32 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15, 1976 Farm Equipment For Sale - 4-16” John Deere Plow, semi-mtd. trip bot toms. 717-922-4106 Farmall A Tractor, just overhauled, good tires, new paint, electric start, plow with vacuum lift included, $1,350. 717-786-2131 or 786- 7554 after 5 p.m. Wanted - Used Diesel 80-100 H.P. power unit. Prefer Deutz or Case. Clemens Nissley, RD2, Leroysville, Pa. 18829 For Sale -1 -50 ft. Brillion Tapered Board Feeder. New - Never Used. PH: 717-762- 3380 For Sale - 5 14” MF 86 Plow, semi-mtd. trip bottom. Call 215-759-7807 after 6 p.m. For Sale - 20 ft. Badger silo unloader, emptied the silo only 3hk times, one hot water furnace with summer - winter hookup. Isaac L. King, R 2, Quarryville, Pa. St. Catherine Dr. Wanted - Case D or DC Tractor. Belleville, Pa. RDI, Box 129,17004 or PH: 717-667- 2666 For Sale - N.H. 269 P.T.O. Bale Thrower $lOO. 1% T. Helix Feed Cart, P.T.O. Driven. 717-637-9068 For Sale - International No. 46 Baler, good condition $6OO. 201-234-1640 For Sale - Ford 5000 Diesel Farm Tractor, 1075 hrs., 3pt. hitch, very good condition $6,600,000; John Deere 4 bar side rake on rubber $lOO. PH: 717-4586771 Ford 2000 Tractor, high clearance, wide adjustable front w-single row cultivators & fertilizer at tachment. Excellent con dition, $3OOO. Also HD4 Crawler-loader & 9 ton capacity trailer $7OOO. Near Freehold, NJ PH: evenings 201-938-5726 J.D. 6 row soybean planter, depth bands, fertilizer hoppers, 28 in. rows. J.D. 6 row high-clearance, front mount cultivator. Can convert to 4 or 8 row. J. Kerr 717-536-3576 Farm Gates 10’ - 12’ - 14’ long. B. John Stoltzfus, Gap, Rl, Millwood Rd. Wanted to Buy - Rotary hoe, 3 pt. hitch. PH: 717-732-4035 Gravity Flo Grain Wagon, - Complete. PH: Maryland 301-734-6495 For Sale - John Deere No. 34 Forage Harvester w-pickup St row crop heads. Excellent condition. Also Gehl Forage wagon w-7 ton running gear Sc 8 ply tires. Call 301-996-2165 1975 Gehl Round Hay Baler R.B. 1500. 1 1972 Int. 315 Combine w-corn & grain head. 1960 Ford Gram & Cattle Truck, gross weight 21,000. PH: 717-266-2867 For Sale - New Idea 301 Double row mounted com picker w-husking bed, good condition. RUMBERGERBROS. RDI, Millers town, Pa. 717-444-3545 For Sale - Case self propelled wmdrower 10’ w-Wisconsin motor, good cond. $1350.00 Elam Zimmerman PH: 717- 949-3263 For Sale - New Idea 318 Grinder. Excellent Con dition. 814-793-3782 For Sale - Ford Jubilee tractor, excellent condition, engine rebuilt 1975, $l9OO. 215-628-2159 Farm Equipment FARM TRACTORS 856 International 4020 John Deere 3020 John Deere Used Forage Boxes Call 717-547-8062 GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE QuarryvQle Phone 786-7318 For Sale - One big Sorrel Gelding horse, 6 yrs. old, broke and ready to work. Wanted - Brooder house in fair condition. Gideon A. Fisher, R 3 Box 311 A, Quarryville, Pa. 17566 (2) New 16 H.P. Fetter Diesels, 2300 RPM w starter $l2OO. each New 8 H.P. Fetter Diesel, 2300 RPM w-starter - $BOO HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE PH: 215445-6272 717-354-7469 For Sale - Field Queen side dump, Det., power, 740 hrs., medium profile com silage head, 2 hay pickup heads, electric knife sharpener $32,000. Will deliver within 200 miles. 717-864-3689, Owner. For Sale - 1 N.H. manure spreader 160 bushel, power take off, $lOOO.OO. 1 hay crimper, $lOO.OO. 1958 Ford truck 1% ton w-12’ heavy bed. Needs motor, make an offer. 1 Henry J car for parts, make an offer. Charles W. Alexander, R 2, Box 52, Fairfield, Pa. 17320 Farm Equipment For Sale - Harvestore Silo 20x70 with Goliath unloader, 3 years old $14,000. Call Robert Lamey, 717-725-2031 or Elmer G. Rohrer 717-687- 8365 For Sale - International Tandem axle Diesel truck 2000 series, mounted new leader lime spreader, 13 seat, fully equipped. A-l condition. PH: 717-998-2204 FARMILL CONSTRUCTION PH: 717-687-7659 Used Case W-26 Series B Loader, 5 yard bucket, low hours. Wanted - Inti. SW Com Harvester. C. Shanbarger, Stewartstown, Pa. 717-993- 2755 No. 8 & 10 N.I. Manure Spreader on steel for sale, good condition. 106 Waird Walking plow. I will deliver. Elmer S. Kauffman, Box 87, Atglen, PA. For- Sale - 38 used clay comfort stalls, 4 and 4% ft. wide $35.00 a stall, good condition. Phone 301-733-2289 New and Used wooden silos, Silage spreaders and fill pipes. Railoc roofs installed on any type silo. Write Daniel S. Stoltzfus, R 2 Narvon, Pa. 17555 PH: 717- 354-4374 For Sale - 1030 Case 1000 P.T.O. Asking $6,000 or best offer. PH: 301-287-8957 For Sale - Self-spacing concrete hog slats in 4 ft. - 4 ft. 8 in. - 6 ft. and 8 ft. lengths. Valentine T. Petersheim, Box 329 A R 2 Mifflintown, Pa. 17059 For Sale - J.D. 24T baler with ejector, price $1,400.00 Phone 717-423-6208 Field Drags. All steel con struction. Int stock; 10’-12’- 14’ rigid. 12’-14’-16’-18’-20’ flex. Ideal for behind disc harrow, chisel plow and no till disc. Hudo Welding Shop, Bowers, Pa. PH; 215-682-2781 For Sale - 90 Bu. Per hour Automatic Batch Dryer at cost $4800.00. Lime & Fertilizer Spreaders. New Willmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C. U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, PA 19543 215- 286-5146 Wanted - Medium size tractor with 6’ to 8’ rotary mower for mowing brush. PH; 609-267-8653 No. 237 John Deere 2 row mounted com picker, fits all tractors, very good condition $1075. No. 12A New Idea manure spreader, ground excellent condition $275. McDeering com planter, no fertilizer hoppers $75. 2 1 horse cultivators $25 ea. John Deere 2 row com planter Model 290 like new $3OO. PH: 215-723-5223 For Sale -1969 walk-in Chev. truck with refrigerator scale, was butchering wagons, excellent condition. New Holland baler Super 66 with motor. Stephen Lesinski, RD4, Box 127, Shamokin, Pa. 17872 Phone 758-3356 For Sale - 425 Fox Harvester with 1-row. com head and pickup with flotation tires, two sets of knives, used very little $2500.00 Ervin M. Horst, East Earl R 2, Lan caster Co., Pa. 17519 Phone 717-354-7181 For Sale - 40 horse Slantzi Diesel in good condition. Menno M. Stoltzfus, S. Groffdale Rd. Leola Rl, Pa. 17540 New Holland 1469 Self- Propelled Haybme, excellent condition. A.C. Model 780 Forage Harvester with pickup head and 2-row corn head, good condition. PAULSHOVER’S INNC. Loysville, PA 717-354-2214 IHC Model 400 Cyclo Planter 6-30”, A-l Shape. EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO. INC. 30 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 717-273-2616 New Ford Forage Blower, PTO, $BOO.OO priced to sell. 2 new steel wheels to fit New Idea ground drive spreader. ALLEN H. MATZ,, INC. 505 E. Main St. New Holland, Pa. Ph: 717-354-2214 JD 3020 diesel syncrorange transmission; International Harvester 806 diesel; D2l Allis Chalmers diesel; Ford Jubilee tractor, gas with mower. All in excellent condition. William Morse, 301-398-7178 For Sale - New Idea 4 bar hay rake and tedder com bination. Christ S. King, mile West of Montery For Sale - Hesston Model 5600 Round Baler, baled approx. 150 bales, $4600. 717- 766-6944 For Sale - New Idea Hay conditioner, late model with large wheels $350. Walter Pownall, Little Britain, R 2 Quarryville, Pa. 17566. PH: 717-529-2830 AC. Dl7 Senes 4 Gas Tractor New Idea 729 Sheller A C. Dl5 Tractor N I 702 Gas Uni-Tractor 213 New Idea Manure Spreader ROV H. BUCK, INC. Ephrata 717-859-2441 Farm Equipment Farm Equipment For Sale Dual wheel kits, direct from factory truckload buyer, most sizes in stock. Also low prices on new and used rear farm tires. MANURE PITS 36 ft., 48 ft., and 60 ft. diameter. 12 ft. depth, cir cular precast concrete with gunite coated interior. ZIMMERMAN INDS. INC. RDI, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-733-6166 MUMMAU FIRESTONE Mount Joy, Pa. 717-653-2075 i For Sale - 1936 Q) IE U H . Tractor, tricycle type on , rubber. No Phone. Just Used D 5506 1973 Mi moved here. Intersection of $5700.00 R 2127, R 412 Springtown, Used John Deere Gas (g< Pa. West, Ist trailer on left. cond.) $2650.00 Paul Adams, P.O. Box 63, Used DlOOO6 with cab Springtown, Pa. 990 David Brown w-Loai $2200.00 [ 1961 International Utility G $2371. 1967 XT 190 A.C. Diesel $6l 1200 David Brown $4200, New Deutz F2L-912 Die! Engines 20-32 H. Electric start $2050.00 Deutz F2L-310 Rebuilt die. 1 w-electric start. 11-21 ’ $950 New Stakhand 10 (I'-only, Special Price $5,555.00 350 Papec Forage Harvest (new) 1-row $3,486.60 Deutz FIL-712 Rebuilt Die: w-Starter, 10 h.p. $925, 15 KW Deutz Powered Gr Set (New) $3,275.00 STAUFFER DIESEL For Sale - Tractor Farmall H & John Deere B in good shape; 7 ft. Rotomower John Deere No. 527; 5 horse Electric motor enclosed; Oliver No. 283 16 ft. Spring Tooth Harrow; 1965 GMC Truck gross 26,000 w-mid west grain dump bed will hold 400 bushels. PH: 215- 486-0972 Dual Wheel Farm trailer, Bxl4 ft. w-Ball trailer hitch. Excellent condition. $4OO. PH; 717-733-1006 Automatic Cattle Feeders, Badger and Jamesway. 100 Ft. Long. In use till May 1. 201-832-2072 INC. 312 West Main Street New Holland, PA Phone 717-354-4181" For Sale - International 64 pull-type combine, elec, starter, engine just rebuilt, $300.00. John Deere 3 pt. 4 bottom plow, $300.00. Wanted - front weight & 3 pt. hitch for John Deere 730. Phone Grant Cunningham evenings 215- 368-0560 (1) Used IH No. 403 COMBINE w-Diesel engine, cab, hydraulic reel drive, pickup reel, 13 ft. platform, 4-row com head, ready to go to work. $7500. 717-758-6491 717-758-3021 MECKLEY- DALMATIA Dalmatia, Pa. Farm Equipment For Sale - Cat. D 7 Dozer with hydraulic blade, new paint in good condition. 717-259-0612 BIG SAVINGS PROGRAM 2670 CASE TRACTOR NOW IN STOCK EXPIRES MAY 31 - 1 ONLY ton couldn’t a hotter time fcf price out a Case 4-wneel-drive than now! Equip your Case 4-wheel-dnve the way you want it Then let us show how you II get everything you want at rock bottom dollar BIG POWER —proved high-torque Case-built en gines We rate the Case 2670 at 256 gross engine power hp, 221 pto hp by official test POWER SHIFT —3, not 2, on-the-go speed choices in each of 4 ranges Makes a whale of a difference in the acres you II handle per day RIGID FRAME, NOT ARTICULATED with 4-way steermg Its better you be the judge Come m We II show you quality and low price BINKLEY & HURST BROS. A 133 Rothsville Station Road Lititz, PA. Phone 717-626-4705 John Deere 483 Haybine Oliver 66 Tractor M.F. 65 Tractor, as is F2O Farmall Tractor w- Ford V 8 engine set up for pulling $725 John Deere 494 A Corn Planter New Idea cut-ditioner New Holland Super 69 Baler w-thrower ELWOOD FLOWERS RD2, Manheim, Pa. 717-653-4839 TRACTOR & MOTOR REPAIRS • Over 20 years ex perience with Ford tractors and equipment. Shop & Road Service Pickup and Delivery Wait Stively, Jr. Spnngville Road Quarryville RD3 Phone 717 786 2252 D2l AC Tractor Dl4 AC Tractor New 3000 Fox Forage Harvester w-6 ft. pickup head. 1968 702 D Uni-System w-Forage Harvester w-pickup & 3 row head, Combine w-13’ grain hd. Lilliston 6 row rolling cultivator 12’ Lilliston rolling harrow 7’ semi-mounted New Holland mower conditioner 3 bot. AC mounted plow Paul Dotterer Millhall, PA PH: 717-726-3471
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