1976 custom [Continued from Page 231 Harrowing: Spike tooth Spring tooth Cultivating Acre' 3.75 3.65 3.70 Acre 4.30 _ 3.65 3.90 Acre 4.80 4.30 4.45 Surge can cool your milk and cut your annual utility bill too by as much as 30%. Get a free pocket test thermometer just for letting us figure your savings. If you’re not using a Surge H-Volume Tube Cooler or Dairy Temp Recorder, you may be overlooking the best profit protection you can buy. A new Surge Tube Cooler can effectively improve milk quality; reduce the cost of cooling milk; lower the cost of heating water for dairy sanitation use; and relieve overloaded milk cooling systems. This unique sanitary heat exchanger can greatly reduce the amount of energy required for coo'mg and heating operations, cutting hundreds of dollars off __ your annual utility bill. Surge Dairy Temp Recorders adapt to almost any tank without modification; are the most accurate recorders on the market: and come in special anti-corrosion cases. It's cheap insurance. Let’s figure how much a Surge Tube Cooler and Recorder could save you. SURGE V\fe make your cows worth more. Brandt's Farm Supply, 601 E. High St. Elizabethtown, PA Ph. (717) 367-1221 Calvin Gum RDI, Wind Gap, PA Ph.(215)863-4557 H. Daniel Wenger & Bro. Inc. RDI, Hamburg, PA Phone (215) 488-6574 Pen. W. Hostetter RD2, Annville, PA Ph. (717) 867-2896 Longacre Electrical Svc. Inc. Bally, PA Phone (215) 845-2261 Glenn E. Hurst RD2, East Earl, PA Ph. (215) 445-6865 Jim's Sales & Service Lester B. 801 l RDI, Lititz, PA Ph.(717)626-6198 Oak Bottom RD Box 37 Quarryville, PA Phone (717) 786-1533 Inc. rates released Planting Corn with Fertilizer: Conventional-till planting Reduced-till planting Planting Soybeans, without Fertilizer Drilling Small Grain: Without fertilizer With fertilizer Acre Acre Acre 3.90 - 4.30 4.70 ' 4.70 5.00 5.00 6.25 6.50 3.40 3.60 With fertilizer and cloverseed Planting Potatoes Seeding Alfalfa, Clover, etc. Broadcast Seeding (On grain fields) Cleaning Gram Seed; With treatment Without treatment 2.80 2.95 .30 .29 .25 .21 Ground Equipment: Spraying for Weed Control: Excluding material Spraying for Com Borer: Including cost of material Excluding cost of material Spraying for Spittle Bug or Alfalfa Weevil Including cost of material Excluding cost of material Spraying Potatoes: Including cost of material Excluding cost of material Aerial Application: (Excl. material) Fixed wing Helicopter SPRAYING 5.95 7.00 2.60 3.30 4.20 6.40 2.60 3.20 7.25 7.00 4.00 3.90 Stalk Shredding, P.T.O. Spreading Bulk Fertilizer Dry Liquid , Side dressing Grinding Feed: Com, oats or barley Com and cobs Cobs Additional charge for mixing Machine Tiling (No tile) Back Hoe Sawing Wood (Chain saw) Post Hole Digging Manure Loading Manure Spreading Bulldozing (Avg. H.P. equals 85) Environmentalists A Pittsburgh conservation group, and a Sunbury man, creator of a public garden, have been named recipients of the Pennsylvania Medical Society’s Environmental Improvement Recognition Awards. agency is the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy of Pittsburgh which devotes all its energy to conserving land. In existence for 43 years, the Western Penn sylvania Conservancy has acquired over 50,000 acres of green, open space including five state parks and three nature reserves. It is the state’s largest private Named to receive the Environmental Im provement Recognition Award for a volunteer Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15,1976 PLANTING AND DRILLING 4.75 4.70 4.70 7.45 7.95 7.85 6.55 5.00 5.40 3.50 4.50 MISCELLANEOUS Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre 4.20 4.70 5.00 6.40 3.50 2.90 2.80 6.70 3.15 5.70 2.90 7.10 3.95 3.50 4.50 4.40 2.85 2.75 2.65 .17 13.50 6.20 .40 8.05 7.25 21.50 honored organization of its type, with some 7,000 members. Hiking and bicycling trails are being developed, and the Allegheny River Valley is being protected through its land acquisition. “Fallingwater,” the famed Frank Lloyd Wright designed home, is also maintained by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Charles Keithan of Sun bury will receive the in dividual Environmental Improvement Recognition Award. Through his own initiative and labor, Keithan created Bluebird Gardens, which is open to the public without charge. From 1930 until the present, he has daily attended to the many trees, flowers, shrubs and lawns which provide a peaceful haven. The gar dens, located at South Second Street in Sunbury, particularly feature 25 varieties of oak trees and rhododendrons and azaleas. worn* gome. FIND THE LETTERS IN' THIS PICTURE THATSPELL OXCV& % Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre 2.80 4.40 2.95 2.90 3.00 29 2.80 4.45 2.75 2.70 2.55
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