsup,- pieces aluminum foil. Spoon to mato juice, vinegar, brown reserved marinade over SU g ar) salt, Worcestershire sweet potatoes and enclose sauce and garlic in in foil. Seal foil. About 15 saucepan; bring to a boil and minutes before duck«i is slowly for 10 minutes, done, place sweet potato stirring occasionally, packets on gnll over coals. into serving sized pieces. Place ribs on grill, rib ends down, 5 inches done and potatoes are hot. To or as far as {rom serve, open foil andptace heat- Broil low to SfSno* 1 * 048 " 0 * 8 ' moderate temperature 1 to Makes 4 servings. 1% hours, Sng to brown Mrs. Earl Wyman evenly. During last 30 Pembina, N.D. smites, brush ribs with 1973 National Chicken barbecue sauce and turn Cooking Contest occasionally, 4to 6 servings. Barbecued Chicken BoSrSckßfts iWSKTi£SS to l**aae envelope) taco seasoning mix W 2 SesjSoS fresh lemon 1 <Z£ S ounces) tomato Va Cut back ribs into serving- MARmA°nF y - si2ed Pfeces. Place ribs on lam^lc^n.fineiy chopped to 1 hours, turning to brown 35085 evenly. Stir taco seasoning mix into tomato sauce. Brush ribs with sauce and mari ” ad ®- turn occasionally during last 15 minutes cookinT* to 6 for 2to 4 hours or overnight, serv mgs. turning occasiopally. Remove chicken from marinade; set marinade aside. Place .chicken on spit and cook over preheated charcoal grill for about 1 hour or until done, basting frequently with marinade. Heat marinade in dripping pan of grill and serve as sauce. Makes four servings. Mrs. Walter Greissinger Tacoma, Washington. 1973 National Chicken Cooking Contest XXX Barbecued Bib Chops 1 pkg (% oz.) Italian salad dressing mix 1 can (6 oz.) tomato paste 8 lamb rib chops, % inch thick Combine salad dressing mix' and tomato paste; spread in thin layer over top side of chops. Broil 3 to 4 inches from source of heat, or cook on outdoor grill, 5 to 7 minutes. Turn, brush second side with sauce, cook 5 minutes longer, or until desired degree of doneness. Serves four. Lamb Treats .XXX Broiled Lambergers 2 lbs. ground lamb 2 tablespoons dehydrated, minced onion 2 tablespoon dehydrated parsley flakes 2 cups grated carrots , 2-3 cups fine dry bread crumbs 2 teaspons salt % teaspoon pepper 2-3 cups catsup 8 strips bacon Combine lamb, onion, parsley, carrots, bread crumbs, salt, pepper and catsup; mix well. Shape into 8 patties, about 1 inch thick. Arrange bacon around patties. Fasten with tooth picks. Broil, 3 to 4 inches from source of beat or cook on grill 5 to 7 minutes. Turn and broil 5 minutes or until desired degree of doaeaess. Field day The Lancaster County Conservation District's annual Field Day will be held this year on the Mark C. Risser farm, Holtwood RDI. The date has been set for Tuesday, July 20 (rain date July 22), beginning at 10 a.m. Planned activities for the day will include the annual plowing contests in level land and contour coni' petition, land judging, viewing the extensive conservation practices in stalled on the Risser farm, and for the younger set a pig and rooster chase. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* Serve on hamburger buns, as desired. Serves 8. *■ " ' J Lamb Treats Sour Cream-Stuffed Baked Potatoes 8 baking pptatoes Butter 1 teaspoon salt V* teaspoon pepper Vz cup chopped chives 1 cup dairy sour cream If you like, you may do this recipe in advance and save fuss at the last minute. Scrub the baking potatoes and cut away any damaged portions or eyes. Rub skins'lightly with softened butter and bake in a hot oven, 400, one hour or until very tender when pressed. Let stand until cool enough to handle. Cut oft top about one-third of the way down. Scoop potato into bowl saving larger portion of skin, mash the potato thoroughly with salt and pepper and V« cup of the chopped chives. Stir in sour cream.'lf too dry, add more sour cream. Pile back into shells. If desired, cover and refrigerate until near party time. Thirty minutes before serving, place into a slow oven, 300, to reheat. (If potatoes are cold, allow 40 minutes.) Sprinkle with remaining chives and bring to party site. Keep warm at side of grill ona Sheet of aluminum foil. Makes 8 servings. Backyard Beyond XXX planned The Conservation District is seeking participants for the plowing contest. Anyone interested in having his or her name entered as a plowing contestant should contact the_ Lancaster. County Conversation District by calling 29&-5361 ' for an application and rules . and regulations booklet. Deadline for registering as a plowman is Friday, July 16. J. Everett Kreider is in charge of activities. Further details will be announced later. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ DO THE JOB RIGHT!! EQUIPMENT FOR THE iOB YOU MAY SI MORE t)ME AND MONEY THAN YOU EXPECTED. RENT THE RIGHT TOOL FOR THE JOB AND GET GOOD RESULTS THE TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ACE RENTS RENTALS UNLIMI 720 N. Prince St. Lancaster,PA PH: 717-393-1701 HUNTERS I OUTDOORSMEN The HERMAN 8” Insulated SURVIVOR BOOT insulated to 20° . =7194 Gun Boot®. -8" Moccasin toe boot. Redwood pebble gram rawhide uppers. - Foam padded gusset and upper. Insulated to —2o°. Leather lined throughout. Cushion insole. Vibra sole and heel. Narrow 7 through 14 " Medium 7* through 14 H«w Witwpnwt Sinwor iocti ] SankAmericmo 271 W. MAIN ST. KUT2T Phone (215) 683-7686 . Free Parking at Rear of Store A TIME] TO REMEMBER As we celebrate our nation’s birthday, we should take a moment to reflect on the part we’ve all played in making this possible. America’s growth and progress has been the result of thousands of communities just like ours making their contributions to the country we honor this year. - * Our contribution, as so many others, has been the cooperative efforts of those in our community families, businesses, churches, schools, and banking institutions all work ing together to write our local history and, in turn, the sfory of our nation. So for all of us it’s a time to be proud a time to remember. Ml Offices of Fanners First will be dosed Monday, inly sth. IF YOU DON'T USE THE RIGHT FIRST TIME. 940 Cornwall Rd. Lebanon, PA . PH; 717-272-4658 “We Rent Most Everything” WAYNE* DRY GOO The People Bank FARMERS vmsxmmmi f OIC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers