Farm Equipment Farm Equipment ZOOK’S FARM STORE 80x222KD2 Honeybrook, Pa. 19344 NEW IN STOCK Vicon Fertilizer Spreaders Zimmerman Elevators Mo. Rotary Scythe Century Sprayers Ford Industrial Motors Hawk Bilt Manure Spreaders Glenco & Athens Chisel Plows Gehl 770 Mower Con ditioner, last years price Gehl Harvesters Gehl bale 1500 Hitch up [i to Masse IH 706 Diesel Tractor AC Dl9 Tractor MM 445 Gas Tractor M.M. WEAVER &SONS North Groffdale Road Leola, PA Phone: 717-656-2321 FOR SALE 20x80 HARVESTORE SILO WITH GOLIATH UNLOADER New Cutter Cham $22,000 or take over yearly payments Next payment due Oct 1, 1976 717-745-7539 FOR SALE HAY WAGONS 8’ X 18’ *BOO.OO FLAT WAGONS 8’ x is’ *480.00 R. Z. MANUFACTURING Call 717-354-8793 Farm Equipment' ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New Berlmville, PA I Mile N of Boyertown Phone (215) 367-2169 ■ ■■ FARM HI EQUIPMENT *PARTS & SERVICE ♦DeLAVAL DAIRY EQUIP ♦JAMESWAY ♦FLICKES SILO *FMC SPRAY ♦BEAN EQUIP SERVICE REPAIRS For Allis Chalmers, New Holland, Starlme, Van Dale and other farm equipment. NEW EQUIPMENT 9 ft. & 12 ft. “1495” SP N.H, Haybines Kilbros. Grain Boxes Lamco Forage Boxes N.H. 273 & 276 Balers N.H. Rakes & Mowers N.H. 354 Grinder Mixer N.H. 707 & 770 Forage Harvesters N.H. 25 Blower USED EQUIPMENT 36 ft. Mow Conveyor Dion Hopper-Blower N.H. 5717 Forage Harvester w-2 row hd. Model 650 IHC Forage Harvester w-2-row head N.H. 880 Forage Harvester w-2-row Head N.H. 675 Spreader w-hyd, end gate ■* =SS "SALES * SERVICE 770 Woodcrest Avenue RD3, Lititz, PA Phone: 626-7766 USED EQUIPMENT • John Deere 530 Tractor • Case Disk Harrow • Lillislon Rollins Harrow • MF 165 Tractor with MF Loader, 800 Hrs, Like New • MF 200 Loader • 10 ft Cultimulcher • H-Farmall with Front End Loader • 1537 Case Uni-Loader • Gehl 880 Wmdrower • Hesston PT 10 • Case 555 • Dunham 15 ft Cultimulcher • Ford 4 Row Corn Planter • John Deere 2 Row Planter • John Deere 1010 Tractor • John Deere MT • HARVESTERS * • F-2 Fox Harvester, Good Condition • IH 55 Harvester • Case 300 Harvester • AC 780 Harvester •jf 14 Used Spreaders to Pick From l ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel, Pa. Phone 717-933-4114 Farm Equipment 154 Cub Low-Boy, Demo. Farmall 400 Diesel Tractor Used N.H. 210 Manure Spreader Used Disk Harrows 36 Blade COPE & WEAVER CO. WNew Providence , 786-7351 Protects Your Fanii Against Power Failure Your profits go down when power goes off l Let us show you how you can protect your family and farm from costly annoying power outages by leasing or buying a Wmpower alternator the oW relioWe DISTRIBUTOR MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances R 0 #1 |lona| Lebanon, PA Phone 1717| 272 0871 Located on Route 897 between Schaefferstown and Lebanon over'3o years in business at same place USED FARM EQUIPMENT J.D. 4630 Tractor J.D. 4020 Tractor J.D. 4010 Tractor Ford 901 Tractor, w cultivators J.D. KBA Disc I.H.C. 12’ Disc N.H. 818 Harvester w- com head N.H. 511 spreader N.H. 27 whirl-a-feed blower Fox chopper Souders Loader Int. 711 Rotary chopper NEW FARM EQUIPMENT J.D. 200 Stacker J.D. 1530 Tractor J.D. 4030 Tractor J.D. 4430 Tractor J.D. Grain drills N.H. 512, 518 & 790 Spreaders N.H. 477 & 479 Haybines N.H. 276 & 850 Balers N.H. 354 Grinder mixer Ag-Tec Low-volume orchard & field sprayers CLUGSTON IMPLEMENT, INC, JOHN DEERE NEW HOLLAND Bou-matic & Mueller Dairy Equipment Chambersburg, PA 17201 1 Block off 1-81, Exit 8 Phone: 717-263-4103 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15,1976 — Farm Equipment Farm Equipment FOR SALE By Owner • Equipment - Excellent Condition Model Item Model Year Price J S Plow, Auto Reset 5-18” Bottoms A 0550 1974 $2700, J D Harvester C 2 Row Corn Hd 38 1969 1650. J D Sprayer - For on truck Crop & Fert Spray 50A 1966 525. J D Corn Picker - 2 Row F 0237 1970 2200. J D Corn Shelter Unit FO-50 1970 1000. J D Manure Spreader 54 1959 600. Ind Drilling Mach 10” to 24” Augers On Ford HCMS F-5 Chasis F-5 1000. Arps Snow Blower DS 1970 400. Clearing Rake for 10’ Dozer Blade - 1972 1000. FOR CATTLE FEEDING Case-Diesel-Front Loader on Rubber - manure remove G 530 1966 $3OOO. Frey Portable Scale & Squeeze chute, New SP3OOO 1974 1300. Swartz-Feed Body c Scale on G.M.C. 850 1974 9000 chasis 5500 1969 JD Chuck Wagon 115 1000. 8 Metal Feed Troughs 3’ x 20’ 35.00 ea. Creep Feeder 35.00 ea. 6 Mineral Feeders - Smidley 35.00 ea. 6 Cattle Oilers Cont. Pe. Co. 70.00 ea. 4 - 35 gal. drums of oil Cont. Pe. Co 70.00 ea. Equipment located at Willow Hill Interchange, Penna. TPK. Contact Fred H. Dallmeyer, Elm & Albemarle Sts., York, Penna. Telephone - (717) 854-7875. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS fjUk j Nothing runs [jQHN DEERE J like a Deere 33
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