Farming. Saturday. June 5. 1976 Activities Society 11 Farm Women Society 11 met recently at the Rhoads Funnel Lake Farm with Mrs. Florence Rhoads, Mrs. Mabel Kreider, Mrs. Bess Ressel and Mrs. Leta Trimble as co-hostesses. Meeting was opened by vice-president Dorothy Huber. Mabel Kreider read Psalms 118:1-8 and other paragraphs appropriate to the spring season. Bessie Ressel led in prayer. Business meeting was in charge of Pres. Violet Eshleman. Roll call was answered by 25 members and two visitors by each paying a penny penalty for a list of things, if those things were not in your pocketbook. The June meeting at which Society 29 will be entertained was discussed. For the program, Mabel Kreider played the organ and led in group singing and “do it yourself” activities in which each member participated. Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. Chalmers 7040 puts 135 Result 7 Maximum power for turbocharged horses at youi” pulling big implements no fingertips Our 7060 delivers excess heat or wasted power 160 hp Eitherwayyou go you Discover the beauty behind get exclusive 20-speed shift- the brawn in these 2 tractors on-the-go Power Director from the Rising Power Family transmission or optional 12- Come test drive both Then speed PowerShitl With power decide Manuiaciurer s maximum observed Hie PTO horsepower at PitWMl Prmwrr rated engine speed nuHMrvvTOi Power Director is inlvactors an Allis Chalmers trademark ALLIS-CHALMERS C. J. Wonsidler Bros. RDI, Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone 215-536-1935 215-536-7523 BHM Farm Equipment, Inc. Annviile, RDI, PA 717-867-2211 A. J. Noss & Son, Inc. L. H. Brubaker RD2, Oley, PA Lancaster, PA 215-987-6257 717-397-5179 Shorflesvile Farm Ag.-lndustrial Equipment Equipment 5 215W1326* R2 > Risin * Sun ' MD H.DanMV^er Prop, 301-658-5568 Society 15 Seventy-five members attended the Mothers Day family dinner meeting of Society 15 at the Historic Strasburg Restaurant on May 20 at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Nancy Lefever, program chairlady, served as Mistress of Ceremonies. Entertainment included singing by a group entitled, “All God’s Children,” from the Parksburg Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lefever showed slides of the churches attended by the members of Farm Women 15 and some other slides of interest. Douglas Hershey accompanied the slide presentation on the piano. Flowering plants were presented to the mothers. The president, Mrs. Kathy Homer, conducted a short business meeting. Next meeting will be on June 10th at Black Rock Retreat when Societies 2 and 20 and county officers entertained by a Bicentennial luncheon and program. Roy H. Buck, Inc. Ephrala, RD2 717-859-2441 GrumelK Form Service Quanyville, PA 717-786-7318 Farm Women meet Thirteen of the 18 living past presidents of the Lancaster Co. Society of Farm Women met for their annual get-together on Wed., May 26, with Mrs. Iva Buck waiter at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Glen Briendenstine at 1313 Hunsicker Rd., Lancaster. A covered dish luncheon was enjoyed and followed by a meeting conducted by the president, Mrs. Martin Greenleaf. Roll call was responded to with reminiscences of the past years each lady had had during her term in office. XXX Riboflavin, one of the B , . Vitamins, helps keep your Ceitem ice cieamstoies have skin in good condition and { u,ll P ecl 0,1 the Bicentenma Dairy Council Inc. points out J-Wwagon with all I Z . .., . . *1 . na\oi hi e\\ oi ks, roi instance, ftat it’s unportent to the t] >s - st<u Ilgled 1)a : health of your tongue and nanei - (hanaiT / bas ° e< cho c. lips, too. Riboflavin o j a te chips, maiaschmo chei tions by helping your cells lies) <u £ “ fudge ot dlle . use oxygen. Good food jr iance ” (toasted almonds, sources of riboflavin include % ani ]j a ice u earn with choc milk, cheese, ice cream, o late fudge swnl) Cheating meats especially liver VOUI o\\ n Bicentennial ice fish, poultry and eggs. cieam concoctions and nam ing them can be fun l “As Ameucan as,” that’s apple pie Top a sewing with uch, creamy ice cieam and it’s an invincible combina tion 1 Yesteiyeai’s Straw ben y So cial was inspired bv stiaw heuy shoitcake In tact, evei since the days when the colonists fii st discos ered the juicy goodness of stiawbei nes, shoitcake has been a favonte Ongmally, the bei nes went to maiket strung on stiaw hence the name “strawbei i \ ” Today, luscious straw hemes on golden short cake, topped with delicious whipped cieam aie still an in spued dcsseit • • • if you're a fanner, we have the money you need. As a farmer, you know that today’s agri-business proves that it really takes money to make money You’re constantly up dating equipment . investing in stock and supplies im proving your buildings And the Friendly First FARM LOAN CORPORATION has the money you need There are advantages to financing your needs with us because • You can arrange a long-term loan to reduce the size of your payments • You can get a loan for any size farm—whether you have 50 acres or even 500 • You discuss your needs with local people who have both farming and banking know-how A talk with our Bob Badger or Darwin Mowery can be helpful with current requirements and they’ll also help you plan for the future Funds are available now Stop at any office of the Friendly First for complete details on this new service that’s already helping farmers like you THE BANK THAT ALWAYS HAD NO-SERVICE-CHARGE CHECKING ACCOUNTS STRASBURG EAST KING STREET BUCK WILLOW STREET MILLERSVILLE 657-Wll LANCASTER 2*4-4175 4(4-3421 *72-46(6 397-4732 I DAIRY FOODS: ] i A Taste, of Auwucana | ******************************************** It’s old news now but it was Milk shakes started out : such good news then . The country kitchens with co “Louisiana Counei” m its milk pomed into a glass fru edition of April 20, 1808 J« The "iilk ' v / s earned this front-page news sweetened and flavoied de item “NOTICE Ice creams lately with vanilla The j, may be had at the Coffee- was shaken vigorously uni House every day between the mixtuie foamed and w, the hours of 12 and 9 o’clock ” reac ty to P oul HOG PRODUCERS! Get Top Price for Your Hogs at New Holland Z Sold in sorted lots the auction way See them weighed and sold and pick up your check SALE EVERY MONDAY 8:00 AM. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, ING. Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-354-7288 Abe Diffenbach Manager The Friendly First FARM LOAN CORPORATION a subsidiary of Hka First ( 11cdLonoff. Stnx*Abun^ • • • MEMBER F D I C * Ut
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