form Equipment o a le. Field Queenside S i>t power, 740 hrs., com silage pickup-bee*, lie knife sharpener c J£t Will deliver within °°yS: 717-864-3689, ier. cale- 1974 M F 760 wgiJsJsaß Sale - Cat. D 7 Dozer with rsfffSßSs d Wheels to fit New Idea Ground Drive Spreader, rrf Forage Blower. 5w Stauffer Tobacco Planter, like new. irjiEN H. MATZ, INC. 1505 E. Main St New Holland, Pa. Ph. 717-354-2214 in ted - Belt driven Sner Mill, prefer 114 A hn Deere forage mill, ite Occupant, Box 251, M n Road, Gordonville, .17529 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 26 Cottle, Mochinery, Furniture, Antiques Off County Rd. 5 (Salt Rising Rd.) 2Vi miles from Little Genesee R 417 and 6 miles from Obi off 305. Watch For Arrows. The Grevilles are retiring and moving from the city so will sell following items: - 23 hd. of Cattle (herefords), 6 Cows, 3 Ist Calf Heifers, 6 Calves, Yearling Bull, 5 Yearling Heifers, 2 1 Cows due before sale, New Holland Spreader, 3 Handle Plows, 4 Sets of Harness, Horse Collars, Sulky Cultivator, 1 Horse Cultivator,' 2 Potato Diggers, Roller, Electric Brooders, Scales, Coal & Wood Brooder, Reo Snow flower, Plywood, Pine Lumber, Cattle Oil Rub, Copper Tubing, Lead Covered Wire, Angle Iron, Pipe Dies, Plumbers Tools, McEwen Bros Gas Engine, Electric Fixtures, 4 ft. Rigid Pipe Wrench, Spick Plank, V. Belts, Elect. Motors one-third to 1 Horse, Truck Mirrors, New' Shutters, Wooden Wagons, 700 ft. Bam Boards, Barrels & Kegs, Post Drill, Com Shelter, 2 Refrigerators, Mission Oak Dining Room Suite, Telephone, China Cabinet, Oak Desk & Chair, Plumbers Supplies, Wooden Baskets, Midget Anvil, Eagle Oil Can, 1890 Yellow Hand Painted Bowl, Carved Cherry Chair (old man face), 4 Section Wooden Locker from Phoenix Brewery, Shadow Box, Apple Butter Crock, Post Cards, 2 Barrel Chums, German Salt Box, War Ration Books, Sausage Stuffer, High Chair, Piano Rolls, Broad Axe, Adz, Duncan Phyfe Table, Milk Cans, Atwater Kent Radio, Hanging Store Scales, Hat Pins & Holders, Fenton Hob Nail Rose Vase, Copper Boiler, Morris Chair, Gas & Coal Kitchen Range, Oak Buffet, Oak Book Shelves, Pine Benches, Wood Planes, Wood Childs Sleigh, Oak Dressers, Picture Frames, Oak Mantel, Singer Sewing Machine, Office Files, HaU Trees, Umbrella Holder, Lanterns, R.R. Lanterns, Oil Lamps, Crocks & Jugs, Grape Press, Cigar Boxes & Signs, Big E Car Banks, Ship Bank, Insulators, Wood Beer Cases, Blown Glass Ball, DoHs, Spittoons, Tin Ware, Fruit Jars, Railroad Rems, Com Grinder, Wooden Market Cart, Dentist Kiln, Buttons, Adv. Tins & Boxes, Peanut Bank, Ad ding Machine, 3 Way .Intercom, Big Shot Poloroid Camera, Chain Binders, Rug, Flush Toilets, Chicken Feeder, Alum- Beer Kegs, 2 Lawn Mowers, Doors, Windows, Hand Tools, 4 Gas Furnaces, Jig Saw, Some Toys, Papering Board, Ice Fishing Tip Ups, Bam Fan, Radio & T.V. Tubes, Tool Box, Boat Seat & Oars, Many bottles for every kind of Collector consisting of milk bottles, 1872 bitters, 1920 violin bottles, 1880 case Gin, JB4O amber open pontil whiskey, Beams, Syrup, Presidential, Ballantines, Centennial, Pony Express, Fruit Jars and many others. Many other items too numerous to mention. Owners Helen and Mary Greville Auctioneer Si Pepperman 814-698-3431 Terms Cash or Good Check. Lunch available. Sale held in tent. Not responsible for accidents on premises. « you are interested in an auction, large or small, ca u this number. Remember we let you decide. Farm Equipment For Sale - One used rotary For Sale - M.F. Super 90 hoe, with 3 point hitch, best tractor, 72 h.p., good shape, offer, phone 215-827-7180. . PH: 717-248-1768 For Sale - John Deere 95 combine w-13 ft. Grain head, Model 435, 4-row 40” Com head, $9,500. 1961 GMC Van Dump w-Feed Blower $l,OOO. Phone; 609-737-2375 For Sale - New 14 ft. wagon tongues $12.00 each. Also neck yokes and from 1 to 8 horse .trees. Daniel S. Glick, Bird-in-Hand RDI, % mile N- E of Bards-Crossing along Windy-Tore Road. Wanted - Badger Ham mermill Mixer Good Con dition, Call 215-267-5641. Elmer Kurtz, Denver RD2, Pa, 17517 A.C. Dl5 Tractor New Idea 729 Sheller N.I. 702 Gas Uni-Tractor 213 New Idea Manure Spreader ROY H. BUCH, INC. Epbrata ' 717-859-2441 For Sale - 90 Bu. Per hour Automatic Batch Dryer at cost $4800.00. FARMILL CONSTRUCTION PH: 717-687-7859 10A.M Farm Equipment For Sale - Terre Hill Con crete Stave Silo. 12x45 free for removal. PH; 215-445- 6838 M.F. 35 Self-propelled combine, 8 ft. cut, in fair operating condition $650. John Deere 507- Cyramor 3 pth., 7 ft. rotary mower in very good condition $400.00. Call 215-767-3614 28” Frick thresher, late model, good condition with Ebersol feeder. John K. Lapp, R. 1, Kinzer, Pa. 17535. WIRE BALERS: 290 N.H. and Swarts stacker, rebuilt, new motor, spare parts, very good condition; In ternational 3-wire, very good condition. Columbus, N. J. 609-298-2216 Special discount on VICON - 6 Spinner Hay Rakes. (New Model). New N.H. 456 mower with trailer hitch mounted with Wis. engine. Gideon L. Fisher, Old Leacock Rd., Rl, Ronks, Pa. lidM Combine Model 4296 w grain platform & com head, m good condition. 609-758- 2211 " For Sale - Cultivators for Farmall H $lOO. Wm. H. Warns, 301^57-8256 For Sale - 760 Chopper 2 row com head grass pickup for 702 uniharvester. Excellent condition. 717-437-3157. Fordson 1936 on Rubber for sale. $1200.00 full price. Intersection Rt. 412 & Rt. 212 in Bucks Co. west of Springtown,-' Pa. Paul Adams, P.O. Box 63, Springtown, Pa. For Sale - One 14 ft. silo roof with sliding door in good condition. Two DeLaval new style bucket milkers, 717-866- 6655 Myers Sprayer wooden 300 gal. tank, 28’ boom; Int. 4 row cult, for MTA 400-450- model tractor; Oliver 77 tractor w-2 row cult; Cult, for 3020 J.D. A 4 T 4 4-row; Olson beater and potatoe splitter. Walter Guzikowski, Wrightstown, NJ 08562 PH: 609-298-3976 For Sale - 1975 1% ton Hesston Hay Stacker, $5500. or best offer. Used approx. 15 stacks, delivered. Call 215- 967-5357 For Sale - Attention Orchard Owners. Friday Tractor Co., hydraulic squirrel w-20’ lift, excell, for trimming or picking apples, cherries, etc.- Contact H. W. Visscher, Nichols, NY 13812. PH: 607- 699-7250 For Sale - A.C. 190 XT Diesel ■ 7 ft. Brady Chisel Plow 7 ft. N. I, Cut-ditioner 10 ft. Pittsburgh Disk 707 Gehl wagon, high sides All Equipment in Good Condition. Phone 717-867-2124 Annville, Pa. No. 8 & 10 N.I. Manure Spreader on steel for sale, good condition. 106 Waird Walking plow. I will deliver. Elmer S. Kauffman, Box 87, Atglen, PA. For Sale - New Idea Uni- System 700 hrs., with Forage harvester, corn head, hay head, combine with grain platform, com head, husking unit. Price $19,900. 717-463- 2293 For Sale - Century self propelled high clearance sweet com sprayer, phone 215-445-4685. Farm Equipment For Sale - Allis Chalmers Manure Spreader Model 180. (1) New Idea manure loader. Offset 8 ft. disc harrow. PH; 717-677-7895 For Sale - John Deere D on steel, excellent running condition, Serial No. 128165 $450. or best offer; John Deere hay Suffer on steel $175; John Deere 10 disk grain drill with wooden wheels $30.00; One set of WD 9 tractor tires; com fodder shredder on skids $5.00; Free uncut lumber. John K. Stoltzfus, Honks RDI, Box 56, Pa. 17572 M. No. 124 Baler, 3 seasons, like new, $2250. N. 65 Baler with thrower, good shape, $895. 1972 % ton Chevy pickup with PS, high mileage, nice shape, $1795. PAUL SHOVER’S INC, 35 East Willow Street Carlisle, Pa. 717-243-2686 lime & Fertilizer Spreaders. New Willmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C. U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296F,- Morgantown, PA 19543 215- 286-5146 154 Cub Low-Boy, Demo. Used N.H. 210 Manure Spreader Used 225 Hay Swathers Used Balers Used Disk Harrows 36 Blade ■ COPE & WEAVER CO. ||| New Providence ill 786-7351 17 x 45. HARVESTORE SILO W/HERCULES UNLOADER *5000.00 PH: 717-741-1284 USED EQUIPMENT 600 No-Till A.C. Com Planters J.D., I.H and A.C Wheel: Disks I.H. 544-540 and Cub Cadet Tractors Forage Wagons - Dion - Gehl-Badger - A.C. Mower Conditioners - A.C., Case, Hesston IH 46 Baler w-thrower A.C. 303 Baler w thrower GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quanyvllle ' Phone 786-7318 USED COMBINES M.F. 300 w-corn head and 10 ft. grain head and pickup reel IHC 205 w-com head & 10 ft. grain head and pickup reel IHC 203 w-10 ft. grain head IHC 80 pull type com bine. I.H. 205 w-grain head & pickup reel. JD 45 w-10 ft. grain platform JD 55 w-12 ft. grain platform CAMPBELL SALES & SERVICE, INC. McALISTERVILLE, PA. PH: 717-463-2191 Located 8 miles North of Mifflintown, 20 miles South of Selinsgrove on Route 35. Independently owned and operated. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 19.1976—33 Farm Equipment HAY TEDDERS NEW & USED RENTALS AVAILABLE PEQUEA MACHINES East Gordon Rd. Gordomille, PA 17529 Grain Bins - 820 to 144,000 Bushel $575.00 & up. Bulk Tanks 2.9 ton to 54 ton capacity $264.00 & up. New and Used Grinder Mixers Used - $300.00 & up New - $1625.00 & up MARTIN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. RDI, Lebanon, PA 17042 717-866-4906,866-4555 Massey Ferguson 16 H.P. Riding Tractor w -50” Mower, A-l Con dition. Used less than 10 hours. - Hydrostatic Drive - Hydraulic Lift - High Flotation Tires. 717-758-6491 717-758-3021 MECKLEY DALMATIA Dalmatia, PA 20x80 HARVESIORE SILO FOR SALE 2 years old, new cutter chain & sprockets. Take over yearly payments. PH: 717-745-7539- ZOOK’S FARM STORE 80x222RD2 Honeybrook, Pa. 19344 NEW IN STOCK Vicon Fertilizer Spreaders Zimmerman Elevators Me. Rotary Scythe Century Sprayers Ford Industrial Motors Hawk Bilt Manure Spreaders Glenco & Athens Chisel Plows Gehl 770 Mower Con ditioner, last years price Gehl Harvesters Gehl bale 1500 SERVICE REPAIRS For Allis Chalmers, New Holland, Starline, Van Dale and other farm 1 equipment. f\ NEW EQUIPMENT 'A mm K* ■■ TV9 ft. 479 N.H. Haybines *** Kilbros. Grain Boxes Used A.C. Dl7 Diesel Lamco Forage Boxes Tractor $2,225.00 N.H. 273 & 276 Balers Used 1966 Oliver G $2,500.00 N.H. Rakes Sc Mowers Used 1957 600 Ford, 5 Speed N.H. 352 & 354 Grinder Mixer w-Loader $1,500.00 N.H. 707 St 770 Forage Used John Deere 630 Gas Harvesters (good cond.) $2650.00 N.H. 25 & 27 Blowers Used DlOOO6 with cab USED EQUIPMENT 1961 International Utility 460 36 ft. Mow Conveyor G $2371. Dion Hopper-Blower 1200 David Brown $4200.00 N.H. 5717 Forage Harvester New Deutz F2L-912 Diesel w-2 row hd. Engines 20-32 H.P. Electric start $2050.00 New Stakhand 10 (1-only) Special Price $5,555.00 350 Papec Forage Harvester (new) 1-row $3,486.60 Deutz FIL-712 Rebuilt Diesel w-Starter, 10 h.p. $925.00 15 KW Deutz Powered Gen. Set (New) $3,275.00 STAUFFER DIESEL INC. 312 West Main Street New Holland, PA Phone 717-354-4181 Farm Equipment ZOOK’S FARM STORE Box 222 R 2 Honeybrook, PA 19344 New In Stock Pequea Hay Tedder Gehl F 899 Blowers Gehl Forage Harvesters Harvester tables for bundles , Gehl bale 1500 Hawkbilt Manure spreader Zimmerman elevators Mcßotary Scythe Vicon Fertilizer spreaders Ford Industrial mowers there's ' Gonna h* a 9attoon Ascension! Jane 23ra 1:30 P.M. - Dusk - June 24th 8:30 A.M. - 4 P.M. NISSLEY FARM SERVICE Washington Boro, Pa. Charlestown Road between Central Manor & Prospect Roads. FOR SALE Recondition N.H. Super balers No. 68 very good No. 78 very good No. 9 Me Silage Cutters Papec Model L Filled 8 silos Papec Model K, good P.T.O. Corn binders with loaders G. Drive com binders, good New Idea Rota Bar rake Case Rota Bar rake I.H. Rota Bar rake J.D. 13 hoe Grain Drill with hydraulic or mechanical lift I.H. 11 hoe Grain Drill, very good L.A. Case tractor self starter, late model Drive belts up to 125’ N.H. 456 mowers This machinery has all been reconditioned and ready to go. GIDEON L. FISHER Rl,Ronks,PA Near Gordonville Model 650 IHC Forage Harvester w-2-row Head N.H. 880 Forage Harvester w-2-row Head N.H. 675 Spreader w-hyd. end gate N.H. 357 Grinder-Mixer Case, & Ford Rakes SALES * SERVICE 770 Woodcrest Avenue RD3, Litltz, PA Phone: 717-626-7766
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