24—Lancaster Farming. Satui Ms. Porter I Continued from Page 1] Eastern invited Ms. Porter to a dairy farm in the Nor theast to have her observe its operations, problems and achievements. Other resolutions con cerning the well-being of dairy farmers were presented and acted upon. They 'called for the Association to sponsor en vironmental legislation and regulations which are in the best interests of dairy far mers, and to encourage support of legislation which woidd increase the present estate tax exemption for dairy farmers. The 200 member policy making body also resolved to encourage dairy farmers to adhere to prescribed in structions for use of an tibiotics in treating dairy cows and withold all milk from these cows for the period of time required by law. Eastern’s delegates urged all states in which its membership resides to appropriate funds for providing calfhood vac- Auto Service Tips HYPRAUUC l/AU/E L/FTERS EXERT PRESSURE AGAINST PUSNROPE LINKER Id /J/ #W , ROCKER ARMS, TRIGGERING /Ml /Ml THE OPENING OF THE JfjSf Mf VALVES. A LOUP CUCKIN& IQ* Noise anp 'miss'arE OF S7TCK/NE OR PAMAGEP E/F7ER NEEP& REPLACEMENT WHO’S MINDING TNI MHKP June 19. 1976 brucellosis cination for prevention. Willard H. Blanchard, dairy division marketing specialist of the United States Department of Agriculture was the main speaker at the annual meeting - held here in Syracuse on June 9. Blanchard told Eastern’s delegates and guests that the USDA is reviewing milk prices, taking into con sideration both production costs and consumer demands. He noted that Federal Milk Marketing Orders could be improved. The Justice Department and Federal Trade Com mission lack understanding of the dairy situation, he said, and producers must present their side of the story. USDA-decisions are now being made in the framework of participation with various government departments and consumer advocates, be com mented. Sandwiched around > the 10-inch recorder which charts temperature of your milk-coding or holding tank. Here’s what it provides: • Permanent proof that proper temperature was maintained. • Record of coaling equipment efficiency. • Cleaning temperature recording on the same chart The Sentinel is also available with provision for actuating an alarm or wanting light if pre-set tempera ture is exceeded. Remember—if it prevents the loss of only one tank of product, the Sentinel has paid for itself. It minds your milk. PARTLOW See your dealer about the Sentinel—or drop us a line P.O. Box 433 Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Blanchard’s talk onJune 9, yere the presidential- ’ad dress by Arden Tewksbury of Meshoppen, Pa. and" the general manager’s report by John C. York. Both called for a new milking pricing for mula which could not be manipulated. Tewksbury also urged use of “a proper supply management program.” He said this could be the answer to the problem of milk production” to fit the needs of the market in order for dairy farmers to realize the kind of income necessary to meet their costs of production and receive a reasonable profit.” He said marketing con ditions must be improved so that cooperative organizations “can exist and remain viable to serve dairy fanners in the most efficient way possible.” York also said that “some problems affecting the in dustry must be watched carefully in the future.” These include, he said: Trade barrier - there should be no barrier to the movement and distribution of milk. Securities regulation - The Securities Exchange Commission will be carefully looking upon agricultural cooperatives for financial integrity in the future. Anti-trust action - this is a problem, but Eastern has not been involved in any in vestigations in this area, he said. The two-day convention concluded with a bicen tennial salute to America during the cooperative’s annual banquet. Plaques of appreciation were presented to three retiring directors from Eastern’s Board. They were Donald Jones, Homer, If you depend upon your milk check for a living, who’s minding your milk? t, one-shot insurance you can N.Y. who was succeeded by Robert K. Hill,.Elbridger Robert Wilson, Franklin- ville, <■ N.Y.' succeeded by William Raybuck, Fair mount City, Pa; and Kenneth Theobald, Canton, N.Y. succeeded by Lewis Bran- der, Lisbon. J._ Wilbur ’Burkholder of Chambersburg, Pa. was the recipient of the 1976 Eastern Member of the Year Award for his accomplishments in the field of dairying. For ourstanding reporting of agricultural news. Eastern’s 1976 News Media Award yrtni to the Roe Jan Independent of Copake, N.Y., a weekly newspaper. Charlene Maust, the Pennsylvania State pairy Princess from Berlin, Pa., well-received by the over flow crowd of 800 people, was presented Eastern’s Cer tificate \of Appreciation following her speech on milk and the dairy industry. - Distinguished Service Plaques were awarded to the following employees: i PrsuiUin, Grover, ichard Dye, Fort 'DahylHMUk SALE AGWAY WATER CONDITIONER "j) • Fully Automatic Controls __ You Can Set and Forget • Large Capacity and - m Compact Design • Automatic Bypass Model uc-xvi 112,000 Assures Uninterrupted Weekly Gram Capacity Water Supply AGWAY Tk Wafer Speeiafab AVAILABLE AT YOUR AGWAY STORE. Plain, N.Y. ; Marvin Hewitt, Greensboro, *Md. ; Harris '■* Lyon, ligonier, Pa. and J. Paul Walizer, BellefOnte, Pa.. The banquet closed with a GUTSH ALL'S SILO REPAII ROl Womelsdorf, PA Frystown 717-933-4616 WE SPECIALIZE IN: +Tearing Down & Rebuilding Silos +Replaster & White Coat Silos +Lancaster Level-Fio pipe & distributor +Repair damaged roofs & handle new roofj +Tear down '& rebuild small Harvestores Grain Bins --f Supreme 56” PTO Silage Blower +Silage weighers - chute hoppers +Acorn unloaders, feeders, & conveyors +Berg three-point suspension silo unloader +Berg automatic bunk feeder +Ritchie cattle and hog waterers +Weaverline carts ' JUNE MIRY MONTH SPECIftI 10% OFF on all Unloaders, Feeders and Dairy Equipmi MOST DAIRY EQUIPMENT INSPECTORS RECOMMEND WATER CONDITIONING ... • Helps prevent milkstone the culture center for bacteria. • Helps prevent water heater scale formation which reduces heat transmission, wastes energy and shortens water heater life. • Helps prevent inefficiency and malfunctions in dairy equipment and.pipe lines caused by hard water scale-build up. • Provides more efficient use of dairy detergents. PROTECT YOUR FARM DAIRY EQUIPMENT AND PIPE LINE SYSTEM FOR LESS THAN 1% OF YOUR TOTAL INVESTMENT! fully automatic REGULAR $369.00 VALUE *32 Model UC-XXX, 210,000 Weekly Grain Capacity Choice of decorator appliance colors Harvest Gold, Avocado or White at No Extra Charge. chorus of-.civic-, citizens'' Jack Gardner of g, with’ a 4 lieart-si number of patriotic SAtfE^ *4O" ON OUR BEST MODEL
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