Other kinds of milk VITAMIN D MILK is milk with the vitamin D content ! increased, usually by adding a concentrated form of this vitamin. The requirements are set by health depart ments. Generally a quart of this milk supplies the amount of vitamin D recommended daily while you are growing. NONFAT OR DEFATTED MILK (often called skim milk) is milk with its fat and vitamin A removed. Other nutrients remain in the defatted milk. In some market areas additional nonfat milk solids are added and sometimes vitamins A and D. CHOCOLATE DAIRY DRINK is a mixture of whole and defatted milk plus chocolate sirup or powder. Chocolate Milk is made with whole milk. The milk is unchanged; the sweetened chocolate adds flavor and energy value. CULTURED BUT TERMILK may be made either from defatted or whole milk by adding a lactic finances Ions? acid-producing culture. Other cultured milks are Bulgarian buttermilk and yogurt. EVAPORATED MILK is homogenized whole milk from which about 60 percent of the water has been removed by heating under vacuum. The milk is sealed in cans and sterilized. Most of it has vitamin D added. Mixed with an equal amount of water, evaporated milk has about the same food value as fresh, whole milk. Condensed Milk is who we do FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. evaporated milk with about 40 percent sugar added. DRY MILE is milk with almost all the water removed. It is Whole Milk Powder when only water is Temoved; Nonfat Dry Milk when both water and fat are removed. To make American cheese, a typical hard-type cheese, heated milk is first coagulated to form a soft curd. Did you know that much the same thing hap pens to milk in your stomach? The curd for cheese is formed by the We do. The Farm Credit System. Millions of tons of meat, grain, fruits, melons, berries, other crops that move from the farm, ranch, or orchard into storage, processing and marketing by farmer cooperatives. We’re the Production Credit Associations, and Federal Land Banks. Owned by and operated for the benefit of farmers and growers. VI CHEESE, A CONCENTRATED FORM OF MILK Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 5,1976—53 v action of useful bacteria in a starter and of enzymes in the rennet which are added to the heated milk. This curd is allowed to set and the whey drained off. The cheese is cured under conditions that allow certain favored bac teria to develop distinctive flavors in the cheese. The result is protein-rich food; rich, too, in milk’s minerals and some vitamins. Many other types of cheese are made in the United States; some from milk and cream, some from defatted milk. American cheese is made in the largest quantity. In protein and calcium, IMi ounces American cheese equal 1 glass of milk. COTTAGE CHEESE ... THE CURD OF MILK To make the tender curds of perishable cottage cheese, a culture of natuind lactic add-producing bacteria is added to defatted milk. After heating slowly until a curd forms, the whey or liquid is drained off. The solid part remaining is mainly the milk protein, casein. A little cream is added to make ' creamed cottage cheese. In Protein ... % cup cottage cheese equals 1 glass milk; or 1 serving lean meat, fish or poultry (2 oz.); or 2 oz. American cheese or 2 large eggs. ICECREAM... A FROZEN DAIRY FOOD Today’s ice cream is made with only pasteurized dairy products. The liquid mix for ice cream is made usually with about 80-85 percent concentrated nonfat milk and cream; 15 percent sweetening; plus varying amounts of flavoring, often fruit or nuts. The inclusion of the solids of nonfat milk increases ice cream’s food values, flavor and smoothness. The pleasing texture of ice cream depends also upon whipping in just the right amount of air while the mix is under controlled freezing temperatures. Ice cream without air would be a solid icy mass. Ice cream is a good source of milk’s' minerals, calcium and phosphorus; of its vitamins, vitamin A and riboflavin; of milk’s proteins. These im portant nutrients of milk and cream remain in ice cream; there is no loss in freezing. A generous serving of ice cream (one-sixth quart) is about equal to % glass of whole, milk in calcium, protein and B vitamins, and to more than 1 glass in vitamin A and calories. - From National Dairy Council Nutrition really means the teamwork of various nutrients. For instance, vitamin D in milk helps build calcium and phosphorus into bones. Iron combines with protein to make hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells. For total nutrition, no one food can do the job. That’s why Dairy Council recommends the four food groups for best eating. COMPLETE FARM PAINTING We Use Quality PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON'! AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray-On and Brush in Method * Sandblasting if Necr^ry FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE ESH SPRAY PAINTING (DameiS Esh) (C Ralph Miller) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER BOX 350 A ROMS PA - —T 17572