Ten F&H [Continued from Page 1] irrevocable trust fund established by the late Elmer Esbenshade and are made annually. The Farm and Home Foundation added two scholar ships to the program from then- own funds for those students interested in studying nursing. \ • /HP ■ jp u 3 * 4'V \V 2 ini corn way to cut production costs. You simply combine two jobs—fertilizing and weed control —into a single feed and weed application. It’s easy with ARCADIAN" liquid fertilizer. We’ve been doing it successfully for years. You get the herbicides you need mixed with a complete liquid fertilizer made to match your soil and crop requirements. And with ARCADIAN liquid, you know you can get smooth, uniform fertilizer distribution which is so important for getting uniform quality and maturity. Even small amounts of micronutrients are distributed evenly across every acre. .So if you want to tighten up the efficiency of fertilizing corn, from now on, see us. (^emical Plant Foods LEBANON CHEMICAL CORP. ALLENTOWN, PA 18105 (215) 434-7106 Recipients of the Farm and Home Foundation scholarships were named on Tuesday evening of this week. Three recipients were (from left) Mike The students selected to receive the awards, represented six Lancaster County schools including Pequea Valley, Garden Spot, Solanco, McCaskey, Cocalico and Donegal. Three students selected home economics majors while five chose agriculture as a field of study. The remaining youths are planning careers in the nursing field. Representing myriad talents and interests, the following students will be receiving the scholarship awards: Joyce Denllnger Joyce is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis R. Denlinger, Belmont Rd., Gordonville. The / ■ijx !| /+7 THE ABSTAR total farrowing environment FULL LINE PARTS DEPT. WHY WAIT! E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. NAME R.D.I, WILLOW STREET 717 — 464-3321 LOOK AT THIS INSTALLATION OF OUR SOW CASTLE COSTS LESS THAN BUILDING YOUR OWN Call Us First SOWCASTU • i .. .the new, economical, plug-up-and-go The new SOW CASTLE by AGSTAR provides animals with comfortable conditions they thrive on a completely protected environment just what any good pork producer needs to save more pigs and boost income. And, while your new SOW CASTLE is cutting stress on animals it's also giving you a comfortable place to work The SOW CASTLE comes complete with farrowing stalls, feeders, waterers, slotted flooring, heaters, ventilators every thing except the sows All you'll need to do when it’s delivered to you by flat-bed truck is hook up water and electricity, .then start saving more pigs Models are available in 12 and 24 foot widths (24-foot model shown above), and lengths to 50 feet Combination n nursery/farrowing buildings are also available Call today for complete information, prices, and delivery date to your farm. Bank Financing & Leasing Available. SEE OUR SOW CASTLE ON DISPLAY |~ Please Send Me Information on d Calf Castle □ Sow Castle □ Pig Castle a Hog Castle Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 15,1976—27 Hartman - Garden Spot; Joyce Denlinger - Pequea Valley; and Barbara Koller - McCaskey. daughter of a dairy farmer, Joyce is a member of the Holstein Dairy Club and enjoys sewing and related crafts. The Pequea Valley High School senior has served as secretary and treasurer of the community sewing einh and is an honor roll member. The 17-year old miw will be attending Goshen College to study home economics. Michael Hartman Mike is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Hartman, Narvon Rl, and is a senior at Garden Spot High School. An active member of the Grassland Environmental FFA, Mike has received numerous awards for his outstanding contributions in the of [Continued on Page 28] ADDRESS. %
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