Lancaster Farming, Saturda; OUR MW 9-FOOT OTDmONER FORIESS ISS Farmers tell us our 7-foot Cut/ditioner does more work than a 9-foot mower-conditioner Why"? Because it s a plug-free machine So just imagine what our new 9-foot 279 Cut/ditioner will do 1 ' You save hundreds of dollars in terms of initial equipment cost plus get more work done faster The 279 is a better way to get high-quality faster drying hay in both heavy and light crops Whatever your opera tion chop bale stack or bigroll 1 The New Idea 9-foot Cut/ ditioner is a high-capacity machine with a minimum of moving parts to wear out and maintain And its versatile In addition to cutting conditioning wmdiowmg and swathing n can oe used to ted turn windrows trim pastures and gather and condition crop residues Because of this versatility farmers called our original 7-foot Cut/ditioner the Hay Thing ’ You can still buy the popular 7-footer that does more for less money And now we've got a big ger Hay Thing going for you, the new 9-foot Cut/ditioner that does even more for less money Its your choice We made both to suit your particular needs But one thing's for sure-when you buy either Cut/ditioner, you il have it around to do a lot of work for a long time Its the non-stop, trouble-free low-cost way to make high-quality hay Coldwater Ohio 45828 where the whole idea means better performance r . May 15, ’* -s. 4,. , *■**.> * * > , >***, * «*?* > >* •'K “*4 f "• «r **• y r. a' ■* t , ' v V * x . # ■ - • *•- A * ** * *. A.* A **" *•* * *0 £v3r~ # " - ■ .. -ypjt* • '■•. n£~: : - .-W " * ** 4r > * ■* * ■ i» „ I ■f* *. < * * 4 \ .*#% V? 7 -v £ , :v,l fimp V- * f U. *♦ '*€ X to&T iff/Btl **»?/ “ * J^mi 4-r if f x > 4 ' ; I s * ' 1, - t - , < ** * <- - * X A*V •' » , C / y\ **• &»*> it ... ; • V-/Ws^ ;>>/';/1. ; *>%«. $ rv* C 4 ' UwM Amg ■'V&fflr *O/4 . / H. ,* t 1 " « * *■ V > <► sr "
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