Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 05, 1976, Image 13
• LANCASTER FARMING MARKET REPORTS £o* * |pj| mm WE HAVE EXPANDED OUR OPERATION TO HANDLE YOUR COMPLETE DAIR Y NEEDS. 250 GAL GIRTON S A CA.OO Stainless Steel w/Compressor - 4 years old • Hjw Real Nice. J, M. HORST SERVICE CO. READ FOR FULL JUNE DAIRY MONTH SPECIALS 10% OFF ALL MILKING EQUIPMENT DEPEND ON US - 24 HOUR SERVICE COME IN, WRITE OR PHONE FOR FULL INFORMATION! Box 231, Quentin, PA Phone (717) 274-1242 Sales Rep. in Lane. Co. Bill Guhl Phone (717) 529-2569 TEAT TO TANK! Inter-State’s Gartley honored * vr Patrick B. Healy, executive secretary, National Milk Producers Federation (left) presents Boyd C. Gartley with a plaque commemorating his “per formance in representating cooperative associations to the media". The award was presented for Gartley’s efforts in promoting the mmmsMm 500 GAL ESCO ,« n « oo W/Compresstfr - good cond Ow V '•V *SK 7 ' 4< * J q§ ci w Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 5,1976 “symposium” held for consumer organizations and the news media on April 13 and 14 in Washington, D.C. Gartley is director and member of public relations for Inter-State Milk Producer’s Cooperative, Southampton, Pa. If you have a problem of teat and udder erosion in your herd chances are you are milking with unstable vacuum And, as more and more animal health authorities have been agreeing that many teat and udder injuries which have contributed to the spread of mastitis —have been caused by unstable milking vacuum . you should have your milking machine’s performance checked. We’ll be happy to do this for you with our DETCO Graph Machine. It’s a remarkable, new invention that records vacuum readings at the milker units attached to the teats, recording the milking vacuum and pulsating vacuum simultaneously. And tells you in easy-to understand graph form, as shown in the photo above, if you are milking with unstable vacuum at the teat end. Increasing the size of your vacuum pump and the size of your air and milk lines are good recommendations. But if you still don’t have stable vacuum at the teat ends— investigate ourZERO CONCORD Twin-Vacuum Pipeline Milking System. It's a combination of a revolutionary pipeline milking machine and the ZERO Completely- Automated Vacuum Bulk Milk Cooler. It was designed especi ally to milk with stable vacuum at the teat ends to prevent teat and udder injuries caused by milking with unstable vacuum. And has many other advantages. Used Tanks & Milking Equipment DUMP STATIONS VACUUM PUMPS SPUTNICKS BUCKET MILKERS NEW AND USED COMPRESSORS ALL SIZES jZetfr- PIONEER OF FARM BULK MILK COOLERS j NEW MODEL. 70's Ze/to* Concord TWIN-VACUUM PIPELINE MILKING SYSTEM - WITH COW MONITOR 13