MIGHTY 12 VOLT SUPER POWERED battery OPERATED electric fencer H.re IS the fencer you’ve been Sj for to do those tough jobs ! your longest stretch of fence, /r extremely dry ground Cern as the newest 12-volt oowered automobiles, tractors , n d other farm equipment. the parmak FIELDMASTER is he SUPER FENCER in every way. ?„per powered by 12-volt battery newer - produces nearly double the shock of an ordinary-fencer - Super effective, gives SUPER ! Id, nß power through even the most drought blistered soil - Super •Lent charging longest lengths of fence Super economy in both original cost and longer battery Die. Built and fully guaranteed by the maker of the world’s largest selling electric fencer - the oldest name in electric fencing. Carnes the tamed Parmak brand - the fencer preferred across the land Remember Parmak Heldmaster packs the greatest wallop of them all FIELDMASTER INDOOR MODEL PRICED- PRICE >36.90 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR AND WARRANTY STATION B. K. FISHER For post-emergence weed control on com... ...done or tonk-mixed with 2,4-D (depending on your weed problem): ...to control tough, lote germinoting broodleof weeds. ...to cover misses of pre-emergence herbicide application, ...to get control where weather or other factors make earlier application imposi.oie. ***« Of QUAitTt FIELDMASTER MODEL >28.00 RONKS, PA Donverhetbldde... P. L. ROHRER & BBC.. INC. SMOKETOWN, PA Cowtown Rodeo results Wyatt Crotta of Bethany, Conn., beat Kaye Kirby of Woodstown, N.J., in what would have been a triple, triple! Kirby has won all the Cowtown Rodeo Riding events two weeks in a row and would have made a repeat performance, but the judges ruled Crotta made a better show. He won the Saddle Bronc Riding event by 6 points, with a mark of 65 for $119.56. Kirby went on to win the other two riding events. Marked a 70 in Bare Back Riding for $150.92 and on a Brahma bull named Red Spot, he stayed with it for a high 76 for $245.00, making a total of $395.92, still' keeping the lead for top money won. Penns Grove resident, Joe Merola, made a time of 14.8 for $272.44 in the calf roping. Want to earn over $23.00 a second? Try steer wrestling. Butch Dase threw his steer in 10.5 seconds for $248.92.; Lorraine Alexander tied her last week’s time exactly at 17.94 seconds in the barrel race. Lorraine has been top winner for three consecutive weeks. Total purse for the evening ...to moke sure that late weeds cannot mature to become the nursery for next year's weed crop. was $3,106.60 which was distributed between .the winners from among 104 contestants. 1. Kaye Kirby, Woodstown, N.J., 70, Tumble Weed $150.92; 2. Jimmie Lee Walker, Cowtown, N.J., 64, Step & %, $113.19; 3. Jack Meli, Farmingdale, N.J., 63, Cochise, $75.46; 4. Stanley Thomas, Woodstown, N.J., 62, Sargent, $37.73. 1. Wyatt Crotta, Bethany, Conn., 65, Faraway, $119.56; 2. Grant Harris, Cowtown, N.J., 59, Black Mt., $89.67; 3. R. L. Tolbert, Miraloma, Ca., 43, Shiloh, $29.89; 4. Ground Split Tom Swenson, Spark Bewley, Frank Bums, Willie Ed. Walker Steve Coheen, Kaye Kirby $4.99. 1. Kaye Kirby, Wood stown, N.J., 76, Red Spot, $245.00; 2. Abe Morris, Woodstown, N.J., 71, 19c9, $183.75 ; 3. Chris Risoli, Madison, Flas., 65, Louigi, $122.50; 4. Wyatt Crotta, W Ask us for application details about Donvel herbicide... from Velsicol. Note: Before using any pesticide, read the label. PH. 717-299-2571 Bare Back Bronc Riding $377.30 Saddle Bronc Riding Bull Riding Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 19,1976—21 Bethany, Conn., 57, Cat Power, $61.25. Calf Roping $681.10 1. Joe Merola, Penns Grove, N.J., 14.8, $272.44; 2. Bob Roberto, Haskerl, N.J., 17.0, $204.33; 3. George Alala, Haskell, N.J., 17.2, $136.22; 4. Andy Jackson, Peachbottom, Pa., 17.8, $68.11. Steer Wrestling $622.30 1. Butch Dase, Staten Island, N.Y., 10.5, $248.92; 2. Marty Fink, Eagle Cliff, N.J., 14.1, $186.69; 3. Sher- /Mew\ Hubbard Issues New Edition Of Breeder Management Guide A new 1976 edition of the popular Hubbard Breeder Pullet Management Guide has just been released by the Research and Development Division of Hubbard Farms, Walpole, NH. Several changes have been made from the editions of previous years, reports Dr. J. H. Smith, division head, particularly in feeding and weight control recom mendations. The new 1976 edition contains a completely center fold chart TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! MNUKSiwiMBm! ALL GRAIN BINS IN STOCK GOING OUT AT COST miksm Flow ESr Gravity Beds Available in 170 Bu. & 225 Bu. Capacity STOP IN OR CALL i Tractors j Equipment Take Floiy Mill Exit off 283 and go 'A mile toward East Petersburg. The New Home of the Friendly People 1655 Rohrerstown Road Lancaster, Pa. tallied man Shidner, Woodstown, N.J., 20.6, $124.46 ; 4. Charles Bueti, Staten Island, N.Y., 21.4, $62.23. Girl’s Barrel Race $514.50 1. Lorraine Alexander, Newton, N.J., 17.94, $149.20; 2. Joann Troast, Lebanon, Pa., 18.12, $123.48; 3. Dale Bibbo, Spring Valley, N.Y., 18.14, $97.76; 4. Kathy Troast, Lebanon, Pa., 18.31, $72.03; 5. Helen Karecky, Freehold, N.J., 18.51, $46.30; 6. Pat Yearsley, 18.58, $25.73. to reflect new feeding recommendations and performance goals. This 16- page booklet, sometimes referred to as the “blue book,” covers in detail such topics as lighting programs for optimum laying per formance, body weight control, feeding recom mendations, nutrient levels, housing and equipment requirements. Copies of the 1976 Hubbard Breeder Pullet Management Guide may be obtained by writing Hubbard Farms, Walpole, NH 03608. LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, WC. Phone (717) 569-7063
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