’ i 'H 1 ./Cut I'. t 1 28—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 15, 1976 Ten F&H scholarshi <*,- "* s / *■ ¥ £ \ young ladies receiving scholarships were (from left) Lesetta Mummau - Donegal; Nancy Wenger - Cocalico and Mary Kirk - Solanco. [Continued from Page 27] wildlife conservation and management practices. The 17- year old student has chosen to further his education at the Mont Alto Campus of Penn State majoring in forest technology. Douglas Hershey Doug is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hershey, Quarryville R 2. A noted musician, Doug . is a member of the Solanco school band, trumpet trio and chorus. Wrestling and other school sports have been an interest to the youth also. The 17-year old student has worked on his grandfather’s farm and is interested in becoming a veterinarian. He will be majoring in animal science at Penn State. Church. The young lady is planning to study home economics at Messiah College. Mildred Linde Mildred is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Linde, Oxford Rl. The Solanco High School senior has been an active member of 4-H Dairy Clubs and the Solanco FFA. The young lady enjoysfarm life and sewing, as well as acting in the school plays. Mildred is planning to enter the animal husbandry major at the State University of New York - Cobleskill Center. Michelle Skiles Michelle is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Skiles of Narvon R 2. A senior at Pequea Valley High School, Michelle has been a member of the community 4-H sewing club and is currently serving as the student council president. A member of the honor society, chorus and field hockey team, the 17-year old student plans a career in home economics. She will be attending the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Nancy Wenger—Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wenger, Stevens Rl. The 17-year old senior at Cocalico High School has been an active member of the 4- H Red Rose Beef Club and enjoys sewing also. Nancy is planning to enter Delaware Valley College and will be majoring in animal husbandry. Kathy Curtis Kathy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Continued on Page 30] ’ Mary Kirk Mary is. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kirk, Peach Bottom R 1 and is a senior at Solanco High School. Mary has been a member of the National Honor Society and is a member of the Guernsey Dairy Club. The 17-year old student is interested in majoring in animal science and becoming a small animal veterinarian. Mary’s father attended Penn State also. Barbara Roller Barbara is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Roller, Chestnut St., Lancaster and is a student at McCaskey High School. The 18-year old senior has been a cheerleader, member of the pep club and AFS club representative. An honor roll student, Mary is an active member of the youth group at Grace Evangelical Soil map available Locations and descriptions of 153 Pennsylvania soil groups are available at an educational, non-profit cost of $3.00 in the Land Resources Map of the Commonwealth, published by the Agricultural Ex periment Station at Penn State University. Presenting land resources in graphic form, the map is unlike anything published previously for Pennsylvania. It brings together factors of soil depth, drainage, available moisture, and productive capacities of soils. Multiple patterns and colors are used to portray the 153 soil groups - coded and symbolized for in dentification. Each soil unit or group is evaluated by 16 characteristics. The more important characteristics are depth, soil drainage environment, geological source of soil material, available moisture, plant rooting zones, and dominant crop production. Copies are available for the $3.00, plus 18 cents state sales tax, from Land Resources Map, Box 6000, University Park, Pa. 16802. Make check or money order payable to The Pennsylvania State University. The map may also be purchased directly in room 232 of the Agricultural Administration Building at University Park. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through. Friday, except holidays. THUS The map has already been used widely by industrial and community planners, Penn State officials report. High school and college teachers find it helpful in studying earth sciences. It was developed by Howard W. Higbee, professor emeritus of soil science, who considers it vital for soil and water resource managers. Lung tests scheduled LANCASTER - Pulmonary function testing will be conducted by the Lancaster County Lung Association at their offices, 630 Janet Avenue, on Tuesday, May 25, 1976. Hours will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Testing is done by appointment, which can be made by calling 397-5203. Cost of the test is $2.00. The test measures lung capacity and is useful in diagnosing symptoms of lung disease. Persons ex periencing shortness of breath, prolonged cough or has been a heavy smoker is advised to take the test. Results of the test will be sent to the family physician. N. J. crops up 5 percent The New Jersey Crop Reporting Service report on prospective plantings for April indicate that New Jersey field crop intentions are up about five per cent. Com and soybean crops account for most of this increase. The state’s com SPRING SALE planting intentions about 140 thousand acres are up about 9000 acres, or seven per cent above the 1975 planting. They forecast about 92 thousand acres of soybeans. This is an increase of about 11 thousand acres over last year’s crop. BATTERIES .. Sfco f* Absorbers -| i All 111 Starting At w *37.00 -*9“ STEEL BELTED RADIAL J™ y FR 78 xIA *37.60 PRICED THE BEST FOR LESS MICHELIN BLEMS ♦
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers