32—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 19, 1976 Fruits I Continued from Page 1] Farms, Lancaster R 2, reports that they have a turnout of about 60 percent of last year’s crop. These cherries are of “excellent, large quality,” and are priced only about a penny higher than last year. Herr’s operate a free pitter for customers, and prices with the pitter are 25 cents a lb. for up to fifty lbs; 24 cents a lb. for 50 - 100 lbs.; and 23 cents a lb. for over 100 lbs. Paul Brubaker of Brubaker’s Orchards near Morgantown reports that his crop, although small, is in very good condition with plump, juicy cherries. He does anticipate that they will last only a few days, however, and that most will be gone by the end of this week. Raspberries, on the other hand, are plentiful, and like the cherries, are large, juicy, and delicious. Herr’s reports an excellent, abundant, quality crop this year with 17 crates already picked last week and plenty more to go. The price is the same as last year’s at 75 cents a lb., pick your own. Another grower, S. Levi Ober, Elizabethtown Rl, also says that his crop is flourishing but due to weeding out of older patches, this year’s amount will be smaller than usual. His price is 75 cents a qt., pick your own. Strawberries will still be available, also, tihis week at some fruit farms, although more walking will be in volved. If you are planning to can all these fruits, the outlook for this year’s canning supplies is much more op timistic than last year. Most of the larger stores in the area report that they have been able to secure a sufficient supply of glass equipment and lids. J. C. Penny Co., reports that they have even a larger selection of equipment than last year. The only item which they can’t keep in stock is the single, wide-mouth jar lid. One the whole, their prices stayed the same as last year, with a few items going even lower then before. New Holland Sales Stables 3rd Annual Summer Promotion Sale FRIDAY, JULY 2,1976 7:00 P.M. New Holland, Pa. 100 Selected Registered Holstein Cows Good young cows, nice selection of Ist calf heifers & several service age bulls. This sale features consignments from several top breeders in our-area. Our regular consignors have made the effort to send the best. All animals tested for interstate shipment. Catalogues day of sale. Sale Managed By: New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. PH: 717-354-4341 For More Sale Information Contact: ABE DIFFENBACH at Sale Barn Office or NORMAN KOLB 355 Pitney Rd. Lancaster, Pa. PH: 717-397-5538 Watch Next week for full listing. Weis Markets also has a good supply of nearly all canning materials except the standard wide-mouth jar lid. They have found that most wholesalers have taken off the limits imposed last year when the lid supply was so low. These prices are also the same as last year. Who Needs It? To increase circulation, one newspaper advertised an accident policy free to all new subscribers. A few days later, this advertisement ap peared in the paper: “Ben Bell subscribed to our paper and was given a free ac cident policy. On his way home from work that same day, he fell down a flight of stairs and broke an arm, a jaw and both legs. The accident policy paid him $l,OOO Subscribe to this paper, receive your free ac cident policy—and maybe tomorrow you’ll be the lucky one Sale Register To Late For Classification TUBS. NIGHT June 22 - Z:3O p.m. Short Notice Sale atithe Green Dragon Livestock Sales, 1 mile North of Ephrata, Pa. Walter H. Risser, Proprietor SAT. JULY 17 - 10:00 a.m. Real Estate at 2:00 p.m. Public Auction of Very Valuable Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques, and Bank Stocks. Located on West Pequea Lane, 1 mile South of Intercourse and 2 miles North of Paradise. Sale by Mary Steffy. Auc tioneers - Ira Stoltzfus & Son. WED. JUNE 23 - 7:00 p.m. Nite Horse Sale. To be neld at Paul Z. Martin’s 2 miles east of Intercourse, Pa., along Route 340. Martin Auctioneers. SAT. JULY 10 - 9:30 a.m. Public Sale of Household Items, Antiques, Carpenter Tools, located at 267 Willow Street Pike (North Bound), in the town of Willow Street, Pa., Lancaster County. Sale by Harry D. and Mary E. Herr; Carl Diller and J. Everett Kreider, Auc tioneers. MM LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 12c per word 1.68 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words 14 or Less 15 16 17 11]Issue|3] Issues 1 68 4 03 1 80 4 32 1 92 4 61 2 04 4 90 2,16 518 19 2 28 5 47 20 2 40 5.76 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coding to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming)- 50 cents additional. Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with.no change, billed at 20 percent discount Deadline: Thursday of each week's publication Lancaster Farming PO. Box 266 Lititz. PA 17543 Phone Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz , 717-626 1164 Farm Equipment For Sale - 63 Mack Tractor F6OO 673 engine with blower 15 speed transmission. Make offer. 814-652-2066 “Best offer will take this Demming 5-h.p. deep well multi-stage pump with new spare motor. Buyer must remove. Contact Brethren Village, 3001 Lititz Pike, NeffsviUe, 560-2657.” For Sale - Fannall “H” tractor, new paint and cultivators, to fit the same. Good condition. $750.00 Call 215-926-5177 For Sale - I.H. 16 ft. Drag Harrow, can be made into two 8 ft. Drag Harrows. Also transport for same harrow. PH: 717-682-9459 after 6 P.M. For Sale - Best handyman 4 ton jack 215-445-6469; 1976 paint $3.50 gal., HLxIS” tires, 8 ply $30.00, tandem 12 ton wagon, 3 HP alternator - 27KW, 215-445-6409 For Sale • 300 bu. shelled corn or more. 35 Massey Harris self-propelled combine 8 ft. cut. 40 ft. Patz material mover. 4 quaker make automatic egg gathers. PH: Millersburg 692-3934 For Sale -1700 Mustang Skid Loader w-rear stabilizers, 1% yrs. old. Must sell. PH: 717-898-2886 For Sale - 16 row boom sprayer with 500 gallon tank. Farquhar pump mounted on 4-wheel drive Dodge army truck. PH: 717-665-4736 For Sale - 1973 Ford 3000 Tractor, like new. 152 hrs. Live P.T.0., positraction, P.S. $5200. 302-378-8522 For Sale - (1) RB 1500 Gehl Baler, new $4995.00. (1) 702 Uni System, gas engine with 710 11 ft. combine, A 1 Price $10,000.00. Temark leasing available. 717-837-3201 For Sale - 6000 - 10x16 chicken cages. Electric feed cart with extra motor. 717- 437-3212. Dry your combined grain in your 800 bushel truck bodies in 2 hours. Get top price, no moisture discounts. Per forated above floor ducts and side panels. Patent Pending. 302 653 9651 Write S S Truck Body Grain Dryer Kenton Del 19955 PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 For Sale - 24x50Marietta Silo w-Jamesway Big Jim unloader. Also 400 gal. Tolan Milk tank. PH: 215-249-3487 For Sale - Model 710 Uni- System Combine w-11 ft. universal reel and scour clean, excellent condition. $6500. J. Hannon Hughes, Tunkhannock, Pa. 717-836- 3540 or Benton 717-925-6868 after 9:30 P.M. For Sale - International 46 Baler w-thrower in good condition. 1 owner machine. Asking $875. Willard Bun ting, Star Route, Honesdale, Pa. PH: 717-253-3109 For Sale - Two 14’ x 40’ concrete stave silos in cluding fill pipe - Hart, no roof, $300; Rib Stone, aluminum roof, $5OO. See them at 'Laurel Locks Farms, 2 miles Southwest of Pottstown on RL -724. Irrigation equipment - 2200 ft. 4 in. pipe, mostly 40 ft. length, 25 sprinklers, Gor man-Rupp PTO pump. Phone 301-582-1264 For Sale - Self-spacing concrete hog slats in 4 ft. - 4 ft. 8 in. - 6 ft. and 8 ft. lengths. Valentine T. Petersheim, Box 329 A R 2 Mifflintown, Pa. 17059 For Sale - Used Fox Blower; MF 4 row cultivator; JD Hay rake; Gehl Forage Har vester w-2 heads. PH: 717- 547-8062 Special Price .on All New Case Uni-Loaders. Hesston PT7 & PTIO wind rowers Used Case 220 baler w launcher $1500.00 CLAIR J. MYERS Lake Road R 1 Thomasville, PA 717-259-0453 Used John Deere 6600 Combine with 13 ft. Platform. EVERGREEN TRACTOR ' CO. INC. 30 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 717-272-4641 New M & W 250 continuous Flo Grain Dryer. Demo. John Deere 200 Stack wagon and mover. Used John Deere 1968 Model 45 Combine, 10 ft. plat form, only 800 acres. FOSTER EQUIPMENT SALES Pittsgrove Circle Elmer, New Jersey 08318 609-769-1535 AC 600 four row no-till Slanter with insecticide and ohn Blue liquid fertilizer attachments. Used two seasons. Call 215-297-5926 For Sale - C 2 Combine AC make. Call 717-786-2146 For Sale - 1740 Case uniloader. 717-529-2512 Wanted - Wisconsin engines & reduction gears. 717-687- 6553 Wanted - Mineral or Batch mixer. Designed to work with mortar. Bottom loader 500 to 1000 lbs. Call 717-354- 8360 For Sale - McCormick No. 80 Combine 7 ft. auger feed. P.T.O. bin in good condition. $875.00. Call 215-756-6336 For Sale - 40 cow stanchions, $lO.OO each. 40 cow mats 42” x 56”, $12.00 each. (12) 16” gutter grates (3 stalls), $15.00 each. Van Dale silo unloader for 12’ silo, $300.00. 375 gal. Creamery package milk tank, $300.00. PH: 215- 869-3495 after 6 P.M. ads Farm Equipment 'or Sale'- New Idea 318 rrinder. Excellent Con ition. 814-793-3782 For Sale - Holland tran splanter, 2 row self propelled. Call 717-898-8028 after 5 P.M. Tor Sale - IH No. 37 Baler, good condition. Priced to sell. Call BUI Myer 717-933- ’ase 970 Tractor, original 263 hours, excellent. $7900. >H: 302-378-2116 For Sale - AC model 2.12” plow,' or Sale - New New Holland SSrSrSS&’i lodel 850 Round Baler. [ever used. 717-4324586 3824756 after 6:30 P.M. 'dr Sale • 800 gal. bulk tank; 020 John Deere Tractor; 020 John Deere Tractor; lew and used forage wagons nd bale throw racks; New [olland 469 Haybine; tesston Haybine. 717-547- )62 NEW MACHINERY N.H. 225 Skid Steer Loader N.H. 352 Grinder Mixer N.H. 518 Spreader N.H. 512 Spreader N.H. 707 Mtd. Harvester N.H. 717 Harvester N.H. 27 Blower N.H. 25 Blower N.H. 477 Haybine 7 Ft. N.H. 256 Rake N.H. 451 Mower 7 Ft. N.H. 273 Baler SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY USED MACHINERY N.H. 1469 Self-Propelled Haybine : N.H. 270 Baler with Thrower $l7&. John Deere 14T Baler with Thrower flood Oliver 540 Com Planter, 4-row fIOOS, Oliver 770 Gas with Loader. Oliver 550 Diesel with Loader. $2500. OliverBBDiesel..* .....; .v.... ASK FARNSWORTH FARM SUPPLIES, INC. 103 Cemetery St. Hughesville, Pa. 17737 Phone 717-584-2106 NEW JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT Hay & Forage Equipment ■J D 350 7' Mower J.D 660 Rake J D. 3800 Forage Harvester J D. 216 Forage Wagon J 0 65 Forage Blower J D 307 6’ Rotary Mower J D 709 7’ Rotary Mower J D 1508 15' Bat Wing Rotary Mower Tractors J D. 2040 J.D 2240 J.D 2440 JD 2640 J.D 4230 JD 4430 HESSTON EAST MAIN CECILTON, MD. 21913 /w 1-301-275-3601 1-301-275-2195 Form- Equjp^ ■ FARM TRACTOfis 856 International 4020 John Deere 3020 John Deere Used Forage Boxe* Call 717-547-4 ; For Sale -10 Ideal L, crates complete *,«. waterers and feeders pens, creep lamps. Also one tt ltankn 0, 5 For Sale - 1969 fire Conventional tandem tractor, 250 Cun^ speed road ranger, 38i, rear, wet line racWt approx. $l2OO. worth pats, oil, filters, tires etc. 201-852-4604 afterft For Sale - Dunham sport Disc. PH: 717- 1 ' Massey Harris 8210 ft head, self propelled bine. International u crimper. Internationals, plow fits M or 300 PH: 215-827-9222 White 2-85 Tractor 85 b White 508 Plow -1 Bottom White 508 Plow - i Bottom " White 252 Disc - 12 Ft n 17’6” ' White 5400 Planter ■ ( Row Hanson 8 Row Sprayer Martin Gravity Boas Wagon Gears Tillage Tools J D F 145 5 & 6 B Plows JD F 1450 60 Plow JD FlOO 36' Field Con ditioner JD 1850 39’ Field Con ditioner J D 1600 12' Chisel Plow J D„340 13' Offset Disc JD 1630 11' 7" Plowing Disc J D 310 14' 3” Level Action Disc J D. 415 Rotary Hoe Miscellaneous JD 308 42’ Tube Elevator J D 34 Manure Spreader J D 201 Implement Garner E; (■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers