FFA Week , n iinued from Page 19] Lebanon County, Norlebco. INITIAL COST LESS - OPERATING CQST LESS leyland tract HERE’S PROOF: Fuel CMinmpilM Horsepower isel Trecter Model Me*. FTO HP. Gol./Heur Hrs./Cel. 52 1.57 14.75* 52.4 1.97 14.20 52.5 2.49 11.53 53.7 2.15 13.22 54 2.15 13.35 54 2.19 13.75 55.7 2.25 / 13.54 40.7 2.47 12.07 41.5 2.75 12.05 ita taken from ft# British Standard Tost 141 A— ' test similar fa tha twa-heur Nehraska fast. l«nd 255 iieyl*s ; 574 ,eD/«»M 170 rf* 5504 i.D/MIS re 2030 ! 474 . MAINTAIN $40,000 to $50,000 PARTS VENTORY AT ALL TIMES. A. C. HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT INC. RDI, Jonestown, Pa. 17038 Phone 717-865-4526 Located >/z mile South of Fredericksburi off Route 343 BUS. HOURS: SAT. TILL 2:30 P.M. 7 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPT. MUELLER ■~ ' I i n 1 * Li 1 1 XJ 'O ■ A rmTi t-% tm X 1 Xv J2i * Jj, .Cj A X .lai JX EXPLANATION OF THE REVOLUTIONARY NEW MUELLER “FRE-HEATER™” FOR THE DAIRY FARM Bulk milk coolers on modem dairy farms remove heat from the milk promptly after it is produced. To accomplish this requires refrigeration machines and they are generally of the air-cooled type. Air-cooled condensing units literally "throw away” this valuable heat. On these same farms; large amounts of hot water are need ed for “prepping" the cows, washing the milk cooler, the pipeline milker, other equipment, and the milking parlor itself It is also advantageous to heat the cows’ drinking water in winter. The Mueller Fre-Heater conserves energy and provides "frse’’ hot water by capturing the heat now wasted! HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: Rather than using noisy, dust-creating fans with fragile, dirt collecting air-cooled condensers, the refrigerant is routed to a specially designed condenser/heat exchanger and its heat is transferred to the water. A thermostatically controlled valve delivers 145° F water to the storage tank. In addition to the thermostatic valve, a mixing valve is pro vided to permit “prepping” temperature water. Thus, the Fre-Heater delivers two temperatures of water Prepping and washing. Tests indicate the Fre-Heater consumes 10% less power thin an air-cooled system ... and you get Free Hot Water! ELIMINATES REFRIGERATION SERVICE PROBLEMS! The most common causes of slow cooling in bulk milk cooling systems are related to the air-cooled condenser. Three things which frequently reduce the efficiency are 1. Poor air circulation and recirculation 2 Fan motor failures 3 Dirty or clogged condenser fins Air-cooled condensing units are generally installed out of °oors in order to assure adequate "air supply to the con denser. This exposes the compressor to extreme ambient •emperatures. Starting problems and compressor failures cave resulted and air-cooled condenser units are always noisy. The Fre-Heater eliminates these problems because: • There is no air-cooled condenser. • The Fre-Heater is installed indoors. • There are no fans to generate noise. • The head pressure is very stable assuring longer compressor life. • There are ns cold weather starting problems, plus • • • the Fre-Heater conserves energy and produces The best Lancaster Countians could do in livestock judging was to Varying Pnwer ft Fuel Consumption catch a third jplace among - _^ f “gold” - winners. Rick Strauss' of jEphrata outscored by champion Dennis Little from Indiana County and runner-up Brentley Gamble from Franklin County. The “gold medal list” is rounded out, in consecutive order, by: Kevin Stahl, J. Buchanan; Phil Nell, Cone'wago; Steve Weidman and Sam Long of Solanco; Dennis Davis, Gen. McLane; Jeff Clawson, Blairsville-Saltzburg; Scott Koenig, Lehigh County AVTS; Glenn Miller, Eastern Northampton; Dave Paratto, Homer Center; Robert Kennedy; Lehigh County AVTS; v James Jacobs, West Greene; and John* Groff, Solanco. The boys taking home “silver medal” honors were, as follows: Ronald Philson, Mercer; Stuart Hallam, West Greene; Anne Martin, Garden Spot; Bill Shultz, Danville; Tracey Horsley, Kennard-Dale; Jeff Moser, Meyersdale; Grand Grim, Lehigh County AVTS; Keith Stahl, James Buchanan; Ronald Mummau, Solanco; Rick Groff, Garden Spot; fWEAVER 1 sm= m I E INC. I “'»***'?**'' ' “S*mP*r R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA. 17067 CALL COLLECT 717-866-5708 ' t Save Energy and get HOT WATER... with the revolutionary... LONGACRE ELECTRICAL SERVICE Bally, Pa. CLUGSION IMPLEMENT, INC. Solanco’s dairy cattle judging team, Penn State this week r was composed which placed fourth in the state of Bruce Kreider, Marshall Trimble, during state-wide FEA contests at and Ron Clark.* CONTACT YOUR DEALER 602 Main Street . Chambirsburj, Pa. 717-263-4103 Dennis Householder; West Greene; Jerry Mocammon, Chestnut Ridge; Jay Caudill, Red lion; Nobel Woodall, O.J. Roberts; Jed Hofter, Cedar Crest; Stewart Kessler, Eastern Nor thampton AVTS; Harold Roughner, Lakeview; Jeff Wilson, Kennard-Dale; Roger Yanos, Oley Valley; Judy Howard, Mohawk; Larry Troutman, Meyer sdale; and Mike Krug, Eastern. The interview contest, with 24 people entered, was won by three girls - Marlene 215-845-2261 -La nHsterTaTmi ne.~Sa^urday.~Junel9ri976l H. DANIEL WENGER Hamburg, Pa. QUEEN ROAD REPAIR Clawson of Derry Area; Jean Forcey of Clearfield Area; and Tammy Shires from East Lycoming High. The best Southeastern Penn sylvanians were both from Oxford - Angela King and Renee McCardell, who placed first and second, respectively, in the silver medal category. The W.B. Saul School from Philadelphia captured first and second places in meats judging. Joseph Gerofsky took high individual honors, with student, Gerald [Continued on Pan 26] R.D.#1,80»770 i. 215-488-6574 Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 717-768-7111 23
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