Ehrlich Co., >. ! Pest, Rodent control. Lawn spraying, . ~ 1278 Loop Ri PA Phone «iHr H PEQUEA & KUHN HAY TEDDERS IN STOCK ill 2750 N. MARKET STREET PHONE 367-1319; JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN SPICKLER HOME 653-4560 HI 4 s IH Hr° HI Hr° HI Hr* A Services Offered Services Offered Services Offered Looking for work. Willing to paint farm buildings at a reasonable rate. Phone 717- 859-2350 j SILO REPAIRS : 1 * Tear Down I * Rebuild • * Repiaster • * Roofs Installed ; * Extensions ; * Distributors and Pipes : DAVE OETWEILER • RD#2, Newville, PA • . 717-776-7533 •••••••••• »«<#•»» ••••••• D. E. STOLTZFUS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY RD2 Fleetwood, Pa. Concrete Work Our Specialty. Farm- & Commercial Buildings our preference. Good Price - Good,Work - Good Service anywhere in Southeastern Pa. Call 215-683-8653 GROFFS TIRE SERVICE Farm, Passenger, Truck and Industrial Tires • Most Modern Equipment • Low overhead SPECIALIZING IN “ON THE FARM” TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE. 717-284-4796 At Beth-IRew Dairy Farm, just West of Muddy Run Rec. Park, off Rt. 372 near Holfwood. MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT INC. WHEAT STORAGE If you think wheat price will advance after harvest, we can store your wheat for you, in our elevators. We will accept good dry milling wheat, free of garlic. For details regarding cost, moisture limit, grading, etc. Write or Phone FLORY’SMILL 841 Flory Mill Road Lancaster, PA 17601 Phone 717-569-7057 Custom Work Wanted - Livestock Hauling. John Darkes, Womelsdon, Pa. 215-589-2296 Cold Storage Insulation Fruits - Vegetables SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for tem perature and humidity control. Continuous coating no seams - no adhesive. For free estimates call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 p.m. call 872-2233. Inter seeding with new JD power till seeder. Custom round baling. Will do 59 mi. of West Grove. PH: 215-869- 3068 after 6 p.m. AGRICULTURAL m SPRAYING WILLIS BURKHOLDER 2046 West Main Ephrata, PA 717-733-6081 JL Farmall H w/loader John Deere 2010 D John Deere 2 way plow Oliver 4 hot. mounted plow IH 540 plow 4 hot 16” semi-mount IH 370 disk • 12’ - nice Ford 3 pt disk Spring Harrows - 12' and 14’ NH 790 Spreader w/hydraulic endgate NH 675 Spreader w/hydraulic endgate NH 180 Bu tank Spreader NH 68 Baler NH 1469 self-propelled haybine NH 469 Haybine Bale Rack wagon w/running gear NH 717 Harvester 1 or 2 row head IH 50 Harvester w/2 row head NH 36 Crop Chopper Gehl forage box IH 37 Baler w/lhrower Messick Foid Rotary cutter 5’ Modal 276 Balar Custom Work Livestock and Custom Hauling - Hay, Straw & com. Also for sale 500 gal. milk tank. Oliver 550. 1965 House Trailer for Sale. PH: 626-6904 Combining of Small Grain and Com, 36” to 40” rows. Will travel for large acreage. Inquire about other custom work. Grant Cunningham, 215-368-0560 Custom Combining (new machine). Small gram $12.00 per acre standing, $13.50 down. Com - narrow or wide $15.00 per acre. Serving areas of Southern Lancaster, Southern York, Southern Chester, Maryland. Also truck to haul grain. PH: 717- 548-3430 ELIZABETHTOWN, PA JL nr JL nr CUSTOM SAWING FOR SALE Locust Posts. Ix 6 Fence Boards. Oak, Poplar, Walnut and Wild Cherry Lumber For Sale at all Times. FRET BROS. MFC. Quarryville, PA Phone 717-786-2146 Livestock For Sole For Sale - Two stock boars, 225 lbs. each; $115.00 each. PH: 717-266-1827 3 Registered Holstein heifers; 1 sired by Elfac from a Kingpin dau., 1 sired by Complete from a Jack dau., 1 sired by Charm from a ex pectation dau. All good size and starting to spring. Clarence Martin, R 6 Sinking Spring, PA 215-678-7813 GUERNSEYS 2 herds. One Registered Herd con sisting of 22 young cows in all stages of lactation, majority full cows. The other consists - of 15 Grade cows, mostly Summer and Fall freshening. Both DHIA Records, sound udders with size. Call Collect 717-866-4208 S. K. Norman, Lebanon RDI, PA 17042 JL For Sale -10 Brood cows, calf at side & bred. Call 717-739- 2145 between 6 & 9 P.M. Registered Holstein Heifer due July. Sire - Maryland Gay Wind Merry King. 717- 464-3628 JL nr Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Gilts from certified meat type 1 breeding. Contact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, PA 17363. Phone 301-996-2022. -JL. nr JL nr JL nr World's Largest C - Cows with calves at si - Bred and Open Heifers Quarryville, PA 717-786-2146 m IN a ill ■hl FOR SALE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 100 HEAD HIGH GRADE SPRINGING HEIFERS These heifers are due to freshen in June thru Oc tober. Majority are by Sire Power bulls and out of herd’s on test. These heifers weigh between 1100 and 1400 lbs. and show the type of udder’s you’re looking for. If you are in need of milk now or at base time; plan to see these heifers. We will sell any number at one time. KENT R. FERRELL Churchville, MD 21028 Ph; 301-734-6050 734-7105 (Night) ill Wnr Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Jul' Custom Work ALL TYPES WASHING and SPRAYING for your Poultry Houses, Dairy Barns, etc. ELMER H. LEHMAN Donegal Springs Road ' RDI, Marietta, Pa. Ph: 717-426-3276 or 717-367-2010 For Sale CHIANINA TWIN OAK FARMS 3.1976-41 , .Custom- Work Livestock For Sole HOLSTEINS 3- Herds, good quality, nice uddered with lots of size. One herd of 19 head, one of 28 head and the other 34 head. Lots of Summer and Early Fall freshening. Call Collect 717- 866-4208 S. K. Norman, Lebanon RDI, PA 17042 For Sale - Entire milking herd of 33 Registered Holstein cows and 4 springing heifers. High herd in Cumberland County 9 times in past 12 years. 45 years in D.H.I.A. Last 12 consecutive years average 16,660 lb. milk and 660 lb. fat. R.H.A. for June 17094 lb. milk and 680 fat. Atlantic Breeding. Call 717-258-3970 For Sale - 2 year old Reg. Quarter Horse, stallion, sup erb halter horse, Joe Cody bred on Dam side. Double Bid bred on Sire Side. Call 814-364-1994 after 5 P.M. For Sale - 19 choice Angus heifer yearlings. 500-750 lbs. PH: 215-286-6164. Wanted - Entire herd or part, of herd of dairy cows or springing heifers. Call 301-' 3584)412 after 8 p.m. For Sale - 3 mo. old lamb (Ram). Thoroughbred stud service. Horse boarding and turn out new modern bam. Woodstown, N.J. 609-769-2140 - Also Beefalo. 717-786-2201
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