46—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 5, 1976 Ladies Have Lancaster Home Economist LEISURELY SUMMER FASHIONS Fashion forecasters predict a summer of crun ched, crinkled fabrics and calf-high pants, skirts and T shirts in a wide variety of treatments and prices. Throughout, the emphasis is on comfortable, easy-care styling. Shorts have dropped to Bermuda length, fitted through the hips and loosely cuffed above or at the knee. Hiking Bermudas, clam diggers and gaucho pants are the season’s calf ticklers. Long pants are narrow and cuffed above the ankle, or soft and full with tethered, ankles. The in fluence of painter pants, pilot and parachute jump suits is transformed into a sleeker, cleaner look, often tied at the waist in drawstring fashion and at the ankels. Longer-length skirts and dresses give a slim ap pearance, but swingy in verted pleats enhance sides, front or back. Look for ribbon ties, pin tucking. All around, back- or tummy hugging yokes are fashion newcomers. Tunics, designed to go over narrow pants or soft un derskirts, are side-tied. Loose apron and kimono wraps are alternatives. Overall detailing includes cargo- and sweatshirt-type pouch pockets. Ribbon bands, elastic, drawstrings and sashes replace hard ware, such as big zippers and clasps. White and cream are the basic colors, surrounded by clear, mid-tone shades. Ongoing denim varieties are seen in white, mint green and rose. Frontrunners in machine washable cotton and cotton blends include homespuns, muslins and gauze. Choose the rumpled, wrinkled look complete with im perfections, or the trimmer linen and shantung textures. Knits imitate the woven ■MMSa You Heard? By Doris Thomas look. Surface interest is boosted with synthetic blends, stitch techniques and brushing. Lighter and lacier, even classic doubleknits can be sheer and guaze-like. Denim-look knits turn up quilted, printed or with a pre-washed effect. Prints offer im pressionistic use of color without specific patterns. Geometries take on movement such as a stair step pattern. Some create a patchwork motif without black outlines. Wood-block prints use chic fashion photos. Stripes are everywhere and on everything, from delicate pins and giant ombres to crinkled tweeds. And, border designs mirror the multicolored influences of Guatemala and Mexico. Quality What Makes The Difference? “The best quality at the most reasonable price.” That’s most people’s answer when asked what they look for when grocery shipping. But the idea of “quality” and “reasonable price” varies from person to per son. Everyone has difference preferences and a different budget. Consistency in taste, appearance, and texture - these are some of the things you normally think of when you mention quality in canned foods. But what is it that makes one canned fruit or vegetable different from another? Begin with die seeds It all begins with the seeds used to grow the raw product. They’re not all the same - no more than two peas in a pod are exactly alike. Consistently high quality, for example, is partly due to the efforts of agricultural research teams to develop superior strains of green beans, corn, lima beans, peas, tomatoes, and other crops. These strains are bred especially for processing - to retain their firm texture and good flavor in the can. A watchful eye Another critical point in maintaining peak quality is the harvest: Catching the product at just the right stage of maturity. Producers need to keep eye on ripening fruits and vegetables and rushes them to the canning line within hours after they’re picked. Still, not every batch of tomatoes that arrives at the cannery will be identical. The canner must decide whether to use each load of tomatoes for fancy whole or quartered packs, or to assign Urmuuw i aSalga "IfißißT pm^4 JS?r®-**o»»|ssey »oori= l so*££* c SEJt VlCn PHONE 717 oJ?« srwu * '/17-949-3006 DIFOUVTAN/MONITOR- 2-WAY PROTECTION FOR POTATOES. If diseases don’t get you the insects will Difolatan® 4 Flowable controls both early and late blight. Monitor® 4 Spray not only controls the resist Berks Co. Society 5 The Mother and Daughter Banquet of Berks Co. Society 5 was held on May 28, at 7 pan. at Zoars Lutheran Church, Mt. Zion, Pa. The program was presented by Sarah Clements, showing slides and giving a few readings on “Diary of a Mother.” the load to juice, sauce and catsup. Appearance is another key to quality. A lot of skilled hand work goes into removing blemishes, blemished pieces, and pit fragments to make your Del Monte fruit or vegetable look appetizing. These are the types of things commercial canners need to do to maintain the consistently high standard of quality consumers expect. P. L ROHRER & BRO„ INC. SMOKETOWN, PA Farm Women Societies ant green peach aphid and many other pests, it kills both on contact and by residual action Let's talk it over Prizes were given to the oldest mother Gussie Umberger; youngest mother Becky Davis; mother traveling farthest distance Macey Duszyska from England; youngest grand mother Jane Sattazahn; mother with the most grandchildren Edith Kittle and Mamie Semen, both with 19 grandchildren. It was announced that a Chicken Bar-B-Q will be held on July 31. ifes Cooking will be a taskfess pleasure when you use depend able and clean LP-Gas. Put it to work throughout your home. For modern comfort, call soon. Delivered Everywhere AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE 397-4954 m PH. 717-299-2571 Next month, a family picnic will be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Moyer, Lebanon Rl. ’ READ • LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS f Your Home Chevron ** Ortho Company S ORTHO CHtVRON AND CHEVRON DLSIGN RLG US RAT Off