r Kerstetter speaks at Reading Fair banquet family,” be said, “and there Reporter is no-«ther fair in the entire . Speaking state that is and has been Fair Award doing this for the past 20 id at the Lincoln years.” on June 15, the Readinger, who is also the Secretary of fair’s agricultural director, ire Raymond J. introduced the other 'r expressed his directors of the fair, pointing' being pert of the out that “most of them are id in honor of the farmers,” and “all are in standing Grange volved in agriculture except ; amily, the Out- for one, who is a banker.” He Ffa girl and FFA humorously concluded,” We Outstanding 4-H are glad to have him.” and girl- Readinger also introduced 'an fanners were the fair association president ■of strength in our Lindy Vicari who presented past,” he told the the awards. *which included 17 Mae Blieler, assistant ■eviously honored home economist with the s, “just as today Berks County Cooperative the source of -Extension Service, in 0f our nation’s troduced the Outstanding 4- H girl, Mary L. Schuler, always admired daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of our county and Harold 7 W. Schuler of Kerstetter went-' Fleetwood R 3. “It is through our Charles Suloff, associate the town people county agent for the Ex what our fanners tension Service, presented The Reading Fair the Outstanding 4-H boy, /s been a highlight John L. Keim, son of Mr. and ieason,” which, he Mrs. John L. Keim of Kutz . tribute to the fair town' R 2. and directors. Mrs. Phyllis Hechinger, ' Readinger, vice home economist instructor it of the fair at the Kutztown Area High was master of School', introduced the at the banquet Outstanding FHA and FFA is one of the major members honored.. They held prior to the were: Linda Rothemel, of the fair on June daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pam Rothemel of Kempton iding Fair tonight ig its 21st farm (Continued on Page 28] TOUR NO. 1 STOP FOR ID MANURE EOUPMNT ky LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT gal Tandem Trailer Mounted Pumps f gal Tandem 8-10-12 Ft. gal Tandem 3 point Hitch Mounted Pumps gal Tandem Tank Spreaders gal. H.D. Tandem Plow Down Attachments Available THIS IS THE PUMP adjustable pump for different depth pits FROM 6 FT. TO 14 FT. USED EQUIPMENT 1875 Spreader [Like New| 1875 Spreader 872 6 Ft Pump SHENK'S 501 E. Woods Drive C 72 10 Ft. Pump Vaughn Pump FARM SERVICE Lititz, PA 17543 Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Raymond J. Kerstetter spoke at the Reading Fair banquet honoring outstanding people in the field of agriculture. Here Kerstetter (seated) is shown with the youths who were honored. Counter clockwise from left they are: Linda Rothemel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rothemel of Kemp ton R 2, outstanding FHA member; Dale G. "BETTERBILT” Model 800 gal.; 1100 gal.; 1500 gal.; HUSKY MODEL A PUMP 3 POINT HITCH SALES-INSTALLATION—SERVICE 24-Hour Service Offered Inquiries invited from outlying areas. Vacuum Spreaders 2100 gal.; 3100 gal. Plow Down Attachments Available Phone 626-1151 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 19.1976 Siegfried, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Siegfried of Mertztown R 2, outstanding FFA member; John Keim, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L Keim of Kutztown R 2, outstanding 4-H Club Boy; and Mary L Schuler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Schuler of Fleetwood R 3. outstanding 4-H Club Girl. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS 27 *f Jv- ♦X „ *■ v %**'
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