Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 19, 1976, Image 6
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday! June 19, 1976 6 Livestock market aiid auction news , East Coast Carlot Meats June 16 Compared to Tuesday’s close:' Demand and com mitments light for steer beef. Choice 3 steers .5Q4.00 lower, Choice 4 steady. Canner & Cutter cow beef 1.00 lower. Spring lamb 55 lbs. down 2.00 lower, 65. lbs. down generally steady. Fresh pork: Loins 20 lbs. up 1.00 lower. Steer Beef Choice 2-3 600-750 lbs. few 66.00 no comparison; 3 600- 800 lbs. 65.00 load 65.25 .SO LDO lower; 4 600-800 lbs. 59.00-61.00 steady; 4 800-900 lbs. 58.00-60.00 steady. Cow Beef Utility Bng. 1-2 600 lbs. up 56.00 no comparison; Can ner-Cutter 1-2 350 lbs. up 56.00 1.00 lower. Choice 3 Primal Beef Cuts Steer Hinds 145-190 lbs. few 82.00; Fores 153-210 lbs. 51.00; Steer Rounds 70-90 lbs. Middleburg Middleburg, Pa. June 15,1976 CATTLE 220. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Good and Choice steady to 50 cents higher. Slaughter cows steady to mostly $1 to $1.50 lower. Choice No. 2-4, 1000- 1350 lbs. slaughter steers 38.75-41.10, Good 37.0049.00, few Standard 34.00-37.00. Few Choice slaughter heifers 36.50-40.00, few Good 36.00- Utility and high Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 29.00-31.75, couple to 33.25, Cutters 28.50-30.00, Canners 26.00-28.10, Shells down to 23.00. Few Good and Choice slaughter .bullocks 37.00- Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-1500 lbs. slaughter bulls 34.85-38.00. Few Good 300-700 lbs. mixed feeder steers and bulls 36.00-43.00. CALVES 218. Vealers $1 to $4 lower. Few Prime vealers Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, Junell FEEDER STEERS: . Feeder Cattle Couple lots lb. Today 166 42.2542.50; mixed Good and Last Friday 266 Choice 730-1010 lb. 36.75- TREND: Insufficient 10 volume for, a market test. YOUR RENTAL CENTERS TOOLS - TRUCKS - EQUIPMENT Check the List Call us for a quote on our low rates Air compressors Pumps Alternators Saws Automotive tools Scaffoling Concrete equipment Steam cleaner Drills Farm tractor w-attach Hoists Trucks Jacks Welders Hospital and con- Floor machines valescent equipment Plumbing equipment Lawn & Garden Power tools equipment Water pumps Moving equipment Moving helps TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ACE RENTS RENTALS UNLIMITED 720 N. Prince St. 940 Cornwall Rd. Lancaster, PA Lebanon, PA PH: 717-393-1701 PH: 717-272-4658 “We Rent Most Everything” 74.00-75.00; Full Plates 29.00- 31.50; Flanks, untrmd. 30.00. Spring Lamb Carcass Choice and Prime 3-4 55 IBs. down 107.00-108.00 2.00 lower; 65 lbs. down 105.00 few 106.00 early generally steady. Fresh Pork Cuts Loins 14 lbs. down 102.00 no comparison; 14-17 lbs. 102.00- 103.50 no comparison; 20 lbs. up 85.001.00 lower. Butts 4-8 lbs. 0-45 load 84.00 no com parison; Spareribs 3 lbs. down 113.25; bellies, sdls 14- 16 lbs. load 83.25. Boneless beef 90 pet/ chemical lean, fresh 74.00- 78.00 .50-1.00 lower. Boneless beef 85 pet. chemical lean, fresh 70.00- 74.00 no comparison. Beef trimmings 50 pet. chemical lean, fresh 34.00 generally steady. Beef trimmings 50 pet. chemical lean, frozen 34.00 .50 higher. 60.50-62.00, Choice 54.00- 58.00, Good 43.50r50.00,' few Standard 38.00-42.00, Utility 90-115 lbs. 33.00-37.50, 70-85 lbs. 29.00-34.00. Farm Calves: Few Beef cross bulls and heifers 85-125 lbs. 38.00- 55.00. HOGS 451. Barrows and gilts $1.25 to $2 higher. US No. 1-2 195-240 lbs. barrows and gilts 53.60-54.30, No. 1-3 195-250 lbs. 52.80-53.60, No. 2- 3 185-260 lbs. 50.90-52.80, No. -24 230-300 lbs. 50.00-50.90. No. 2-4 330-375 lbs. 43.25- 45.50. US No. 1-3 350-500 lbs. sows 41.75-43.75, No. 2-3 450- 625 lbs. 36.0041.75. Boars 32.00-35.00. FEEDER PIGS 141. US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 30.00-37.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-55 lbs. 36.00-48.50 per head. SHEEP 11. Few Good 70-80 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 40.0048.00. Few Slaughter ewes 17.p0-20.50. , Carlisle Carlisle, Pa. June 15,1976 CATTLE 259. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows 50 cents to $1.50 lower. Couple Choice No. 2-3 1050 and 1085 lbs. slaughter steers 39.50, Good 36.00-39.25, few Standard 30.25-35.85, couple Utility at 31.00. Few Good slaughter heifers 34.85-37.00, one Utility at 27.10. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 30.00-31.50, Cutters 27.00-29.85, Canners 24.10-27.00, Shells down to 20.00. Few Yield Grade No. 2 1150-1870 lbs v slaughter bulls 31.60-35.75. Few Good & Choice 350-650 lbs. _ feeder steers 55.50-44.00; Good 400- 770 lbs. feeder heifers 29.25- 36.75. CALVES 154. Vealers highly uneven, Utility $1.50 to $3 lower. Few Good vealers 44.00-51.00, few Chambersburg Chambersburg, Pa. June 10,1976 CATTLE 302. Compared with last Thursday’s market, slaughter steers grading Choice $1.50 lower, Good 50 cents lower. Slaughter cows grading Gutter & Utility 50 cents to sl.2s'lower, Canner steady to 25 cents lower. Choice No. 2-3 1000-1200 lbs. slaughter steers 38.50-40.75, Good 37.00-39.00', Standard 34.85-37.00. One Choice slaughter heifer at 38.25, few Good 35.00-37.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 30.00-32.25, few 33.85, Cutters 28.85-30.50, Canners 26.75-29.25, Shells down to 22.60. Few Good slaughter bullocks 37.35- 37.85, few Standard 34.85- 36.75. Yield Grade No. 11250- 1900 lbs. slaughter bulls 34.75-39.00. CALVES 389. Vealers $2 to $5 lower. Few Prime vealers $ $ s"s $ $ $ KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET FOR YOUR HOGS BEFORE THEY LEAVE YOUR FARM: $ $ $ PENN PACKING BUYING STATION Auction Standard’ 40.00-43.50, Utility 110-130 lbs. 37.00-40.00, 90-110 lbs: 33.00-37.00; 55-85 lbs. 29.0033.50. Farm calves, few holstein heifers 100-110 lbs. 43.0047.00. HOGS 309. Barrows & Gilts mostly 50 cents to 75 cents higher . No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 52.85- 53.35, No. 13 210-245 lbs. 52.0032.75, No. 23 190-260 lbs. few No. 24 270-280. lbs. 49.6049.50. lUS No. 13 350310 lbs. sows 39.5043.25, No. 23 330340 lbs. 37.0039.50. Boars 33.00- 36,00. FEEDER PIGS 299. US No. 13 3035 lbs. feeder pigs 33.00-41.00 per head, No. 13 45-50 lbs. 36.00-46.50, couple lots 75-90 lbs. 55.00-57.00, lot Utility 20 lbs. 23.00 per head. SHEEP 11. Few Choice 40- 50 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 50.00-51.00, few Good 45-55 lbs. 33.00-44.00. 63.50-68.50, Choice 53.00- 59.00, Good 44.00-54.00, Standard 42.00-46.00, Utility 90-115 lbs. 35.00-41.00, 70-85 lbs. 32.00-35.50. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs.' 38.00- holstein heifers 90-130 lbs. 48.00-58.50. Choice 150-300 lbs. slaughter calves 38.00- Good 35.00-45.00. HOGS 69. Lot US No. 1-3 215 lbs. barrows & gilts 50.00, lot No. 23 235 lbs. 51.00, few No. 2-4 290-310 lbs. 43.00- 43.50. US No. 13 400-550 lbs sows 38.00-44.00. Few Boars 33.75-44.00. FEEDER PIGS 94. US No. 13 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 23.0035.00 per head, No. 13 35-50 lbs. 35.00-42.50, per head. - ' SHEEP 86. Good 50-85 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 40.50- 46.00. Utility 50-70 lbs. 35.50- 40.00. Slaughter ewes 12.00- 17.00. SSS*<XSSSS S S I S S S 1 I PAID IMMEDIATELY! EVERY MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT GREEN DRAGON LIVESTOCK SALE 1 Mile North of Ephrata RD3, Pa. Call for Market Quotes each morning 717-733-9154 New Holland Horse Monday, June 7 , Local work horses Reported receipts of 470 driving horses 3 horses, mules and ponies, heavyweight killers t* 1 Market: Steady. geldings 20-50; Load of 'Riding' lowa 440; riding horses w.* singles 230-580. mares 20-55; larger l Load of Riding Tenn. 65-150; better singles 240-650. lightweight killer, Load of Riding Tenn. colts 10-25. * singles 190-400. Sandwiches are so called from the. Earl of Sandwich passed whole days in gambling and ate his meatbeb two pieces of bread so he wouldn’t have to stop puj SWITCH TO DEUT THE AIR-COOLED ONE ST 312 W. Main St New Holland, PA Ph. 717-354-4181 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. It’s time you moved up fromal guzzler to an efficient Deutza cooled diesel that not only sail _ energy but a wh'oppmg loi r, money you have to shell out’ J costly fuel / . /r 1876, A 1976 DEUTI . FIRST FOUR STROKE CYCLE ENGINE $ $s