T-RACTORS - 2 DISCS - (New) Pittsburgh (brand new) 4430 cab air 12 ft., Oliver 16 ft, SOLD power shift, 4430 cab air and Massey Ferguson Quad Range, (new) 4630 wing discs. J.D. 12 ft four wheel drive, (new) 4030, used 4230, 4630 with HARVESTERS New 500 hrs 4620, 4520 4320 HoUaJd 770 like new 717 cab air hke new, 5020 (2) SOL D. John Deere 38 6a^M’f e 302 Wlth 2 row head - Fox 2 §nin 020 91 in 30 fi9h 4 ?n f’ Wlth 30 ” head - New t 2o ’j 70 ‘ Holland 27 Whirl A feedl (new) 170 Skid Loader, blower. New Holland 276» a q n Qfifi baler with thrower new* » i 9 nn SOLD. John Deere 16A1 with cab $16,500, 100 flail chonner Hydro $15,800, used 1066 with cab demonstrator, used 1466,1066 hydro with cab 1456, 856, 826 sold, 806, 706, 656, 560. Allis Chalmers (new) 200 for $12,800, new 7040, used 7050, 7030 with factory duals, 220, XTI9O, 180, Dl9. White (new) 4-150 four wheel drive for $26,000, 2-150, 2-105, used 2-105 cab air, Oliver 2255, 2050,1855,1850,1750,2150, COMBINES (new) John Deere 4400 diesel w-cab & air, used 1975, JD 4400 diesel w-cab & air like new 3300 diesel, John Deere 7700 diesel Hydrastatic, John Deere 7700 diesel gear, John Deere 6600, 1974 John Deere 4400 gas with cab & air used 156 hours, SOLD. 4400 gas with 500 hours, 105 Corn Special diesel with Cab, 95, 40. Gleaner 1972 G D., fully equipped, G gas, C 11. Massey Ferguson 510 diesel Cab and air Quick tach, M.F. 410 dual Quick tach, 300, old 510 diesel, 410 gas, Case 1660. -International 315, 205, 80. New Idea 701 with Combine, 702 with sheller. Also 729 A, 729 Uni shellers with 3 row 30” and 40” heads. 1800, 880. Massey Ferguson 1155 cab air used 300 hrs., 1100, 175, 165, Super 90. Case (new) 1370 and 1070 with cab air, used 1070, 1030. Ford (new) 8600, used 8000 (sold), 6000. MM GlOOO, Super 670. CORN PLANTERS (new) John Deere 7000 six row fully equipped, (new) 4 row 7000, used J.D. 6 row 30” plateless, 4 row 1240 piateless, (new) White 4 &6 row plant aire, (new) International 4 row cyclo air, used 56, AC 6 row no til fully equipped. CORN HEADS John Deere new and used 643, 843,443,444,343,244, used 435, 434, 335, 334, 235, 234, 205. Massey Ferguson 44, 33,24,421, 222 for 300 and 82. Gleaner F 335, A 330, C PLOWS John Deere & Int. 4,5, 6,7, trip and resets, Oliver 5,6, 7 trip and hydraulic reset also 8 bottom on land hitch, (new) White 5X reset. Chisel plows 3 point 10-13 ft., John Deere 25 ft. wing type chisel. II 430 used 30 acres. Oliver 544. International 763 six row, 743 four row, 227, 228, 3 row for 38” for 315. CORN PICKERS (New) New Idea 2 row 30” and 40” pull with 8 and 12 row beds, 4 like new wide and narrow row with 8 and 12 roll beds and shelters, 3 row pull picker with sheller, New Idea mounted with 12 roll bed, (New) 323 one row. John Deere 237. Kill Brothers gram boxes. New Idea 272 Cutditioner used 15 acres. For your needs call: PAUL STITZEL HAYBINES (new) John Deere 1209 and 1207 cut 10 acres, (new) Hesston 1014 hydraulic drive SOLD. New Holland 479, 469. New Holland 352 Grinder mixer. Int. 990 Haybine. Owatonna S P. Windrower. 734 Windsor St., Hamburg, PA 19526 Phone Bus. 215-562-8377 Home 215-562-7451 NEW TRACTORS IN STOCK -574 H.C.D 464 D Farmall 666 D 674 D - USED EQUIPMENT - TRACTORS: Famuli 504 Gas Farmall Super M Farmall Super H Farmall H Farmall 330 w/loader Farmall 300 Farmall 8275 D w/loader 550 Oliver JD A w/3 pt hitch COMBINES: HAYBINES: Allis Chalmers 9 New Idea 9' 503 D w/4 row head (rebuilt engmel PLANTERS: 4 Row John Deere MOWERS: 110 IH 7 ft for F 504 TRY US FOR INTERNATIONAL PARTS ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. NEW SPRING TILLAGE EQUIP. IN STOCK ★ F 140 F CUBS TILLAGE; 5 Bottom Oliver 12' Oliver Disk 4 Bottom Oliver Hyd reset 2 Bottom JD Pull Type IH 4 Row Front Mtd Cult for 656 F 12’ JD Packer Mulchei ERB & HENRY IS HEADQUARTERS FOR: DELAVAL FMC BEAN VICON SPREADERS BUTLER-JAMESWAY Farm Equipment Farm Trailers: Flat bed, tandem wheels, with electric brakes, 94” wide, 16’ long. For on or off the road use. Equipped with dual hitch for truck or tractor. 10,000 lbs. gross. Other sizes and models built on order. Hugo Welding Shop, Bowers, Pa. PH: 215-682-2781 New Berlinville, PA 19545 Phone (215) 367-2169 Form Equipment Used International 470 Disk Harrow (heavy); No. 68 4-row International cultivator, spring teeth (new); . Custom 90 Fox Chopper, perfect, 2-row head, 36 in ches. Phone 301457-4634 USED TRACTORS JOB w/plows & cultivator $490 AC B w/cultivators $BOO Int 1974 Cub Cadet 14 h p w/mower $l7OO Int 130 w/6ft mid mountmower $lBOO Ford Jubilees manure loader $2700 Ford 801 Powermaster w/ljve clutch $2900 Ford 901 High clearance w/wide front $3200 Case 530 just being overhauled $3900 Ford 4000 Gas Industrial w/dozer blade select o speed $3900 Ford 4000 1966 Gas All Purpose $4300 International 504 Diesel ex cond $4500 'Ford 340 Compact Loader like new cond $5500 Ford 4000 Tractor Loader Backhoe Diesel $5500 Ford 30001975 Diesel 175 hrs like new $6500 JD 400 Tractor Loader Backhoe Diesel torque 56900 USED EQUIPMENT Ford Dozer Blade for Idr ' $l5O Ford 6 ft Blade angles tilt offset $l6O AC 4 bottom 16 plow w/coulters S cylinder $195 Oliver Plows 3 bot mtd w/coulters 14 $3OO Hydraulic Sickle Bar mid mounted w/pump $3OO Ford 7 Vz Flexible Disc $450 JD 290 2 row planter w/fertihzer hopper $490 Massey Ferguson B‘A 3pt mounted Disc $525 Int BVz ft transport disc $650 Massey Harris 2 bot roll over plow $7OO Bush Hog 370 Heavy duty 7 ft cut ex cond $750 Ford 6 bot 14 plows $9OO Pittsburgh cultivator 4 row spring good cond 3pt $750 NEW EQUIPMENT 24 Kovar 4 section Spike Tooth Drag Harrow $390 2 row mtd Bndger 2 row pltr mtd w/fertilizer hopper last 2 $B5O Ford Big Blue 200 bu Manure Spreader $lBOO LAST ONE 1975 FORD 5000 ROW CROP Diesel, dual power, power adjust wheels, remote valve, front weight, 1 yr factory warranty 59500 DEL-MAR FORD 11, TRACTOR, INC. I Rte. 42 JUST WEST OF U.S. 13 CHESWOLD, DEL. 19936 ,1 hesston L PH: 302-678-8484 |j FARM EQUIPMENT 1 MFV Massey Ferguson m New Idea Dunham Tillage Tools, NEW EQUIPMENT INSTOCK Case 1370 w-0 cab Case 1370 w-Cab, Air, Heat Plows 4, 5 & 6 Bottom Pittsburgh 12 ft. Disc Dunham 10 & 12 ft. Cultimulcher Gehl Forage Equipment Gehl Round Baler, Demo. N.I. Parallel Bar Rakes 5 & 6 ft. Rotary Cutters David Brown Tractor Model - 990 Satoh Tractors New Idea Spreaders Gehl Grinder Mixers Pittsburgh 2-row Cultivators COMPACT TRACTORS Case, New Idea Massey Ferguson USED EQUIPMENT N.H. 518 Spreader Far. A & Far. C w cultvs. N.H. 675 spreader N.I. 213 spreader w endgate I. 816 mower cond. 1737 Case Uni Loader Gehl 120 Grinder-Mixer J. Disc AW M.F. 160 Spreader 24 ft. Elevator w-motor N.H. No. 36 Chopper A.L.HERR&BRO. Quarryville, PA Phone (717) 786-3521 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15,1976 Used 200 gal. 8-row Boom Sprayer with fiber glass tank 400 gal. sprayer with 35 gal. Bean PTO pump 100 gal. sprayer w-PTO pump McDeermg No. 9 Mower Case 7 ft. trailer mower New Holland 455 Mower New Holland 404 Con ditioner Meyer Hay Conditioner Meyer Mower- Conditioner Com bination Meyer Conditioner Parts Allis Chalmers Power Unit Continental Red Seal Power Unit Wisconsin 2 & 4 Cylinder Engines PTO Cable Winch 2 wheelbarrow sprayers with engines 2 New Idea Side Rakes, good condition Welding Fabricating BENS. FISHER South Ronks Road Ronks, PA and A. BINKLEY & /Bh\HURST BROS. NEW TRACTORS Case 2670 - 4 wheel drive 885 David Brown 1210 David Brown 1845 Uni-loader w backhoe 1845 Uni-loader 1816 Uni Loader 1737 Uni-loader 1740 Uni-loader Case 680 Backhoe Case 580 Backhoe Case W-14, 4 wheel loader BALER TWINE ‘11.25 a Bale 9,000 & 10,000 ft. NEW EQUIPMENT 2-row & 4-row Models, 3 pt. mtd. cultivators Little Giant Elevators in stock Athens Mod. 131 Disk Harrow 12’ 6” cut Case 3 Bot. plow Spring Harrows in stock McCurdy Gravity Bins in stock Century Sprayers in stock New Dunham Cultipackers in Stock Pittsburgh, disk harrows B’B, 9’10,12’ Case 1800 Series MTD & pull type Chisel plows Dunham Running Gears (2-8 ton) (2-8 ton) Bush Hog 6 ft. & 5 ft. Rotary Cutters McCurdy 8 ton Running Gears USED TRACTORS Wheelhorse 8 H.P. Riding Mower Case 1370 (like new) Case 930 Comfort King nipQpi David Brown 1212 Case 580 Backhoe Case 530 Diesel backhoe loader David Brown 990 Oliver 550 Utility w- Loader USED EQUIPMENT New Holland Blower Kelvinator Appliances in stock Tractor Rental Available 133 Rothsville Station Road Lititz, PA Phone 717-626-4705 m. Farm Equipment Free delivery within Lancaster Co. DISCS: JDKBA (1) 20 Disc, (1) 24 Disc, (2) 28 Disc, IHC 24 Disc. PLOWS; Oliver 12”, 14”, 16” w-2 bot. Raydex (pull type); I.H.C. Quick hitch 16” 2 bot.; (2) IHC 2-way w-steel bottoms. GRAIN DRILL; (3) Oliver, 3 Ontario 13 Disc 7”. CORN PLANTERS: (Horse Drawn) (2) J.D. 99 2 row; (2) IHC 2 row. MOWERS; JD Big 4, I.H.C. No. 9 w-7 ft. bar & wide wheels; J.D. No. 37 w-P.T.O. out the rear. RAKES: NH No. 55 Roller Bar; (1) NI 4 bar side delivery w-tedder; (3) N.H. 404 Hay Crushers. HAY TEDDERS: (3) Nicholson Hay Tedders. • (2) Myers com bination crusher-mower 7’ bar. (2) NI 1 row tran splanter; Holland mechanical 3 pt. hitch. IHC 1 & 2 row horse drawn cultivators. SIO FILLERS: (3) Papec 16” finger feed; (1) Papec 16” finger feed 4 knife; (2) IHC No. 9 cutter, 4 knife; (1) Gehl cutter. CULTIPACKERS: 7 ft., 8 ft and 9 ft. 9 ft. sprocket packer, Brillion Cultipacker Seeder 8 ft. 990 IHC Haybme, like new. N.I. 32 ft. Elevator; J.D. 300 32’ Elevator. ENGINES: Wise. 2 cyl., 4 cyl. w or w-out reduction gear, w or w out electric start, w or w-out baler mount. Jamesway & Louden Litter carriers w-track & accessories. T. J. WHE ARY &SONS 717-687-6553 SPER3V=S= NEW HOLLAND SPRING SPECIALS ON USED EQUIPMENT • Int. 460 G with P.S., Live PTO, Fast Hitch & Weights • John Deere 1280 30” Row Plateless Planter with Liquid Fertilizer. • AC Model C Tractor with plows & cults. • JD 820 Tractor • JD 1530 Tractor • JD 1530 with 37 Loader • MH 30 Tractor • Cockshutt 30 Tractor • JD 3 pt Plow, 14 & 16 • JD 105 G S.P Combine with 435 N Head • NH 450 Mower • Int. 37 Baler • NH 270 Baler with Thrower • Int. 47 Baler • Woods Cll4 Mower • JD FBB Drill SUPER SPECIAL - MF 7i Side Mounted Mower to Fit MF 65, Etc Reduced to S2SQ. - NEW - • JD 2440 tractor • JD 4 Row Planter ■ B KERMIT K. KISTLER Lynnport, PA Call 215-298-3270 Gehl 35
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers