m Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 5.1976—41 I INVITES YOU TO ENGLAND I | | YES ... YOU'RE A SILO AWAY FROM A FREE TRIP TO ENGLAND! I ■ Enjoy an exciting nine-day tour of Merry Ole England - see London, York, and Smithfield I I Show one of the. finest Livestock and farm equipment exhibitions. It’s a *789. Value! I I The purchase of one silo will win one free ticket to England, and you can get more tickets I I at a special rate, if you desire. The trip includes air transportation, bus transportation to I h I various tour points, first class hotel accommodation, most meals, and broadens your I ■ acquaintance with farm friends while you travel! I ■ h '•aMaiMiißmßiitiiißiißiiiMHtiiidiißiwinniiOTiiifflntiHWßnwtiiriuiiwtßHniiiHiwwHwiiHiniiiiiwiniMtnnniKiiiHiinnitiiHnniWHHMtiiWM^ ■ H. tt i B SB (in I '■ Jn II .. ( I I | irs ft BICENTENNIAL PRESENT FROM US TO YOU!~| I I - Actually, you win twice - once for the trip, and once for the Silo! I I CROPSTORE Systems, introduce you to the money-saving benefits of lower drying I I cost.... low cost per bushel storage .. . push button feeding ... and better I I roughage feed. I I YOU MUST ACT NOW! Write or Phone Today. I PENN VALLEY CROPSTORE INC. I I RDI, Box 75, Schwenksville, PA 19473 I I Phone 215-287-9650 or 287-7315 I I CROPSTORE is the second hugest supplier of Oxygen Limited glass lined silos and | I Slurry Tanks in the country. It is also the major supplier of these units in Europe. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers