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McGale 1232 North 10th St. Reading, PA 19604 Curvin Nace Jr. 3655 Orkney Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 Eli B. Peachey (Peachey Dist. Co.) Box 319 A Rt. 1 Bellville, PA 17004 Willard R. Smith Rt. 1 Winfield, PA 17889 Bees are remarkable insects NEWARK, Del. - “Bees have always been my hob by,” says Dr. Charles Mason, an assistant professor in the Department of Entomology and Applied Ecology at the University of Delaware. Since his arrival here in July, 1975 from Arizona, Mason has in creased the number of .university-hives from three to 21r His hobby has now become part of his job. Mason is teaching students about the science of bees (apiology) and bee culture (apiculture). His course, offered for the first time this year, has proven very popular. “It’s basically a lecture course, but 1 give students a chance to actually work with .bees,” he explains. “Bees are remarkable insects. They have their own type of communication. For in stance, when a bee comes back to the hive with a load of honey, she performs a kind of dance that tells other worker bees howto reacji the same food source. If she positions her 'body at an angle 45 degrees to the left of vertical (the basic position in relation to gravity), for example, she’s telling other workers where to fly from the hive in reference to the location of the sun. While in this position, she also rotates her body back and forth. The. number of rotations per minute tells how far away the food supply is. So that the other bees will recognize this food source when they get there, she also brings back odors from the flowers she’s been feeding on.” ■< The entomologist divides his course into essentially two parts. After students learn about bee biology and communication, they’re given a chance to study a colony for five weeks. The class gives them a new understanding of the honeybee, a remarkable insect which man first domesticated'' sometime around 5,000 B.C. “Before I took this cour se,” says senior Debra Nelson, “I didn’t really know what bees were all about. I never realized they had personalities. Now I think of them as more than just in sects that may come after you and sting.” CONTACT Gehman Amos Seal | MAIN OFFICE] RD2, Ephrala, Pa. 717-859-1127 Creatures from outerspace? No, University of Delaware. Smoke gun these strangely dressed women are quiets bees while they work, students in a beekeeping class at the Brenda Sandidge, a junior who’s also in the class, feels her experience in working with bee colonies has been very beneficial. “The first time I entered a hive I was scared. I’m still a little frightened, but I want to get over being afraid. Now I think I can explain bees to other people who are afraid of them. I think I appreciate bees more now. I know they don’t attack unless they feel threatened.” Brenda says she’s learned Crete, [WESTERN OFFICE) Box 365, Martinsburg, Pa. 814-793-3716 Salesman Inc. , r , f r Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 19.1976—29 that certain things like jerky movements or perfume can arouse bees. Debra says she’s seen the bees aggravated on hot days or when they’ve been smoked too much. Smoke is used to quiet bees when working on a hive. It makes them start to fill up on honey and get ready to evacuate the hive it necessary. This is a behavior pattern that evolved a long time ago, when in the natural state bees lived in hollow trees in the forest. In case of fire, the scent of smoke became the signal to load up on honey to be carried to a new home. This behavior evolved genetically because IVlinhWarehouse' Sale! Beautiful maintenance-fr« buildings of rugged pole- frame construction Tough, strong and weathertight Professionally-engineered dear-span design Color exteriors in aluminum or steel, choice 5-year written warranty on all materials and workmanship 5-year written warranty on color finish, aluminum roofing and siding _ Call collect today for prices and details Wickes ■I y* •* Da Ephrata, Pennsylvania, Box 300 Buildings (717) A Oivit'tn •! Th« WiCkes C*rpcrati*n . » the bees that practiced it survived and reproduced, while those that didn’t perished in the fire. Talking about getting stung, Mason explains, “The reason someone gets stung more than once is because after a bee stings, an odor remains which smells like bananas. The other bees smell it and - especially if they’re upset - may become more aggressive.” He hopes eventually to have colonies of more even-tempered bees than the present ones. Lack of time kept him from developing gentler colonies this year. 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