Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 26, 1976, Image 27

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    Boxed beef to be looked into
iN VER, Colo. - Ex
- concern over the
market for dressed
m the past few weeks,
American National
FISHER spray painters
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fuel shortage
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. Suspected of causing marketing pressures
Cattlemen’s Association has V Boxed beef means dif
set out on a fact-finding ferent things to different
mission to determine the people, but generally it in
possible role boxed beef has dudes breaking down
played in the erratic market, carcass beef into primal,
subprimal and sometimes
retail cuts. The cuts are
vacuumpackered and put
into boxes primarily at the
packing-house and retail
warehouse level.. Recent
surveys indicate that about
30 percent of the carcasses
are boxed at the packer
While the practice of
boxing beef is not new, it has
increased in recent years.
Indications are that more
than half of the beef received
at retail .stores is
prefabricated. “Boxed beef
clearly is a technological
advance that has come of
Jim Thomas PH: (215] 445-4725
Farm Systems
The efficient A. R. Wood six-burner design
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At least 40% .. . and up,to nearly 170% .. . those are
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good reasons why more A. R. Wood brooders are incise
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For more information complete this coupon and return to:
age,” said Wray Finney,
president of ANCA. “We are
not opposed to such
technology, in fact we have
spoken favorably of it on
many occasions. But we are
concerned that the lack of
information on the exact
volume of boxed beef may be
affecting beef prices
“The price in the market
place' is responsive to a
number of signals, such as
cattle on feed, slaughter, and
cold storage reports. Boxed
beef is apparently a large
volume item and should be
considered along with ,the
traditional market in
dicators. However, no
reliable information is
available on the amount of
boxed beef moving into trade
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June'26.1976—27
channels. We need that type
of information,” Finney
In an effort to obtain the
needed additional in
formation on boxed beef and
to seek out possible solutions
to the problem, Finney has
announced that H. W. “Bud”
Harrington, chairman of
ANCA’s Marketing Com
mittee, and Topper Thorpe,
manager of Cattle-Fax,
ANCA’s market analysis
service, will meet with
USDA officials in
“Since boxed beef can be
stored for longer periods of
time than carcass beef, beef
supplies on any given day
may appear larger than they
really are,” Finney said.
Since boxed beef is still a
perishable commodity, there
is a time when it must be
sold. The “must sell”
situations create pressure on
the carcass market since
buyers can buy boxed beef
cheaper than carcass beef.
As an example, in late
March, just prior to the
Easter holiday period, fed
cattle and dressed beef
prices began to move
sharply higher. This was a
result of a decline in fed
cattle available, plus a tough
trading attitude on the part
of feeders -who had been
losing money on fed cattle
since the first of the year.
in the Kitchen®
I by Laurence M. Hursh, M.D.
I Consultant, National Dairy Council
Q. Everybody seems to recoin- cream. Cheddar type cheese'/and
mend milk m the diet. What are icecream, can be helpful
some of the concrete reasons for _ . . . . - „
Q. What does protein do for me?
A. No other single food offers . builds and repaire all
the wide variety of essential nu- tissues, helps to build blood and
Incuts that milk brings to you * orm antibodies to fight infection
Also milk is probably the ongmal Protein can, if needed, supply
convenience food It’s always energy, but this is nutntional
ready for immediate use You just ty wasteful Carbohydrates and
pour it out and enjoy it, either as a fats are and should be our mam
refreshing dnnk or an ingredient sources of energy
in cooking Hot or cold, there’s lit- Q. Do I need fat In my diet?
tie fuss with milk A. Yes Some fat is essential
Q. How old is man’s knowledge Pats provide a rich source of
of nutrition? energy per ounce Vitamins and
A. Most sources credit 1900 B C essential fatty acids also are
as the earliest date of record The derived from fats
Egyptians spotted night blindness Q. What about low carbohy
and other eye problems as dratediets?
probably being related to diet a. They can be faddish, and
Without knowing why. they rec- possibly dangerous If you don’t
ommended liver as a remedy To- g e t enough carbohydrate in your
day we know that foods nch in vi- meals, your body will metabolize
tamin A. such as hyer, egg yolk f a t improperly or even use protein
dark green and. deep yellow f or ener gy that should be utilized
vegetables, butter, whole milk, otherwise
The price increases were
large and came quickly.
Eventually packers could
not'buy fed cattle at a price
level that fit the dressed
beef price, and they cut back
on slaughter volume. Li the
past this has always forced
beef prices higher, but this
did not happen. Hie reason,
it appears, was that more
boxed beef was available to
retailers at lower prices than
carcass beef. Of course there
were a number of other
factors in the market-place,
Finney said, but it appears
that boxed beef was one of
the main reasons the market
responded as it did. s
Another recent develop
ment In beef merchandising,
frozen retail cuts of beef, is
gaining greater acceptance.
This may yet add another
dimension to the com
plicated beef marketing
“In theory, both boxed
beef and frozen beef should
add stability to the market.
When there is an oversupply,
beef can go into storage, and
when supplies are short, beef
can come out of storage, thus
leveling out supply and
theoretically price,” ac
cording to Finney. “But in
the near future these
changes are likely to result
in more volatile prices than