—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 5, 1976 52 Farm wife [Continued from Page 49} Guernsey Pavillion near Lancaster on September 11. Helene indicated that it was really quite a job to get the information needed to put the catalogue together, adding that “that is when OPC records really come in handy.” Helene and Bob have also just completed a directory of all the Jersey breeders in Pennsylvania. The directory will be available to Ex tension Services, AI units, and anyone who is interested in buying a Jersey. “We put a lot of work into that project,” she told me, “but I enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun.” The Dreisbach children, Patty age ten and Carol age nine, are both 4-H members and handle their own ■ animals. “As a family,” Helene pointed out, “we are production oriented. We are most interested in high producing cows, but we do go to a few fairs just for fun.” April Green, a neighbor of the Dreisbach’s originally handled most of their show string, but Helene noted that she and the girls are becoming increasingly in volved in showing the animals. They show mainly at the Kutztown, Reading, Allentown, and Bloomsburg fairs, and at the girls* 4-H District Show; and a sizeable number of blue ribbons on one wall in the large family kitchen indicate that they are frequently winners. Nutrient Release Wetting Agent Use With... Herbicide Sprays Pesticide Sprays, Cement and Plaster, Latex Paints, Cutting Agents, Septic Tanks, Road Bed Compacting, Dust Settling, Fire Fighting and other places where increased wetting is desired What It Does • Makes water welter • Causes more uniform coverage • Speeds penetration Another Fine Product from CONKLIN COMPANY. INC DISTRIBUTOR FOR SLANZI DIESEL Also Good Use- Diesel Engines Call Horning’s Warehouse 717-354-7792 Amos Smucker 717-768-3996 If No Answer Call 717-354-4374 Diesel & Gas SMUCKER'S ENGINE SHOP Helene is a member of the Board of Directors for the Berks County Dairy Association, and as we discussed the upcoming Dairy Week, she mentioned that she had had to miss a recent planning meeting because “I was busy washing cows.” The cows, I might point out, were being primped for their part in a 4- H judging clinic which took place in die clinic ranged in age from eight up to teens. “I think the kids are really great.” Heleile said, “and their reasons for judging ... they are so sure of them selves ... and so en- thusiastic. Of all the things we have at the farm, that is one of my favorites.” A person can tell just listening to Helene talk about her Jersey herd, that her enthusiam for the dairy business is based on a genuine affection for her animals. Furthermore, it was obvious when we drove down to the meadow later for some picture-taking, that the feeling is mutual. Im mediately recognizing Helene, a number of her cows came eagerly to greet her in the open pasture. J When I remarked on how glad they seemed to see her, Helene readily admitted that she talks to them, and jokingsly added, “sometimes more than I talk to my husband.” WEX. KEEP 'EM ROLLIN' Your Diesel and Gas Engines by Using CONKLIN PRODUCTS CONDITIONERS Sales & Service ANOTHER SATISFIED USER STA-RITE Milking Equipment Bob Engle (left), Farm System Salesman for Agway, Wilmer Hostetter (center), R 1 Oxford and Wilmer’s son, Bill, check on their Sta-Rite Pipeline. Mr. Hostetter had his first Sta-Rite Pipeline installed in 1975. Mr. Hostetter says, “I was so well pleased with the milking equipment and the service by Agway, that when I wanted to buy a second pipeline in 1976 for another farm I again chose Sta-Rite from Agway for my 60 stall dairy barn. Contact your local Farm Systems salesman for expert help in designing a milking system to fit your operation. 21-second cooling keeps your milk as fresh as it came from the cow. The Feldmeier Multi-tube Heat Exchanger cools milk before it enters the storage tank. It eliminates mixing warm and cold milk, which can impair milk quality. The system also eliminates constant agitation during the milkinf td, 'hich r lead to -■ cidity and flaky m Seven stamle; surrounded by a o 4y& pm HIBVi BPHh iJ x!-_—S AVONDALE SUPPLY CENTER LANCASTER SUPPLY Junction US I & 41 1027 Dillerville Rd. Avondale, PA Lancaster, PA 215-268-8238 717-397-4761 CHAPMAN STORE TEMPLE SUPPLY YORK WEST STORE RD2, Wescosville, PA N. sth St. Highway 26 W, Market St. 215-395-3381 Temple, PA York, PA 215-929-5264 717-792-2674 cool your milk, from 98° to 34° in just 21 seconds The heat exchanger ties into your pipeline and is easily cleaned in place For details on the most modern milk coolmg system, talk to your Agway man and ask for a call by an Agway Farm Systems Salesman OF : arm Enterprise icrvice
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