96000 bushels. , n Fans, Dryers, ifiup ' Stirring ■vent: - pt. erection for rent our jt it yom-scif and Save. # THOMAS A. BACHMAN II ffILLSTON ROAD IN MARYLAND 21047 INE 3°! WOT 301-838-7478 _ John Deere 4630 four wheel /new) 4430 cab and /new) 4230 & 4030, 14230,' (2) 4630,4320 air, like new, 4620, 5020, (2) late model , (4) 66-68-4020’5, 2520,4010,3010, 2510, 520, (new) John . 170 Skid Loader nice $6,600. Allis r S (new) 200 for . Only 1 left, used 7030 with factory 220, XTI9O, 185 Cab, 180, Dl9, Dl7. •y Ferguson 1155 air used 300 hrs., 175, 165, Super 90. . (new) 1070 cab air, , used 1030. MM Vista ! Farmalls (new) 766, 1066, 1466 cab air 20 tires, 100 Hydro, used with Cab 100 „hrs., 1066 Hydro with cab, ,56,806,706,656, 560. te (new) 2-105, 2-150, I four wheel drive, 2-105 cab and ah-, •r 1755, 1855, 2255, 2050, 1850, 1750, 880. New Holland 276 thrower and 277 like New Holland 1034 stak wagon new. lES (new) John 1209 at old price, cut 10 acres, (new) Holland 479, used Int. 990, Owatonna propelled windrower, ' Idea 272.Cutditioner 15 acres. dS (new) Int. used 315, 205, 503, 80 type. Gleaner L, G id, G gas, C 11, J.D. [new) 4400 diesel cab air, ised 4400 diesel cab air 1975 model like new, 4400 ias, 3300 diesel, J.D. 7700 liesel Hydrastat, 7700 iiesel gear, 6600 s diesel, 105 corn special diesel :ab air, 105 gas, 105 liesel, 95, 40. M.F. 510 liesel cab air quick tach, 110 diesel quick tach, 300 imck tach, older 510 For your needs call: PAUL STIIZEL 734 Windsor St, Hamburg, PA 19526 Phone Bus. 215-562-8377 Home 215-562-7451 (New) 'New „Idea '*' transport augersO’ & B*..—. ';-■ Good lof new : , Gravity Bins/ . Used.' J.D. & . .Case Transport Discs. Used Offset Discs. Used MIC. Grain Dryer Model 250. Used N.H. & Lamco unloading Wagons Used Hesston Stakhand 10 New Dion Wagons , - UMBERGER’S MILL New Idea, Gehl, ilesston & Brillion Dealers. RD4, Lebanon (Fontana) Phone 717-867-5161 diesel, 410 gas, 82 with P.S., 82 with cab, 35 w-8 ft. head, Case 1660, 960. New Idea 701 witlf Combine, 702 with shelter. Also 729 A, 729 Uni shelters with 3 row 30” and 40” heads. CORN HEADS (new) John Deere 444, 643, 443, 343, used 843,643,444,443, 343, 244, 435, 434, 335, 334, 235, 234, 1205, Massey Ferguson 44 used 40 acres, 33, 44, 24, 421, 222 for 300 & 82. Gleaner F 335, A 330, C H 430, Oliver 544. Int. 763 six row, 743 four row, 227, 228,3 row for 38” for 315. HARVESTERS New Holland 770 IsOl4>w, 717 J.D. 38 row head, - Fox 2 row with 30” head. Geld 600 with 2 heads. J.D. 16A Flail chopper. New Holland 352 grinder mixer, N.H. 27 blower. CORN PLANTERS (new) White 4 row Plant Aire, (new) J.D. 4 row 7000, (new) 6 row 7000 fully equip., used 6 row 30” plateless, (new)' Int. 4 row Cyclo Aire, used 56,' A.C. no til fully equip®” PLOWS J.D. and Int. 4,5, 6,7, trip and resets. Oliver 5,6, 7 trip and hydraulic reset also 8 bottom on land hitch, (new) White, 5X reset. Chisel plows 3 point 10-13 ft. J.D. 25 ft. wing type chisel. DISCS (new) Pittsburgh 12 ft., J.D. 12 ft., M.F. 20 ft. wing disc. CORN PICKERS - (new) New Idea 2 row 30” and 40” pull with 8 and 12 row beds, 4 like new wide and narrow row with 8 and 12 roll beds and shelters, 3 row pull picker with shelter. New Idea mounted with 12 roll bed, (new) 323 one row. J.D. 237. Kill Brothers grain boxes. J.D. & Int. 4 & 6 row Cult. f- 23 Tractors with loaders ahdbackhdfespriced at $1,675 & up; Crawler Tractors with loaders . priced at $1,095 & up; .Rubber tired loader -tractors; trenchers, fork lifts/ skid steer loaders, 2 and 4 wheel drive payloaders; road graders; log loader; 100’s -of tractors not listed. Massey Harris 8 ft. pull type, combine, rotary and mowers, , grinder mixers, high moisture grain grinder blowers, roller mills, corn shelters, corn pickers, harvesters, blowers, choppers, John Deere 435 com head, chisel plows and com shelters. Lots of equipment not listed. CLYDE E. KEENER 1531 Manheim Pike , Lancaster, PA 17601 Intersection of Rts. T2&283 Phone 717-569-9861 FOR SALE HAY WAGONS 8' x 8’ x 18’ *900.00 FLAT WAGONS 8’ x i6’ *530.00 AH wagons made with Oak lumber and complete with running gear. R. Z. MANUFACTURING Call 717-354-8793 See your PATZ Dealer today LANDIS & ESBENSHADE Kirkwood, PA ALLIS-CHALMERS USED EQUIPMENT ' Model -A Gleaner Combine Model 35 Oliver , Com . bine Model 40 Oliver Com bine, grain &- com head 550 Brady Grinder Mixer Allis Chalmers Grain Drill, like new USED TRACTOR Oliver 1600 Diesel NEW EQUIPMENT Skid Loaders LrZu 'lO ft. Miller Disk 10 ft. A.C. 3300 Disk N.H. 850 Round Baler NEW TRACTORS A.C. 7040 A.C. 7000 A.C. 185 BHM FARM EQUIPMENT INC. RDlAnnville,PA 717-867-2211 Phone 786-4158 Box 5 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 19,1976 —35 ,Z‘ ' * s C sls i '-r ■* % ' rt* r» 1»% DISCOPT SALE I ABC DRY Over 20 years ' ex- CHEMICAL FIRE perience with Ford tractors and’equipment. . F YR-FYTER BRAND WE ALSO RECHARGE Shop & Road Service ANY TYPE. Pickup and Delivery WOODCRAFT Wslt StjVCiy, \\. RDI, Box 371 - Springville Road Paradise, Pa. 17562 Quarryville RD3 at Nickel Mines. • Phone 717-786-2252 LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 Horse Shoe Rd. - 2436 Creek Hill Rd. Lancaster, Pa. 17601 “LANCASTER” Taper Board Feeders i -“LANCASTER” Slat Chain Conveyors “LANCASTER” Belt Feeders Custom Built Bunk Feeders, Conveyors and Feedlot Equipment Designed For Your System Used Equip: 8-Cow Stanchions 1 - used 717 New Holland Harvester w-com head Attch. Completely reconditioned $995. 1-56” Silage Blower, used only 2 seasons. Replacement Tubes & Augers for Starline Channel Feeders - (NEW) 40 Percent Off list 1 - Hi-Pressure Water Sprayer Pump - $150.00 SPECIAL: New 12” wide Belt - fits any Belt Feeder - $1.50 per ft. JUNE DAIRY MONTH SPECIAL: ALL STARLINE SILO UNLOADERS CONVEYORS BUNK FEEDER EQUIP. IN STOCK AT SPECIAL SAVINGS - EXTRA DISCOUNT FOR CASH & CARRY PUR CHASES: CALL OR STOP IN. FOR INFORMATION CALL: 392-9062 OR Guy Rohrer (Lane. Area) 872-4411 Larry Hiestand (Leb. Area) 273-7394 NEW FARM EQUIPMENT 430 T Baler w-Thrower. $4295 241 Big Roll Baler No. 513 a $5695 56 Blower. $1175 9909’ Mower Conditioner. $3995 555 Field Harvester w-Pickap $4295 650 Field Harvester w-Pickup $4695 No.B Field Flail Harvester.. $2895 8 Ton Elec Wheel Wagons $450 USED EQUIPMENT 1466 (1973) Tractor $14,900 9N Ford w-Loader $1495 IH No. 40 Blower $225 NH Auger Blower. $225 Superior Side Mount Mower. $550 MF 165 G w-LoaigOL.o CALL! ■ SCHOENECK IH INTERNATIONAL EQUIP. Oakwood Lane at Rt. 873 Schnecksville, PA |2ls| 437-4813 or |2ls] 767-3806
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